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Toshabi's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Renowned (509)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 23278 [user_id] => 36605 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 34413 [display_order] => 4 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2015-04-23 21:22:44 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/toshabi-draws-image-heavy-34413 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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Toshabi's Mobafire Blog

02 Dec
Oh goodie! It seems that MOBAfail has done something right for a change. Blogs that I can fill up with my thoughts and opinions about the losers and puppets I play with on LoL. That's simply fantastic! I was going to make a tumblr for all that stuff, but hey, this is a little bit more convenient, seeing how I have an active audience of people I torment right here on the MOBAfire website.

I suppose I can take a little time to introduce myself for those who don't really know me all too much. I'm the self-proclaimed villain of...
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02 Dec

Views: 2921 HotshotGG is not a god

Stop fapping to his streams. Stop fanboying over him in threads. Take down that alter of him I know you have in your closet that you pay tribute to at the start of every game. And please oh please, enough with the "Hotshot's guides are ****ING AMAZING, what are you even ****ING TALKING ABOUT" remarks to me when I talk to you off site about how terrible his guides are. Admittedly he's a good player, but that doesn't mean you need to shove your **** into a picture of him at every available moment. It never ceases to amaze me how much people cling to any advice he gives like it's the...
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02 Dec
I've been thinking about doing this for the longest of time now (ever since march), and I think that now might be a good time to throw up the secrets behind how I play jungle twitch. For the few that have played in a game that I've tryharded in, they know just how great Jungle Twitch can eat up an entire team, including invading the opposing teams jungle nonstop and getting off nearly 100% successful ganks for the idiots that don't pink ward enough. I was actually going to post it up last month, but then another member posted up their build on jungle twitch which instantly turned me off to...
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