Posted a Comment: Apr 3rd, 2019
"Honestly, its really bad that they are nerfing him if that is the context. Vladimir is meant to be a champion who is meant to counter any new champion that Riot makes. He has a better early game than Kayle, he can use W on Sylas' ultimate, he can also do the same on Neeko, and harass Riven in the ea"
Posted a Comment: Apr 3rd, 2019
"Thanks! I was wondering that about bad early game champs like Kayle. "
Posted a Comment: Apr 1st, 2019
"Would you recommend Dark Harvest for mid lane against bad early game champs?"
Posted a Comment: Mar 13th, 2019
"Ah, I can see that. As a Kayn main, usually Kayn can get counter-picked really easily (in my opinion) which is also why I really don't play him as much, though I'm trying to get back into him."
Posted a Comment: Mar 13th, 2019
"That sucks, wish he had more options."
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2019
"Just wondering, do any other runes work with Zed? People said conqueror works but that was before its rework."
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2019
"Kayn actually should be easy to pick off since you're ranged as Teemo. In fact he has a bad early game because of no passive when in base form. Don't see why he is as high as a threat."
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2019
"What runes besides sorcery can you use on Azir?"