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Posted a Comment: Mar 6th, 2024
"Thanks for putting out a guide with combos for Hwei. Just started working on learning the champion and I've been using your guide and videos as a place to start. Made this based on your combo guide. It isn't the most polished thing ever since I was just using paint.
Posted a Comment: Nov 21st, 2022
"Oh, forgot to mention the new pings. 1 if I do them on the mini-map the ping wheel is super tiny. Might be partially due to my resolution, but they are pretty darn hard to read. I guess sort of useful, though I was fine with the four we had.
Ward pings such as need ward here, I still quite gott"
Posted a Comment: Oct 13th, 2021
I agree that you should be getting objectives bot side if the enemy jungler is camp"
Posted a Comment: Oct 11th, 2021
As in if you are being camped and your jungler isn't helping you then you expect them to be getting Dragons?"
Posted a Comment: Oct 6th, 2021
"I do recommend learning how to play as him and what his patterns are as it makes laning against him much easier. Which makes it much more likely that you don't feed him in lane so it takes longer for him to come online. "
Posted a Comment: Sep 28th, 2021
"In retrospect getting a Serpent's Fang on Yasuo or Ezreal could have helped quite a lot, but it is not like it is a normal item to build on either of them so I don't blame them for not thinking of it. "
Posted a Comment: Sep 26th, 2021
"Oh, if you do leave a losing laner out to dry and they manage to hold it together and contribute to the team, consider giving them an honor after the game for Staying Cool. "
Posted a Comment: Sep 26th, 2021
"Metallichydra, not a dumb question at all. If your jungler is leaving you on an island then you are going to have to deal with that. There could be several reasons for it and those don't matter that much. What matters is what you do.
For instance if you know you can kill your laner at level 3 "