Dotter wrote:
You calm down, boy!
Call whoever you want, I'm just gonna get rich by using troll science and then you can have some of my infinit moniez
Then you can share it with all of us.
Because you can give infinite moniez to everyone and still have infinite moniez!
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.
Tired of troll science?
Get a girlfriend, she's real and actually a girl.
What have this to do whit the subject matter? (or lack there of)
Looks like i have to use my magnets pulling a magnet car to come get you!
Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
If i made a helpful comment on your guide/build, then hit that +rep button. or don't, its not like i care.
You need to log in before commenting.
Some of you probably already know the site (pointing at Toshabi <3)
It is basically what the name suggests: The actual truth.
Science that isn't invented by people wearing glasses