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Rakan Build Guide by VumixLegends



Updated on June 23, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VumixLegends Build Guide By VumixLegends 13 2 44,449 Views 2 Comments
13 2 44,449 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VumixLegends Rakan Build Guide By VumixLegends Updated on June 23, 2018
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Cheap Shot
Ghost Poro
Ravenous Hunter

Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


This is my first guide on Mobafire, and with some experimentation, I feel confident about publishing it. This guide will only broadly go over how to do well with this build, and the rest I want to leave up to you guys to learn on your own. Please leave feedback of good tips for both my guide and build, and how it can be improved, whether with different items, runes, or anything else. Keep in mind that although I am m7 with Rakan and main him (playing him for a few months), I am only in Bronze league and usually do fun builds like this in Normal Blind Pick. Nevertheless, don't let this stop you from playing it, as it is very entertaining to watch people be bursted with damage and the satisfaction of getting honors and S's.
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I mainly use the Domination preset because it is close enough to my ideal runes, and because I only have 2 rune pages that are filled and I am too lazy to buy another. To briefly go over each rune and its usefulness:
Electrocute is always your best bet when in mid lane. Your number one combo to deal damage is dashing in, using your Q and then auto-attacking. This is a huge burst of damage in mid lane and combined with your main rune will always result in a loss to your laner (This can be farm, health, and XP if they need to back). Cheap shot helps your combo by dealing true damage from the movement impairment you cause with your W. This can also be used on your ult. Ghost poro is nice to put in the river bushes, and ravenous hunter will benefit you late-game. Triumph will be very useful in fights with multiple enemies, as you get health and gold back, which could potentially save your life. Coup De Grace helps kill targets quicker.
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Ranked Play

Don't play this in ranked. (Unless you're confident you won't feed and your team won't report you for trolling)
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Pros / Cons

Here are some Pros and Cons to this build.
    High Damage
    Lots of tankiness
    Many Kills
    Wins games
    Gets a laugh out of teammates
    Can be brutally torn apart by enemy team if you aren't careful
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Don't use abilities to kill farm. It is hard to fall behind, so as long as you keep an adequate amount of CS, your gold income from other objectives is enough to sustain.
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Unique Skills / Spells

Here is a run-down of Rakan's kit and how to use it to your advantage:

Passive - Fey Feathers

You basically get a shield every 30 seconds or so. It's decent, and can save your life. Before you engage, it's best to have this up.
Q - Gleaming Quill

Throws a feather that deals a nice amount of damage, especially when you have AP built. If it hits a champion or epic monster, you get a circle that slowly fills around you. Once you touch a ally champion or the circle fills completely, you get apart of your health restored.
W - Grand Entrance

Dashes in, and after a short pause,jumps, affecting airborne on any enemy champions in your AoE. This is your best move to engage with, and leads into some good combos.
E - Battle Dance

Although essential to being a well-rounded support, this ability isn't needed that much until late-game. You dash to an ally and give them a small shield. This can be used again in a set amount of time with no cost, so it's good if you need to guard a teammate who's taking damage. Once you hit your Q, you can dash to a teammate to give them an overwhelming amount of health and shield (same thing is achievable, but not as practical, with your W).
R - The Quickness

This is your game changing ability when engaging in a team fight. You get a huge burst of movement speed that affects charm on enemy champions you walk by. There are a countless amount of combos you can achieve with this ability, my favorite being Ult > W > Q or Ult > Flash > W > Q If they are trying to run away.

Remember to bring ignite and flash as they are most effective to string with combos, and have a huge impact on your gameplay, especially when getting kills.
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Thank you for checking out this build! Please up-vote it and leave positive feedback. I also don't mind constructive criticism. Like I said, this is my first guide, and I spent a decent amount of time making it. I will make sure to update it as time goes by.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VumixLegends
VumixLegends Rakan Guide
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