I think Hecarim jungle might be a little busted right now and I didn't see anything any the upcoming patch notes that suggest Riot is going to do anything to change that.

Caveat. I've played a decent amount of Hecarim jungle in the past using him to go 9-1 in my placements one season when he was also under the radar busted.

Average game time has been around 28 minutes in Silver 3 and breaking into Silver 2.

I'm going the Enchantment: Warrior build into Trinity Force with Phage or Sheen as the first component depending on how much gold I have when I base.

You will be on the squishy side before you build Sterak's Gage, but you tend to come in fast and furious and have a lot of healing once you get Conqueror proced and if you have Spirit of Dread active so you can survive quite a bit of punishment even while building full damage.

Standard route Red > Krugs > Scuttle if you have lane priority or think you can contest the enemy jungler. Otherwise Red > Krugs > Raptors. You will likely get low enough taking Krugs that you will have to use Smite so keep that in mind regarding whether or not to try and contest for the scuttle crab.

Look to be active on the map early. When you have Ghost up and come flying in with Devastating Charge active you will get Flashes at a bare minimum and kills are likely if your laner has any CC to follow up on your engage.

I've had decent success lane ganking with my ultimate up. Without it ganking from behind or from the side works reasonably well because you pass by wards quickly.

I tend to spend my time camping Bot lane as there are two kills there and two laners to get ahead and if you can keep the ADC down or their support from roaming to impact other lanes it can prove really effective whatever else is happening on the map. Also puts you in a good position for Drake control.

I feel like it is preferable to end the game as early as possible as your ability to thrash people in one go falls off once you start into your tank items. So, go hard early and make sure there is no late.

And by go hard, I mean start ganking overextended lanes after you first buy if you haven't already and always be prepared to drop whatever camp you are doing and get to any skirmishes that develop on the map as you are a beast in those types of situations. You can get there quite quickly between Ghost and Devastating Charge.

Typical early gank would be to Ghost past any wards and then activate Devastating Charge at a point where it should still be active should they Flash so you can catch up to them and knock them back toward your teammate.

When you have your ultimate, Onslaught of Shadows, you can activate Ghost, activate Devastating Charge then ult such that you end up behind them which will fear them toward your teammates, then hit them with Devastating Charge to knock them further toward your teammates. A while back they gave Hec a quality of life buff where the Devastating Charge timer gets paused during your ultimate so you don't have to worry about it falling off.

Your ultimate goes through walls (even more than one if the spacing works for it).

If you activate your ultimate before you get hit by a form of crowd control you will still move the normal distance of your ultimate and the CC will be applied at the end. This can be used to get yourself out of dire situations or to make sure you get the fear on a key target(s) before getting locked down for the duration of the CC.

It is good to make plays with your team because Spirit of Dread heals you for 30% of ALL damage taken by enemies in its area of effect. E.g. Diving into the enemy while your fed Miss Fortune is ulting their team will heal you for a boat load.

You get bonus AD based on how fast you are moving from your passive Warpath so make sure to proc your Q as your are charging in to maul an enemy or monster camp.

You can use the Devestating Charge dash AA on towers for a nice chunk of damage (just don't get ahead of your minions). The dash will also go over some of the thinner walls on the rift and will pop you out of Jarvan IV's ultimate if you can tag someone on the other side of the wall or Cataclysm.

Your Q, Rampage, actually gets stacks (up to 2) and does additional damage per stack (up to 20% at 2 stacks). It used to be that you could take advantage of this when clearing camps to get additional healing while Spirit of Dread was active, but they've capped the healing you can get from minions and jungle creeps so it is no longer necessary to maximize your Q stacks before using Spirit of Dread.

The change also made it so Smite only helps as far as damage if you haven't exceeded the cap. Again because of they way that Spirit of Dread used to work you would want to Smite during the duration of Spirit of Dread.

Honorable mention clear if you are running Hunter's Talisman, which you should be.

Blue > Wolves > Q the Raptors as you run past them > Red > the raptors will stay leashed and keeping coming to you and between your Q, W, and the interaction with Hunter's Talisman you can siphon off enough health to basically end up at full health after finishing your Red.

I have gotten invade before when do things, which can be a little awkward since you are juggling more activities than normal while clearing your Red.

If you start Krugs try to clear them on spawn each time to maximize your experience game.

You can leave two of the tiny krugs and still hit level 3 with Scuttle Crab.

Favorite Skin is Lancer Zero Hecarim
Worse Skin is Worldbreaker Hecarim