Shaco can still dominate low elo due to lack of coordination and how well he snowballs off mistakes made by enemies. However, he's very much a "feed or get fed and win" type champion in the sense that he isn't very useful unless he's murdered a lane 5 times by 10 minutes. All he can really do after laning phase is help with objectives and splitpush if he isn't ahead of everyone. Can be deadly in the right hands but ultimately riskier the higher you go.
I ****ing hate that mofo clown
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)
Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!
Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Heres my Shyvana guide! I will dance in their ashes
IF shaco is on your team, bound to be incompetent and useless.
IF shaco is on enemy team... time to run and hide.
IF shaco is on enemy team... time to run and hide.
Want a guide destroyed? reviewed?
Hi Lies. if u ask me shaco is lots of fun. I dont really play jungle that much but if i do, Shaco it is. he is pretty good, but he doesnt fit in every team. Well u might think: isnt that for every champ? yeh but for shaco i think just a lil more... And he somewhat is pretty hard to learn, i dont know why but i see alot of bad shaco players and i also have been a really bad shaco. i dont really know what makes him hard... but i just played him and now i can play him pretty good somehow. some people also dont know how to play him well... alot of people play him like a normal jungler... if u do that yeh then hes ****. ur role is to get the enemy jungler behind by counter jungling. not by staying in ur own jungle like a lil B word. some people also dont take smite on him becuz his early clear is pretty descent, but that ****s ur role(counterjungling)up. and every team can benefit with a smite for like gettin baron and stuff. you somewhat just need to make some plays early cause he will fall off late game if u dont. If i forgot to mention something i will post it later on. but i think i put anything in here. Well i should defenitely get shaco if i was you, hes viable at every ELO imo if played correct. just make ur enemy jungler ur B word. Well, Have fun playing :D
I've played enough against and with Shaco to say he sucks balls... as in, he sucks when he feeds and it sucks when he gets fed.
You can completely shut down lanes with his ganks, but you need to take advantage of the snowballing and finish the games early. Late game clown needs a level of skill I have seen only in streams.
You can completely shut down lanes with his ganks, but you need to take advantage of the snowballing and finish the games early. Late game clown needs a level of skill I have seen only in streams.
Totallynotn00b wrote:
IF shaco is on your team, bound to be incompetent and useless.
IF shaco is on enemy team... time to run and hide.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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I want to expand my roles because I rarely get the top lane role. I may not be a good player over-all, but I managed to get out of Bronze and now sitting idly in Silver 3. But that was mostly thanks to Irelia and the guide somewhere here. Of course with a little personal tweaking, it worked like a charm.
Anyway, back to Shaco. I've asked a friend who is in Gold 3 if Shaco is still a jungle monster. He flatly said no. I asked him why and he said something about Shaco being weak, and all.
After watching a couple of streams, Shaco seemed oodles of fun, and can clear a camp quite fast.
In most games, both normal, and rank, I find my cs'ing to be a little weak, so I figured jungling might suit me better. I don't know.
So, any opinions on Shaco?