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Posted a Comment: Jun 3rd, 2016
"Glad I could help! Hopefully you can get to level 30 with this guide and get placed in the league you desire!"
Posted a Comment: May 30th, 2016
"I tried the item on her and I could see it as a viable option. You really don't do well early and going into mid game. You really have to rely on your teammates which you rarely can do. I wouldn't recommend it but it could be a possible build if you needed a tank Evelynn."
Posted a Comment: May 30th, 2016
"I do agree with you, but the only problem is that with Thunderlord's Decree, you do a huge amount of burst damage to the first champion you dive on with Ravage (E) and Hate Spike (Q). I really like this burst damage as I simply use Frenzy (W) to catch up with enemies. Plus we have "
Posted a Comment: May 30th, 2016
"Yeah I can totally appreciate that. I got into that whole "Dead Man's Plate is so OP that you can out tank everything" stage so I just kind of stuck with it. It is always an option to switch out the two items, as it just depends on your play style. I like that we run around a decent am"