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Twisted Treeline: A Tale of Flamers and AFK-ers

Creator: Re4XN October 26, 2017 4:58pm
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2017 4:58pm | Report

I have gained a sudden and inexplicable interest in 3v3 Ranked Flex and have made it my goal to reach Gold V by the end of the Season (meaning that I must achieve this rank by November 7th a.k.a., I have < 10 days). There is no ulterior motive behind this climb, I just feel really tired of Summoner's Rift and have decided a change of atmosphere would do me some good.

Having said that, a change of atmosphere has done me no good whatsoever because people have no idea how Twisted Treeline works; raging kiddies who can't achieve high ranks on Solo/Duo Q (myself excluded, obviously) apparently vent out in 3v3's and Oh, boy! does the flame-train run in this game mode. When you see someone insta-lock Tryndamere and your team lacks a Jungler, you ask: "RagingKiddie, have you ever played Twisted Treeline before?", to which they reply "lol, no :D" and you are left there dumbfounded, wondering whether you should dodge or give this poor excuse of a troll a chance.

In spite of all the above, I have learned to love Twisted Treeline, and it will forever have a place in my heart. With this, I dream of the day when I achieve a high enough rank in this blasted Ranked Queue where I am able to have a game without flaming someone, being flamed or rushing the enemy Nexus at 9 minutes because their Azir went 0-3-0 against me. I will keep on fighting until I find a spot in the ladder where quality gameplay is a thing.

the road so far

You are welcome to drop a comment below if you wish to cheer, discuss strategies/give advice, flame me or tell me I am hot, although I already know this last part is true. This thread was started mainly with the intention of seeing how much I'd evolve in these 10 days, since I am pretty much a noob on the Twisted Treeline map. I'll keep you guys posted of my progress and any important discoveries I make. Wish me luck!
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2017 5:58am | Report

Poppy is legit broken on Twisted Treeline. Fast clear speeds allow you to gank immediately after a full clear (Wraiths > Wolves > Golems) and thanks to Heroic Charge you are guaranteed to either get a kill or burn Summoner Spells. Overall, a very easy game, their team comp really sucked and they couldn't do a thing.

And so it begins. Insta-locking Teemo because his Tryndamere got banned. I didn't want to dodge out of lazyness and ended up paying a costly price. Garen trolled really hard and when I asked whether they have ever played Twisted Treeline, they said "lol, no :D". F*ck my life.

One of the first things you learn about Twisted Treeline Ranked Queue is that you don't have nearly enough bans; you are guaranteed to face a meta champion if the enemy team has a brain at all, in this case, Syndra and Cho'Gath took the cake. Our Galio easily took care of their AP Carry and I focused on helping him out, since ganking Sion was really hard. The game was way too long and way too difficult, and I have no idea why. We had everything we needed to win, except Veigar having a brain. He was constantly out of position and getting caught, and our damage died with him. We managed to win quite a few team fights when he didn't go monkey on us (even being able to Ace them at Vilemaw), but his terrible positioning ruined the game. And how the hell do you peel a Cho'Gath + Sion comp anyway?

Decision making is a lot more important in Twisted Treeline than in Summoner's Rift. If one of your team mates (or you) screw up, it can mean game over. In 5v5 you can carry one bad player; in 3v3, that one bad player will f*ck your game up and there's very little you can do to get back. Anyway, back to square one with 0 LP. I need something like 26 Victories to achieve Gold V rank. I likely won't be able to play much today/tomorrow due to a 28 hour exam. So, there's that.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2017 9:15am | Report

Mordekaiser had a few issues with turret diving, but I was able to apply enormous pressure on their Shyvana, clearing her camps and capturing their Altar. Vladimir won his lane against Darius, so when team fights started, they had next to no damage or crowd control to stop us from running them over.

In champion select, Olaf asked me whether he could hyper-carry with me as support. I said why not? So there I go and lock in Poppy, take Heal + Exhaust and Jesus H. Christ, the man knows what he's doing. This strategy leaves me with very little gold to work with and I fall behind in levels, but that's not really a problem because Olaf capitalizes on the extra gold and experience. By the end of the game, he was 4k gold ahead of the enemy and 2-4 levels ahead of them. I really liked the combo, so I asked him if he wanted to Duo Q for a while, to which he said yes!

