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Shuru's Mobafire Blog

27 Mar

Views: 682 Depression.

This is going to be in a different light than my planned blogs, but it's a topic I really want to talk about.

Now my last blog was about dealing with being bad at LoL, and how to improve at LoL. Now that's a topic that was, and is fairly important to me, but not as much as this. Depression is a huge part of what made me think about that blog, and why I wrote it.

You see, I'm severely depressed, and unmediated, and sometimes a little... crazy. I go through my day with a smile on my face, work hard, laugh, have fun, and talk with friends, I bear a lot of responsibility, and make sure I...
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20 Feb

Views: 892 Improving your LoL play.

Getting better at a game like LoL can be pretty difficult, And it's quite a journey too. You're gonna win games you should lose, Lose games you should win, win games that teach you nothing, lose games that teach you everything, win 4v5s, win 5v4s, feel bad about winning an unfair game, feel good about winning a game that was unfair to you, There's so many things that can happen on your trip from level 1 newbie to diamond I veteran.

This blog isn't going to be about how to learn LoL, how to get better, What strats to use, or anything like that. What it is going to be about is common...
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19 Nov
Hey guys, shuru here. I recently came back to league and this website, and was thinking a lot about why I quit league, and why I have depression strikes when I watch pros in many games.

In a game like LoL, we have out goals, we have our expectations, and we have our eventual wants and needs. I'm a gamer at heart, beyond beliefs, I've gone pro in a few games (namely smaller games off of the radar), and I've been on PvP leaderboards for multiple MMOs. What does that mean to any of you? I've been up there, I've had pro plays, and so on in many games.

Not in LoL. I've had decent play,...
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28 Jul
How ya doin guys?

Terra here back with another blog. I know it's been forever, long story short is I got a job working 6 AM to 2:30 in a warehouse quality line. It's a lot harder work than I thought it'd be and I've found a bit less time to play games.

Here's the deal though, it's not as bad as it sounds. I wake up at 4 and get ready for work, get home at 3 and I can play. I go to bed at 10 and do it again. schedules are different though, 8 AM schedules usually let off at around 4 and you get home at 5. This kinda sucks, you don't have as much time to play, so let me give you a few...
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07 May
Alright, here's the deal. I was ridiculed today for dodging a normal. OH NO IT"S JUST A NORMAL LIGHTEN UP TERRA NO BIG DEAL.


stop right there.

when top shaco is going tank, mid is AP draven (like legit AP), and bot lane is ADC eve support jarvan...

you know what? no, I don't have to explain myself. Go **** yourself.

Serious time now.

People like to troll, it's fun, yeah I do it too, ever heard of support m>okai? yeah I did it ALL THE TIME in S2. But there are guidelines to trolling. OMG NO WAY! THERE ARE?

well not really. Trolling is trolling, you do it...
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