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Posted a Comment: Jun 18th, 2011
"I'd play this garen with defensive masteries, you don't have enough survival.
And I'd replace the two PD with youmuu's and atmars, both give you very much crit chance, armorpen and dmg. All what you need."
Posted a Comment: Jun 17th, 2011
"Ehm, hp-regen is in a fight useless, you need the same hp-regen of mundo's sadism to have effective hp-regen in a fight. And Morde doesn't have that...
BTW: Hextech Gunblade has a slow, which is stronger as the slow of rylais."
Posted a Comment: Jun 17th, 2011
"But this can completly destroy your game, too. Brutalizer is way better..."
Posted a Comment: Jun 17th, 2011
"One tip, get a 2. Regrowth Pendant after the 1. This gives you all the hp-regen to cast your spells everytime. And later, you will build it into Force of Nature."
Posted a Comment: Jun 13th, 2011
"Never suggest a snowball item as standart on any champ..."
Posted a Comment: Jun 13th, 2011
"Or you take full crit chance runes, so you need only one pd and one ie to full crit chance^^. Also this gives you an epic earlygame and epic jungling."
Posted a Comment: Jun 9th, 2011
"Ehm, did you look at the 4. Build?"