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Toshabi's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Renowned (509)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 23278 [user_id] => 36605 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 34413 [display_order] => 4 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2015-04-23 21:22:44 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/toshabi-draws-image-heavy-34413 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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Toshabi's Mobafire Blog

01 Apr
Good Morning to all my dear MOBAFailians.

I've been reflecting on the subject of League for quite some time, and I think that it's about time I share my insight and thoughts of competitive ways of how I go about this game. There have been a few guides I've outlined in the past, but now, I believe it's time to cash on in on them and show you the way of how Toshabi plays League of Legends.

I know I've been the harshest critic of guide building as a whole, but after having an enlightening discussion with PotatisFarfar, I feel like I've a new way to look about it all. Guides being...
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01 Feb
You know, I never really talk about MOBAfail all that much in these things. Perhaps it's time to change that.

What's the point of all these guides here anyways?

I look around MOBAfail quite a bit and, honestly, I don't understand the need to have hundreds of guides about the same champion from which 90% of those guides all give:

1. Same rune setup.
2. Same masteries.
3. Same skill sequence order.
4. Same boring tips and descriptions of moves.

And to be honest, the reason for this is the voting system around these parts and the (lol) guide mentoring sections. Let's...
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29 Sep

Views: 790 The New Login Screen

Good God, that **** is so cheesy. People ACTUALLY thought that song was touching/relevant to League of Lame? Holy balls!

And it's sad because some of my acquaintances teared up from listening to it. I need to find new friends.

Anyways, let's find some music/login screens to replace this really stupid/cheesy one. Fire away MOBAfailians.

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19 Aug

Views: 2228 The Artists of MOBAfire

Preface: My shipfic is currently on Hiatus. I got 2 clients I'm working for atm and I want to actually make it into a flash game, which takes time to do. Plus I wanted to get some other projects going, some of which will be discussed in this thread (maybe).

Notice, I didn't use MOBAfail for an instant. That means this is a SERIOUS TOSHABI THREAD!

I'm thinking about starting some projects on here, but that all depends on one single question; Do you even draw?

That being said, I want to get an idea of what our...
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23 Jul
Yes. I'm in need of subjects. Particularly 5 League of Legends champions and 5 MOBAfailians who will offer their names to star in my new adult rated fan fiction "MOBAFailing in Love: A Shipping Tale". It will, like every fan fic out there, be based on high school students who have bodily features of 24 year old models and a sex drive as erratic as a geiger counter being thrown into the heart of Chernobyl. The subject of class? Summoner to Champion relationships. The class, of course, is taught by yours truly in this fan fiction. But what my students don't realize is the champions...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide