The thing why AD+ support is being played is because of this "supporting" aspect.
The support doesn't last hit/at least if the ad is there so he doesn't take any farm and the ad farms his *** off.
All "standard" supports have a shield or a heal which boosts the sustain of the lane.
Some supps have great crowdcontrol ali/leona.
I wouldn't say it's not viable but AD + support has it reasons ;)
The support doesn't last hit/at least if the ad is there so he doesn't take any farm and the ad farms his *** off.
All "standard" supports have a shield or a heal which boosts the sustain of the lane.
Some supps have great crowdcontrol ali/leona.
I wouldn't say it's not viable but AD + support has it reasons ;)

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
Going off what koksei said, the main reason you stick a support down there instead of more damage is because you can only really get one person farmed. You remember pre-30 when the lane setup was 2-1-2 and mid always seemed to have more cash? It's simply because they don't have to share last hits. When you have two people bot lane that scale really well with last hits, it becomes a fight for farm. It's just not great for the team having two underfarmed people.

Just take something else as a 2nd AD Carry,
e.g. Jungler on bot instead of the jungle. Why? Cus most Jungler don't need that much money and are not itemdependant as other champs (yes yes they still ned something). But their damage scales well even without all the farm.
e.g. Jungler on bot instead of the jungle. Why? Cus most Jungler don't need that much money and are not itemdependant as other champs (yes yes they still ned something). But their damage scales well even without all the farm.

Your friend is wrong. For right now AD+Support is the best set up possible. With Lulu in the mix it is possible we might see AP+Support bot.
If your friend insists on being wrong it's simple tell him
-2 AD splitting farm is bad because neither gets strong
-Support+AD bot is a safer lane
-AD+Support typically means there will be a ward in or around dragon+tribrush at all times.
-Overall your friend just seems to be rather new to the game, or ignorant to how LoL is actually played. If he wants to test the theory that double AD>Support+AD I'll gladly make him see why he's wrong.
If your friend insists on being wrong it's simple tell him
-2 AD splitting farm is bad because neither gets strong
-Support+AD bot is a safer lane
-AD+Support typically means there will be a ward in or around dragon+tribrush at all times.
-Overall your friend just seems to be rather new to the game, or ignorant to how LoL is actually played. If he wants to test the theory that double AD>Support+AD I'll gladly make him see why he's wrong.
Lol, I really don't think there's anything left to add to this discussion.

The most in depth guide to Twitch around.
Props to wRAthoFVuLK for the beastly sig and putting up with my request XD
Hey, you should help me on acquiring Medieval Twitch!! :D
TBH AD carry archtypes are fairly weak laners.
Now with the sustain nerfs, even most supports are weak laners.
I think over time new methods may evolve, but not methods like adding more weak laners into the mix.
Now with the sustain nerfs, even most supports are weak laners.
I think over time new methods may evolve, but not methods like adding more weak laners into the mix.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Early game, the
Miss Fortune and
Graves will win, no doubt.
Early game from the
Miss Fortune and
Graves perspective:
>>: You can't distribute the farm nicely between
Graves and
Miss Fortune.
>>: They won't have a support.
>>: No support means no wards
>>: No wards means death from jungler and ganks (considering the enemy has one) as well as leaving dragon vulnerable
>>: They may get a tower.
>>: They may get a kill or so
Early game from the
Caitlyn and
Taric perspective:
>>: Not as much damage going through.
>>: Will be out harassed unless that
Caitlyn is really good and the opposing
Graves and
Miss Fortune are really bad.
>>: Late game you have a Support
Caitlyn gets all the farm
>>: Your support will ward
>>: Wards save lives and protect dragon
>>: You can get that tower back easily in late game if you push
Late game, the
Caitlyn and
Taric has a better payoff.
Choose your poison.

Early game from the

>>: You can't distribute the farm nicely between

>>: They won't have a support.
>>: No support means no wards
>>: No wards means death from jungler and ganks (considering the enemy has one) as well as leaving dragon vulnerable
>>: They may get a tower.
>>: They may get a kill or so
Early game from the

>>: Not as much damage going through.
>>: Will be out harassed unless that

>>: Late game you have a Support

>>: Your support will ward
>>: Wards save lives and protect dragon
>>: You can get that tower back easily in late game if you push
Late game, the

Choose your poison.

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Like take a cait taric lane against, say... MF/Graves. Which wins (assuming good skill on all involved)?