Posted a Comment: Mar 20th, 2014
"hmmmm... From that short paragraph that game doesn't feel it was that bad actually . :P
It is all about the attittude you adopt (positive right?) and then trying to make plays out of that. You tell that Orianna to stay by tower and farm it up as much as possible and you organise for a 4-5 man ga"
Posted a Comment: Mar 20th, 2014
"Yea Dill i think that's how most people are building her at the moment. Alot of stuff on this Forum are about building her more ad/tanky. there was a question in the Q and A and if i were to browse around a bit more i'm sure i would find something else."
Posted a Comment: Mar 19th, 2014
"Haven't been up against an ad fizz yet, how is it?
And yea alot of stuff you learn in this game is from when you play. Experience and general knowledge make you better at this game. Just keep playing and experiment and you'll see how it works out for you.
Exemple for this. Lately ap evelynn]"
Posted a Comment: Mar 19th, 2014
"Yea. Siilver 5/4 aren't too much different from bronze 1/2. Once you reach silver 3 + i find that's where you meet the best of silver.Though games get even harder to carry because at that point you are up against even higher skilled players.
Posted a Comment: Mar 19th, 2014
"Sounds fun:P"
Posted a Comment: Mar 19th, 2014
"Backdooring towers every day!XD"
Posted a Comment: Mar 17th, 2014
"Agreed! Forge on! As it is the only way to get better, is to play against people that are better than us!:D
You can do it!