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ShiftyCake's avatar


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ShiftyCake's Mobafire Blog

07 May

Views: 541 Champion Stories

Karthus and Fiora are up now, sorry for being late. Artwork is not up yet.

Also, I won't be posting whenever I put them up anymore seeing as there is a set date. Just check them at the dated time for the new ones. That's all i have to say, so enjoy.

EDIT #1: Riven artwork is up. not the others sorry, he is extremely busy right now. Oh yeah, and here's the link to make it easier. silly me to forget.
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05 May
I have a date to keep! Damn, I haven't even started :/ and it's saturday night. damn. DAMN. Gotta get off my butt and start some work (except I have to sit down to start work...what? me no speak English). Anyway, this is just a gibberish post. I'm thinking of doing something else other then my story's. Which means random idea developing time! Basically do lots of **** and an idea mysteriously comes to me. Simple right? Better get to videos or something. Or staring at a wall...

As I sad, gibberish.

EDIT #1: Next two champions shall be Fiora and Karthus. No, I will not be...
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03 May

Views: 541 An update on my works

So I have created the Introduction/Chapter 1 to my novel/story called Sedah, found here. Now, the graphics are not there yet, just plain old fashioned words for the moment. I am hoping to secure a contract (this makes it sound official doesn't it? goosebumps :P) with lacorpse. I've gone through her work and love it.

Now hold up, don't I already have an artist? Why yes I do, thanks for noticing *special feeling*. I have an artist for Champion Stories. I wish to have a different style of art for my...
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01 May

Views: 582 I need some help

I don't know if any-one will answer this, but I'm asking for some help. I'm creating this new idea/story, as you read. The problem is the characters. Now, I am keeping Mundo and Alistar. What I'm not so sure about is Ahri and Riven. So there are two ways to go.

The first is, I pick two different characters. I don't know most of the champions lore though, and it will take a long time to find the right champion. If you guys know any lore that would fit this story I would be grateful if you would tell me. I'm looking for champions that have something they need or searching for. Like how...
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30 Apr
Just thought I'd give you a little something from an idea I'm forming. Sneak peak per say.

I smiled slowly, evil emanating from me. A cleaver grows out of me to replace the one I’ve lost, twisting and warping my flesh until it forms its shape. “Please don’t, please,” Ryze says as I start to dissect him. “We don’t have time to play around,” I hear sharply on my earpiece, “you know the stakes.”
“Understood, Mundo out.”

I slowly survey my surroundings like a wolf surveying its kill, checking for that insufferable Ryze. “Move Ahri,” The voice told me, “Ryze has been taken care of,...
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