The difference it makes to have a good Duo Q partner, holy sh*t! Poppy + Olaf won us four games in a row with very little effort. This last game, Jarvan IV insisted on going Jungle, so there was nothing we could do but split. I went Bot as Ziggs and shoved wave after wave, taking the turret fairly quickly. Nidalee pulled a few good roams off and was starting to snowball, but we were already too big for her to handle us all by herself. With me split-pushing and Yasuo + Jarvan IV baiting the enemy, it was a matter of time before the enemy Nexus fell.

I made it to Silver III promotions! Need to win two games now in order to move up. I'll try to Duo Q with that Olaf guy whenever possible, since it just ensures 2 out of 3 players on my team aren't idiots, and even if the last one is, there is a high chance we'll be able to carry him.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 28, 2017 1:59pm | Report

Long story short, after winning this game I lost the promotions. Nevertheless, Urgot carried me back to the qualifying matches in no time! The Twisted Treeline specific items are incredibly ******ed in certain situations. For instance, Lord Van Damm's Pillager is pretty much a free Crest of Cinders, which combined with Purge makes for a sick combo!

If Moonflair Spellblade existed on Summoner's Rift, it'd be broken AF, period. Combine this obnoxious item with Galio's anti-mage kit and you have a winning combination. I learned that Tenacity stacks multiplicatively, since in the end I only had 45%. Overall, an easy game, Hero's Entrance makes for really easy gap-closing when your team needs you; although I was fearful of Singed losing lane to Illaoi (which, I might add, is completely busted on Twisted Treeline), he proved to be quite able with the match-up, running the poor guy over and over again.

Promoted to Silver III! Only two divisions left to climb out of, if it keeps going like this, I'll be Gold V way before the Season ends.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 29, 2017 5:15pm | Report

Interesting game. I panic-picked Warwick, which is not really a very good champion for Twisted Treeline and had my fair share of trouble. However, Jarvan IV was able to deal with Yasuo really well and Veigar held his own against the enemy duo, allowing me to farm both jungles and control both Altars for a good part of the game. After this match, I lost seven in a row; the amount of people who go in Ranked 3v3 without any knowledge whatsoever of how the mode is played is astonishing.

It turns out Gangplank isn't half as bad as I thought he'd be on Twisted Treeline. I had to go with the bruiser build, since we lacked a tank and it really paid off! I won my lane against Gnar, but when mid game came Yasuo kept getting caught alone and fed Akali quite a bit. He eventually redeemed himself and was a very important source of Crowd Control for the team. This game was extremely hard because of the enemy team comp and we were losing for the most part; the tides turned when Akali ran into one of Shaco's Jack In The Boxes, which combined with Powder Kegs proved very fatal. I managed to stall the game for quite a while, since Gangplank has a really good waveclear and in the end, stubbornness prevailed! I am really proud of this game, even though I seriously considered dodging it.

Ending the day on a good note, I won a game after 7 defeats. Although sad that I was one win away from promotions and then fell into an abyss, this isn't much of a setback and I should be able to reach Gold V by the end of next week.
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2017 8:12pm | Report
I have bad news, everyone. I won't be able to achieve Gold V by the end of this Season, main reason being I will have my Saturday + Sunday full with University assignments, a presentation of said assignments Monday, an exam Tuesday and another exam Friday. Season 7 ends November 7th, Tuesday. I guess I could, in theory not give a sh*t about all that work and reach the desired rank with some effort, but that obviously ain't happening.

One important thing I lastly learned about Twisted Treeline is that it is incredibly hard to climb Solo (at least early on), so if any of you guys are interested in starting a Flex 2/3-man team climb Season 8, I will gladly have you. The amount of coordination required to counter an enemy duo/trio (or a good comp) is just absurd, so knowing what you're working with goes a long way. Anyway, it's been a fun journey, that will be on a halt until January 1st (although I'll still play in pre-Season).

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