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TinyStar's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (113)
Status: Offline
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Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 22 [user_id] => 268632 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 18012 [display_order] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-04-24 17:26:05 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/tinystar-s-signature-boutique-18012 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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TinyStar's Mobafire Blog

22 Nov

Views: 998 Beauty Obsessions

Fall is here,so I've embraced some warm rich colors. I'm a girly geek or geeky chic.So I'm excited to do this.
I wanted to share my beauty obsessions. I like soft looks or natural looks. The images are big so I'll just link them. Note I do buy high end products on Amazo nbc I can get them for half the price. I don't actually pay 50 dollars for a foundation.

Anyways,I have sensitive skin so Lancome,Maybelline,and CoverGirl seems to be the best brands that doesn't break me out. I'm going to start off with foundation.

I love...
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22 Nov

Views: 1193 Just a rant.

I just want to state this right off the bat.I'm not the best in LoL. I play just for fun,would I like to be really good? Of course! But I hate playing with others because they get all upset because we're losing. At time,I am the one causing the sinking ship,but I do have my off days.

My point is,instead of being a brat for losing why don't you ask your teammate,"Hey ____,I see you're struggling would you like some help?" I would NEVER be mean to anyone over a game. There are more important thing in life than a game. I understand...
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21 Nov

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope you all enjoy your meal and realize the things you do have.
I know we all get caught up in things through out life and forget we have.
Last year,my mom was unemployed last year due to bad management in the law firm she worked at.
We almost lost everything. I was always spoiled because I'm the only girl out of five boys,so everything was handed to me in some type of way. Don't get me wrong we're not rich,and I was always taught that I earn things in life and the word no....
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20 Nov

Views: 897 Weight Loss Update.

Well,the past month I've gained weight,so I've been on a diet for the past two weeks. I've lost 2.5 pounds. It hasn't been easy because I'm a sucker for candy,but I've been way less. I'm an emotional eater. When I'm upset I eat. If I'm stressed I eat. If I'm bored I eat.

I want to lose 7 pounds by New Years. I have been exercising and watching what I eat.

Hopefully,I can make it to my goal.
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19 Nov
Blah,I just woke up with a horrible upset tummy. Best part is,my stomach is empty. It's 4:50am where I live and I was in the best sleep. I guess have some toast and drink 3 cups of water. In the meantime I guess I can make a tutorial on something ^.^
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