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Nyoike's avatar


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Rep: Memorable (54)
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Nyoike's Mobafire Blog

12 Nov
I'm not sure if anyone really reads this, or cares for that matter, but I figured I'd post this anyway. (Sorry, I get depressed on the weekends...)

Like I said before, I was planning on overhauling my old Annie guide, "Tactical Tibber's Too Terse Terminations". And due to a distinct lack of time I've been unable to do so.

I have also had plans for a Sejuani guide and a Viktor guide to come out, but again, not enough time.

Well, the good news is that winter break is coming up in a few months and I will have plenty of time to work on things then. The bad news is, I've got...
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24 Aug
I am going to be update, or rather overhauling, my guide for Annie pretty soon.

I have reworked items/runes/ etc. after some input from wRAth and I am also working on updating all of the smaller details, possibly more info about wards(?), along with the graphics as well.

I will post another blog post when I get it updated to let peepz know!

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide