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The Overmyynd's avatar

The Overmyynd

Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (139)
Status: Offline

The Overmyynd's Mobafire Blog

09 May
Red horsehair flashed as the spear came whizzing like an arrow towards Shaco's face. A quick twist of the shoulder, and the side of the blade felt cold as it barely kissed his cheek. Retracting just as fast as it leapt in, Xin Zhao readied his spear for another lightning fast strike. A flurry of red and silver flashes surrounded Shaco, but he barely dodged every single attack, a scratch on clothes here, a crimson hair caught on an exposed blade there. But his body remained untouched. Tumbling back into the bush, Shaco created a clone, and sent it leaping towards Xin. Surprised, he set...
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09 May
Twisted Advances, the Birth of a Legend
Silence. Solitude. An uneasy peace permeates the air in the Twisted Treeline, the smallest of the League of Legends Arenas. Trees creak silently as a gust of wind blows through the two lanes of advance, and temporal rifts begin to appear on the platforms at the ends of the arena. Light particles break off from the rifts in sporadic patterns as they grow larger, and begin to take shape. After a few moments, the twisting patterns of light dissolve, and 6 Champions appear in two groups, 3 on each platform. They take a moment to look around and...
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