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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Rek'sai

28 Feb

Views: 1790 Rek'sai

Don't have a lot of time for ranked at the moment since I'm spending some extra time prepping for an upcoming Aikido test. Should get a few games in come the weekend.

I'm wavering a bit on the ADC role. With Lucian dropping down it feels a little harder to take control of the lane with a crit based ADC. Or in other words the lanes feel more support dependent. (and the quality of supports is a complete **** shoot in soloqueue).

Not ranked, but I've had some good games on Ezreal and...
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09 Oct
I've started a little project for myself, which is to become proficient on all the of champions that Stonewall008 mentions as recommended junglers in his video (insert link).

Jarvan IV

I've played a decent amount of Amumu, Elise, Jarvan IV. Only a game or two here and there on Vi. And up until now I've only plinked around with Rek'Sai back around when she first came out.

I've racked up three or four Rek'Sai games over the last couple of days and decide to put together a list of some of things I've found with her in my...
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