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Posted a Comment: Jan 19th, 2012
"i would have said eve or singed, but well..."
Posted a Comment: Jan 19th, 2012
"So, the new jungle jax. AD or AS Marks? (AD Quints are mandatory anyways)"
Posted a Comment: Jan 19th, 2012
"wit's end gives AS while the bloodthrister gives ad and lifesteal. Perfect combo.^^
And an early phage is mandatory because jax is squishy and needs that hp early, he also can use the damage and that goddamn slow which is near to OP. Think about an item with 1300 gold which can gi"
Posted a Comment: Jan 18th, 2012
"You should plan in wriggle's lantern, an early phage and mercury's treads for the beginning. This 3 are the core items for the new jax. And now, you can build either Frozen mallet + atma's impaler or warmog's armor+atma's impaler+trinity force(more gold = more dam"
Posted a Comment: Jan 18th, 2012
"Jax is no longer viable at top lane, way to low sustain. You need to jungle him now."
Posted a Comment: Jan 17th, 2012
"Well, it was more a joke...
But I think, you will see more dr. mundos at top lane. With that changes, he is a pretty good candidate for atrimog's combined with FoN, which deals high damage but takes nearly no damage. Mundo has also one of the best farm potential in the game, even if outlaned."
Posted a Comment: Jan 17th, 2012
"You remember this?
And now with the halved heal costs it should be even better."
Posted a Comment: Jan 17th, 2012
Created a Thread In General Discussion On: Jan 17th, 2012
The greatest of all time, AOE JUNGLE MUNDO makes a big comeback! They halved the early need of pots, so you maybe can start with a vampiric scepter. Needs more testings, but jungle dr....
Posted a Comment: Jan 17th, 2012
"Now AOE Jungle Dr. Mundo will be even more viable.^^"