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Wukong Build Guide by 0neTrickWukong

Jungle 0neTrickWukong JG Build

Jungle 0neTrickWukong JG Build

Updated on June 5, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 0neTrickWukong Build Guide By 0neTrickWukong 23 2 76,481 Views 1 Comments
23 2 76,481 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 0neTrickWukong Wukong Build Guide By 0neTrickWukong Updated on June 5, 2020
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Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Go-To Summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

0neTrickWukong JG Build

By 0neTrickWukong
Hello everyone. My name is 0neTrickWukong a USEast player. This guide is for v10.11. I have about a 75% win rate on Wukong and love this champ. He's very easy to play as he has a lot of escapes, can really do a lot of damage, and is pretty fun. I don't think he's as easy as most people say if you play him as assassin versus tank Wukong like most. However, with this build and rune set, you'd be surprised at the damage.
Starting with your refillable potion and hunters taliman, works really well. With Wukongs Passive you can stay in Jungle pretty easily. If you start on top side, start BLue>Gromp>Wolves. Here you can either invade, or go Red. If you choose to go Red, try and get the crab after. Wukong has great dueling potential early so feel free to use it. Especially if you can hide in river bush, cast your W for your clone, and E then Q immediately. You'd be surprised at the early damage that you can do. This will chunk most champions down. Very few you have to worry about. From there proceed on.
Mid Game
At Mid game, you want to control Dragons as much as possible. But don't be affraid to gank as well. You do a lot of damage after your second item. Once you have your blue warrior Jungle Item and Stormrazer, you will nuke most players (make sure you get dusk third!). Usually doing about 50% health just with these two items. Try and help mid push in, then go to dragon with your mid laner. This will help you do dragon faster and give you some security. Also, as soon as dragon is done, stay on top of your jungle. Farm your jungle and rotate towards Rift Herald. If you're in your jungle and the enemy jungler is down bot side, take Rift. The key with Wukong is to use the rift really early so you get plates. Even if it dies as long as you get some plates, its worth it. So feel free to push in, drop it and jus collect the money. This build is about getting your first two items as fast as you can. It really helps the damage.
Late Game
You're job with this build is to take out squishies. FInd out whose carrying on their team and make that a priority. If you're lucky enough to have a yasuo, use your W and Flash to get in position to ult for your Yasuo to do his ult. This is one of the best wombo combo's in game. Use it and abuse it. Make sure you keep dragon control, go for squishies. If your team is losing a teamfight and you weren't able to get a good initiate on the enemy, us your Ult to peel for your team to escape. But again, your main job is 1. Dragon control, and 2. Eliminate enemy team's squishies. Let your team worry about their tanks and big boys.
Final notes
This build does a lot of damage. Again, after your second item, it is really nice. If you're lucky enough to get your Blue Warrior Item, Stormrazor and Duskblade of Drathaar, you're going to be able to get most squishies quite easily. Your job is to tip the scales before team fights begin. So stay on top of it. It's ok to W to get in position. This isn't a tank build though so you might want to try it on Regulars before going hardcore into Ranked.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 0neTrickWukong
0neTrickWukong Wukong Guide
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0neTrickWukong JG Build

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