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Creator: NicknameMy June 10, 2013 8:28am
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 8:28am | Report
Since I already made some reworks (which nearly nobody liked...), this is now the option onto you how would you think a champ should be reworked to be more viable in ranked and competetive play.

Topic of today: Master Yi. Which type of Master Yi would you like to see if he is reworked? We all know that he actually isn't in the best spot and he needs work to be material for ranked and competetive play.

Some options (you can bring your own option aswell):

1. Let him focus even more on Splitpushing
2. Make him a bruiser
3. Make him a pure AP
4. Make him a real assasin.
5. Turn him into my favorite, AP/AS Yi (You can find it here)

I would like to know from you, which type you would prefer and give a hint on how the abilities have to be designed.
He is gonna kill you!!!
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 8:46am | Report
Make Riven's Q a skillshot instead of making it go in the direction she's facing.

Allow Sona to manually target with her Q and W.

Add the range indicator of Thresh's lantern to Orianna's ball.

Make Quinn's Vault behave like Cease and Desist so that CC applied to her during the animation only takes effect after she lands.

Make Flash not automatically smartcast. Same with other skills like Acid Hunter and Lay Waste.

Add range indicators to every wall-jumping skill so you don't fail jumps due to the range indicator sucking.
Rewriting Riven Guide Useful Programs Thread Sig making
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 9:18am | Report
I've heard that they want to change Master Yi a bit more assassin like.

So you can expect that E changes.
What I'd expect to see:
P - Normal as always. Double AA is still very strong, whether having attack speed or not.
Q - Maybe add a small AD ratio to it. Like 50% bonus AD or something
W - It's fine.
E - Maybe "On-next-attack" effect. Like: "Passive: Gives bonus AD"
"When activated, Master Yi's next hit will reduce the enemy damage done by 15% and reduces enemy movement speed by 20%"
R - I dunno, I think it should stay the way it is.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:05am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:

P - Normal as always. Double AA is still very strong, whether having attack speed or not.
Q - Maybe add a small AD ratio to it. Like 50% bonus AD or something
W - It's fine.
E - Maybe "On-next-attack" effect. Like: "Passive: Gives bonus AD"
"When activated, Master Yi's next hit will reduce the enemy damage done by 15% and reduces enemy movement speed by 20%"
R - I dunno, I think it should stay the way it is.

Q's AP ratio would have to be dropped to 50% as well or else you're gonna have something really strong on your hands.

Also, what's the reasoning behind the E change? He doesn't have any problems catching up to people at all, and damage reduction on just one person? Not really useful. If it was more "assassin like" it'd just be a larger damage boost, with a longer cooldown.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:10am | Report
His E already has a long cooldown, rather a shorter duration. Actually, everyone of his skills has a long cooldown.
He is gonna kill you!!!
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:14am | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

Also, what's the reasoning behind the E change? He doesn't have any problems catching up to people at all, and damage reduction on just one person? Not really useful. If it was more "assassin like" it'd just be a larger damage boost, with a longer cooldown.

Nvm what I said, im drunk :P

Now I look back I see how stupid that comment is xD
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:20am | Report
Drunk banana? Someone paint that pl0x
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:47am | Report
^ I second this.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 11:52am | Report
^ I third this :O
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 12:13pm | Report
NicknameMy wrote:

Actually, everyone of his skills has a long cooldown.

Because he's an "assassin." His ult resets all your cooldowns if you get a kill. Compare him to Talon or Fizz who just "one and done people" and go cry if they can't kill someone. Getting 2 assists makes it so you can re-do your damage, and you get more damage if done right too. <_<

If you want him to fit into the "carry" role, you're going to have to drop his base damages, up his scaling, and just make his primary function not split pushing.
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