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As Annie, how do I lane against Zed?

Creator: kmph March 8, 2018 6:43am
kmph's Forum Avatar
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Mar 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2018 6:43am | Report
I always lose BADLY against all but most stupid Zeds.

How do I lane against an enemy whose abilities outragne mine and cannot be dodged? (Are not skillshots?)

He has two combos I have no answer to.

First: My Q range (and thus, my stun range) is 625. His w range is 650. This means he can place his shadow next to me before I can stun him. Then I cannot dodge his shadow's q and e. This alone can deal large damage to me. The threat of his w+q+e combo is enough to zone me under the tower. But then again, he can wqe me even while I'm under the tower. And since I'm slower than him I cannot even retaliate by q+w'ing him after he wqe's me - I need to come closer to him. Unless I waste Flash, he can simply wqe me and then back off and then I cannot retaliate.

Lv 6 is even worse. He can place his shadow behind him. Then he ults me and bursts me. Then, before I can stun him, he teleports to his shadow. He's safe. Perhaps that's the issue of my poor relfexes, but especially if he just ults be and immediately teleports, I cannot stun him.

The result is, I most often feed against Zed ;/

Zed is one of the worst champs I have to face for this reason. Those like Lux are hard, but fair - they're skillshot based, so it's up to me to dodge these skillshots. But Zed is impossible insofar as he can harass me or even burst me while giving me no opportunity to dodge his attacks AND EVEN no opportunity to retaliate and trade! He can damage me while constantly staying perfectly safe!

Too bad it is also a very common pick mid. If I see a Zed I only have hopes he will be stupid. That's the only way I can win or even survive against him. In any other case I'll feed.
Prate_k's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2018 8:08am | Report
Don't give him a chance to get his combo on you in the middle of the lane. Farming under tower will force the zed to make the plays, by taking risks + making mistakes, or roam, where if you follow... after level 6 are more useful to the team. Early on you might want to get some health stats items. But you should have your stun ready for when he dives you and nail him with all the burst. You always have that time of window before you die from his ulti and the zed switching places with the shadow, you could possibly try ulti at that position.
donuthole's Forum Avatar
Mar 5th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2018 9:31am | Report
dont shove so u'll be under tower ^ wht he said :D, and try to stun him in the middle of his combo and ulti while he's stunned and since ur annie u do busloads of dmg once u stun + ulti lol or just play draft and ban zed. btw zed's q is a skillshot
kmph's Forum Avatar
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Mar 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2018 5:39am | Report
Ugh. They've buffed zed even more this patch. Will be tough.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2018 5:43am | Report
You can just ban him if you play draft mode, that's what I'm planning on doing from this patch onwards.
Hamstertamer's Forum Avatar
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Jan 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2018 8:56am | Report
Razor Shuriken is a narrow skillshot and it can be dodged. Zed only deals high harass damage if he lands both shurikens and procs Electrocute and you can most definitely avoid that.

Living Shadow has a long cooldown that can be abused. When it's down he can do nothing to you and you can bully him.

At level 6 you're supposed to Stopwatch his ulti and Tibbers his ***. Rush a zhonyas if you want to hate on a Zed since it gives you armor and counters his ulti.
kmph's Forum Avatar
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Mar 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2018 9:49am | Report
btw zed's q is a skillshot

Razor Shuriken is a narrow skillshot and it can be dodged

Ikr but it doesn't matter if it is shot from a shadow that has just been placed right next to you

if he lands both shurikens and procs Electrocute and you can most definitely avoid that.


Living Shadow has a long cooldown that can be abused. When it's down he can do nothing to you and you can bully him.

RIght; I can zone him, but I can't hit him cuz he's faster than me

you're supposed to Stopwatch his ulti


Tibbers his ***.

Only if I can hit him before he exchanges with his shadow behind him
KatariFIRE's Forum Avatar
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2018 5:13am | Report
I can't think of any good way to survive Zed as Annie during level 1 - 5.
It's hard because he out range you and he can poke all days cause he's energy based champ.

The only way you can win this lane is focus on CS and avoid his poke, but boy is it hard to do because he can use his Living Shadow to extend his range and have 2 directions shuriken projectiles.

But after you reach level 6 it's 50-50 lane.
You can use your ult to kill him when he ult you or being clumsy.
Don't forget to use Stopwatch whenever he combo you though.
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
xTedxBundyxLoL's Forum Avatar
Feb 18th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2019 2:51pm | Report
I would say a good idea is, if you cant counter pick him, that's probably the best strategy. But if you cant or just dont wanna play another champ, counter him with your runes, and with your items, be patient you may have to fall behind in cs miss some minnions but just be patient wait for the mid game, until it's time to group then at that point annie will have alot more potential to do thing in a teamfight, shes a very good teamfighting champion, zed is not he is a good 1v1 1v2 assasin. So yeah simple stuff pretty much, sometimes you gotta lose your lane, and your tower, your cs lead it feels bad, but the game is not lost at that point, ull just draw more attention to your lane from enemy team and your team, which forces teamfight situations which is what you want, of course youre gonna get the flame and the trash talk from both sides, but know your strategy and play it through, good luck.

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