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Advice on My Trundle Item Build

Creator: ZeUnit July 18, 2013 2:30pm
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Jul 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 2:30pm | Report
First off I want to mention I have only just started playing this game a month ago, and I'm loving it. I am quite new, only level 15, but manage to win most of my games in Normal Blind Pick. I would really appreciate it if people gave me some advice on my build!

I rarely see Trundle getting played, apart from when he is a free rotation pick, and even then many people fear to play him, or fear to play him well. I think Jungle Trundle is ok at best, but his ganking abilities are lackluster as he can't really close the gap, even with Frozen Domain and Pillar of Ice, so I prefer to play him top, which is what this build is for.


This build focuses on making Trundle quite tanky, and lets him enter the enemy team and disrupt them, but easily escape, kite and generally troll them. It also lets him keep his health topped up at all times, letting him always stay in lane. I will go over the items I use, and explain why I use them:

Black Cleaver -
I use CDR items because I like to be able to get up my ice pillar ASAP in order to aid my escape from the enemy team when they chase, and in general the ice pillar is good in fights for seperating the team and stopping their escape. Similarly getting up the Frozen Domain regularly is important in this build, which I will explain later. Extra health and AD is always good on Trundle and lets him be a bit more disruptive and tanky. Armour pen is also useful, especially us in conjunction with Subjugation as it lets him hit harder when he has stolen the enemies armour. Also the armour steal passive works well with his ultimate too as they have practically no armour when you have fulls stacks and your ultimate on them.

Ravenous Hydra -
The health regen on this is amazing, and when used on your Frozen Domain, which boosts health regen from all sources, you can heal up quickly after a big fight, and reduces need to return to base, meaning you can easily push opponents out of lane. The AD bonus is nice too, and the life works well with his passive, plus the bonus from Frozen Domain. The passive also lets your clear up minion waves quickly, and lets you heal quickly with help from your passive as minions will fall around you. Active is also nice.

Randuin's Omen -
Tons of health, tons of armour. Nice. The passive means nobody will ever catch you when they attack you in your Frozen Domain, and the Ice Pillar aids this. The active just means if anybody really builds speed, or uses ghost you can stop them from catching you.

Spirit Visage -
This is the gem in this build. Magic resists and health is very nice, lets him tank a lot, especially with use from his ultimate. The CDR, as mentioned before, lets you pull of your skills all the time. The other passive is AMAZING however. It increase all regeneration effects by 15%, which boost the regeneration from Ravenous Hydra, which is boosted in your Frozen Domain, and also boosts the heal on your passive. All those healing items put together means if Trundle is ever low on health he can just farm a minion wave, with his Frozen Domain and he will be pretty much full by the end. This item is amazing.

Frozen Heart -
Amour and Mana is always good. The CDR again means your skills are always available. The passive means enemies will never be able to damage you enough, especially with help from Randuin's Omen.

The Final Slot -
I leave this slot for an item to react to the enemy with. If they aren't really trying to counter me, a Zephyr is nice as it gives movement speed, boosted in the Frozen Domain, and attack speed, boosted in the Frozen Domain, and extra damage which lets me knock down turrets all day. The CDR is always good, and the passive means nobody can try to slow me in my Frozen Domain. If they are trying to stop me with CC, an early Mercury Treads will take the last slot. BotRK is also good for the last slot if you are dominating lane as it adds more life steal, AD and attack speed, all good stats on Trundle. Warmog's is good is they are trying to really push you out of lane but you can still escape. If they build AD or AP, I just build extra Armour of MR accordingly. Simple.

There are some items that are suggested or people use in their builds and always recommend that I feel are wasted potential:

Trinity Force -
Saying this may make Phreak cry, but I don't like Trinity Force on Trundle. Not only does Trundle not have a high gold income in general, unless you can really dominate your lane opponent, but some stats I feel are wasted. The AP doesn't have much worth on Trundle, along with the Crit chance. I will explain why I don't like Icy later, but Spellblade is alright. Although there are only a few things that are wasted on Trundle, in general a few wasted stats goes a long way, and it takes up and item slot, so I'd rather not have it.

Wriggle's Lantern -
Unless you are jungling, don't bother.

Frozen Mallet -
The extra health and AD are alright, but it offers nothing more that I want. The passive, Icy, has no use in my opinions, because with Trundle I'm not trying to attack the enemies much, I'm trying to disrupt them, slow them, make them chase me and annoy them. It's only real use would be slowing down enemies that are running to catch them, but Frozen Domain plus Pillar of Ice lets me catch up easily, plus all the movement speed I have built.

