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TinyStar's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (113)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 22 [user_id] => 268632 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 18012 [display_order] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-04-24 17:26:05 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/tinystar-s-signature-boutique-18012 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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TinyStar's Mobafire Blog

06 Apr
Blah, once again I've been gone for month -.- School has been keeping me busy. Hey nothing right with straight A's, right? I've been working on an Miss Fortune guide for months and I could never seem to get peace and quiet to put it together so I had to make it while I have mom bothering me, and life. If my mom feels like I 'm not listening sh'll say rude things and get mad. Sigh. The only time I get to think straight is in the shower or late at night. So, I finally put up the guide. I'm only 70% happy with it. I need to fix things. I like things perfect and this isn't perfect,...
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01 Mar

Views: 608 Lol,Teemo.

So last night, I played as Teemo. At times I get bored playing Miss Fortune, so I was thinking, "I have Teemo and never played him before." So we play and everything. I die about six times.
(-_-) Then,out of no where I start getting kills. I know Teemo is easy to play,but I was really proud of myself. I had 17 kills,6 deaths,and idr the assists. I'm going to practice with him some more just to see if the team we played up-against was really bad XD.
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27 Feb
My English class was canceled today,so I took the day off so I can get somethings done for school. I always use up my day on Friday to study and such. Over the weekend,I can't get a thing done. Our new house is a two bedroom with another room without a wall. That room without the wall is my room. I can't study into the night time because everyone is so loud. Well,I told my mom I took Wednesday(today) off so I could get work done. Guess who is home? My mom. It was nice and quiet,I was working productively,and it was sorta relaxing. Until,I hear the garage door open. Reallllllllllllly? You...
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31 Jan

Views: 776 19 going on 90.

Well,my birthday is on Sunday,and I'm not happy about it. Honestly,I haven't enjoyed a birthday for three years now. Idk if I'm realizing I'm getting older, or if I'm just not happy about my birthday in general. Either way, there is no happiness about Feb. 3rd...

I miss being seventeen/eighteen. I'd love to turn to clock and go back to high school,meet my boyfriend all over again,and be a senior. It was was all too simple. Now, things are getting complicated. I'm feeling rushed to get engaged and married. I don't want to rush my life like I did when I was 15. If I knew then...
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12 Jan
Hello everyone,

I hope you've had a great start to the new year. I just finished up the first week of my spring semester. Matthew and I celebrated our two year anniversary last Monday. I hope all is well with everyone. I have somethings coming up in the next few weeks,my mom's birthday,my birthday(Feb 3rd),and Valentines day.

Ahem,my birthday... I'm not looking forward too. I will be turning twenty. I shall no longer be a teenager. That makes me sad,but every birthday that we have in this world opens up another year for knowledge,new beginnings,and making new memories.

It seems...
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