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Posted a Comment: Feb 6th, 2012
"Well, whoever says that top lane ends at lvl 9 is plain stupid... Most time, Top Lane farming ends at 30:00 mins with lvl 18, this is then the top-laners are enough farmed to deal their dmg. There are some exceptions for that, like garen, but garen falls of hard onto lategame. He is the perf"
Posted a Comment: Feb 5th, 2012
"So, why Shyvana beated up irelia and gangplank?"
Posted a Comment: Feb 5th, 2012
"I list some mistakes i found:
At Quick Reference, Wriggle's Lantern is missing at "Returning to lane". Also you could say something to vampiric scepter or just adjust that.
Or even delete that section, the cheat sheet is quick reference enough.
Summoner Spells: I would put"
Posted a Comment: Feb 5th, 2012
"Another one to add to the list: tryndamere?"
Posted a Comment: Feb 5th, 2012
"For Singed I would say farm domination instead of lane domination. But later in the game, yes, he can have the lane domination with ult on. I hit that point around lvl 9 where nobody can bully me out.
And what happened to Olaf, why is he now shit?
And why nearly nobody listens shyvan"
Posted a Comment: Feb 4th, 2012
"Well, what the jungle bots would do if you counter jungle them?"
Created a Thread In General Discussion On: Feb 4th, 2012
Best Top Laner?
What do you think? Which one is actually the best top laner?
My credits go to singed, because he is my man and can make a comeback anytime.^^
And you?
Posted a Comment: Feb 4th, 2012
"Enemy's QQ if they see my super farmed unkillable Singed with 300 AP.^^"
Created a Thread In General Discussion On: Feb 4th, 2012
Legendary Master Yi Skin, Master Yi buff?