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Runes: Main
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Cage is fun to punch through, oh wait, you can't.
Master Yi
Ult engage at the same time and it should be a free kill.
Master Yi
Ult engage at the same time and it should be a free kill.
Champion Build Guide
![]() | Your whole goal is to one shot and be the assassin the team needs. MORE BURST! One auto and they're deleted. |
Vi has a 90% ap scaling on her E giving her a early game advantage if she can build around it. You one shot and you have so many roaming abilities just use them!
You deal so much damage from a far, especially in lane. Your E is cheap and has a lot of poke damage that can be very beneficial to a full on engage. Your E has so much range so don't be afraid to farm, poke, and kill your enemy with it. So versatile because it scales off of ad and ap, provides range, and is efficient.
Although strong, one should not fully submit to the meta.
A key to being a good league player is having a great mindset, do not get tilted through harassment because you're better than them all. Consider Vi a different version of Shyvana, a champion who was considered a bruiser to an AP assassin.
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