Youmuu's Ghotblade -
Inferior to Black Cleaver in general. The extra crit chance is useless and does not beat the extra health from Black Cleaver. The active is ok, but the Black Cleaver active works better with your ultimate, and this active has a cooldown.

That is pretty much my item build. If you want anymore information, like build order then feel free to ask.

Now, since I'm a noob, I would really appreciate it you pro players could tell me if there are any problems with my build, like if some items are not worth it, and if there is any wasted potential, or if it's wrong to dislike any of the items I did. I am open to feedback, so please tell me what I am doing wrong so I can get better at trolling with the Troll King!
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 2:34pm | Report
Youmuu's Ghostblade and Frozen Mallet are both good items on Trundle because you have AS steroid ability which makes you hit much. You usually have some kind of boots when the game ends and I'd prefer either Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads. And if you're jungling I'd pick Spirit of the Ancient Golem over Wriggle's Lantern because I find it so much better. Also, Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart aren't too good together, especially if the enemy doesn't have many champions that benefit too much from attack speed.

Just my opinion.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 3:29pm | Report
Trundle is meant to be an autoattacker, if you arnt attacking people then you arnt playing him right

of course youre only level 15 so the people youre playing against arnt gonna be that amazing at the game so yeah, this isnt the worst trundle build ive seen but autoattacks are good to use when playing trundle
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luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 8:30pm | Report
Blade of the Ruined King, to me, is core on him. It helps with AAs, gives you LS and that gap closer you mentioned.

You have 50% CDR on your build. I would call that overkill.

Don't go for Frozen Heart. Not worth it.

Ravenous Hydra is good. Randuin's Omen is great.

Also, Youmuu's Ghostblade is better than Black Cleaver for him. The AA burst, coupled with the MS on top of all your steroids and LS makes a 1v1 monster. No stat is wasted on this item.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 11:06pm | Report
luiz beat me to it. The troll has no way to prevent himself from getting kited in lane, so getting something with some sustain, burst, and a gap closer really helps him out. Trundle has a really really strong base attack damage for low levels, which means that he has a wide variety of possible item builds, that can possibly include BoRK, Brutalizer -> Youmuu's or TheBlackCleaver, and Zephyr.

MAYBE you can get a Trinity Force as your 6th item to seal the deal and make him deal imba damage.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2013 11:21pm | Report
Get one damage item and then go tanky unless you're snowballing hard.

I like going for bortk sunfire visage
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2013 1:47am | Report
yeah botrk is probably the only real damage/offensive item i get on him and then i build tanky, visage is core on him too with all the healing he gets
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ZeUnit's Forum Avatar
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Jul 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2013 7:29am | Report
luizdeh wrote:

Blade of the Ruined King, to me, is core on him. It helps with AAs, gives you LS and that gap closer you mentioned.

You have 50% CDR on your build. I would call that overkill.

Don't go for Frozen Heart. Not worth it.

Ravenous Hydra is good. Randuin's Omen is great.

Also, Youmuu's Ghostblade is better than Black Cleaver for him. The AA burst, coupled with the MS on top of all your steroids and LS makes a 1v1 monster. No stat is wasted on this item.

Thanks for the advice, this all makes sense. Yeah I think the CDR is a bit too overkill, you are right. I have switched in Youmuu's Ghostblade instead of Black Cleaver because I do feel it works better, plus my CDR means the active can be used reliably. Would you suggest using Frozen Mallet in this build too, instead of Frozen Heart? The damage and health are good, and I think icy does fit in if I am building more AD and attack speed, and I don't need the extra CDR from Frozen Heart
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Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2013 7:44am | Report
I don't like Frozen Mallet very much, but Trundle is one champion that benefits from it. I just think it's too expensive for what it does.

But at the end of the day it's a good buy on him, for all that stickyness and tankyness it adds, it surely makes him a better duelist.
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2013 4:03pm | Report
honestly id rather get Iceborn Gaunlet because it works well with your Q instead of frozen mallet, you wont have a problem sticking onto people with your W steroid and E slow so you dont really need frozen mallet

normally what i build is BotRK, Iceborn, SV, Sunfire, dah boots of tenacity(unless you build spirit of the golem then get whatever boots) and as a 6th item you can build whatever, wit's+sunfire is good since youll always be in range and autoattacking people or spirit of the golem for the tenacity, youll still be dealing decent damage with the AD sap from Q so you dont have to build pure damage
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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