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TinyStar's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (113)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 22 [user_id] => 268632 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 18012 [display_order] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-04-24 17:26:05 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/tinystar-s-signature-boutique-18012 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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TinyStar's Mobafire Blog

17 Jan

Views: 1089 Helloooo :)

I feel like it's been forever since I have been on here. I come on here and some things have changed o.o; Life has been very busy,and I have had a lot of opportunities come my way. Hope all is well with everyone :)
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18 Sep

Views: 901 League Diary?

Lately,I've been doing really well in my games. I've been supporting as Sona and so far I've won all my games with her. I feel like these past few weeks my "training wheels" have been taken of and I'm a big kid now. I've been able to go on my own,be comfortable with myself, and win games. I can't believe a year later and I'm finally "decent". It hasn't been an easy road for me. I use to be so scared to play all by myself,but now I can play with people and not be bothered by their flaming. I'm very proud of myself. I have a positive score with...
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09 Sep

Gah,school has been keeping me so busy T_T Oh well, I hope you all had a great Monday! I know a lot of people are finally returning to school. This blog post is just somethings that I like (and list of things that I like so I don't forget >_>) Boys,feel free to skip the make up section.

Okay, so lets start with food. I'm a very picky eater. On top of being a picky eater, I love junk food. It makes me so mad how fast I can gain weight. I've been trying buy healthier foods and such,but it can be hard :s These are a list of...
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31 Aug
):< My boyfriend and I's three year anniversary is coming up in January. 98% of my friends are married and have kids already. They keep asking me when my boyfriend and I are going to get married and have kids. I even have family members asking now. They think it's silly of me to want to wait until I have lived on my own for a year or two. That I won't have enough time to get married and have kids. You know what, it's MY life. If I don't want to get married that's my choice. I'm so tired of it. Stop asking. I'm only 20,I'll be 21 in six months. In my opinion, I'm still too immature and...
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29 Aug

Views: 1499 Things are looking up.

So last year I had received a full amount of $5,500 for my schooling by FAFSA. If you don't know what FAFSA is,it is a form you fill out,sent to the school, the school reviews it, and decides based on the info you provided how much money they can give you to pay for class. Well, last year I did not notice the child support question(child support given to my mom for my little brother) and this year I did. Based on that the school only gave $1,000 this year. my full time classes cost me $1,300 and for full time they could on give me 500 per semester. I started freaking out. This made my...
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