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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Soraka

26 Aug
Greetings Fellow Summoners and Welcome to my very own review of some of the champions I have played as.

Please note this is my own personal review, some of the things I may say about certain champions may not be to everyone cup of tea and some may totally disagree with what is said but I write this merely from my very own experience playing League of Legend and not from the views of anyone else.

First review rightfully has to go to the first ever champion I played as, Soraka.
Now I understand...
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23 May

Views: 1042 Soraka

Hello this is my first BLOG so bare with me as I may just ramble here

When I first started playing League of Legends I was told to start with an easy champion, One of the recommended one who were perfect for beginners so I decided on SORAKA because I liked the idea of supporting the team to victory, A very important role indeed.

Now what usually happens is after a while you get bored of the starting champion and you move up to a stronger and more difficult champion to play with but I seemingly stuck with Soraka because playing her I began to notice something special about her and that...
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