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ShiftyCake's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Hecarim

23 Apr

Views: 667 hecarim

Hecarim + Alistar = OP

that's right. When you get them together, they're just so incredibly OP it's not even funny. How do I know this? I played a game with my friend with it, and we got 4 kills straight up. basically we both have cc's while dealing high damage + alistar tanks the damage. Early game, it makes it easy to take them out. Just gotta get behind them.

So yeah, if you're playing with a friend then try alistar and hecarim.
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18 Apr
I realize it's a bit late to post this, but I failed to think of it at the time. Yes, my mind failed to comprehend the seamless possibilities of fathoming the inner mind of Hecarim.
That's right.
My mind isn't perfect.
Damn shame isn't it.
It's ruined any pretense of being perfect.
Ignoring such an incomprehensable truth, I resolve to continue the pretense of being perfect.
Yes, big words do make you sound smarter.

So onto something important. Hecarim. My first impression. First off, let me point out that while Hecarim is good at jungling, you cannot jungle him at first level....
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