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Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Harass with q and go for long trades early, just beware of the minion wave before you go for early kills.
Makes you immune to CC, super Ideal for team fights and in my opinion best is synergy.
Makes you immune to CC, super Ideal for team fights and in my opinion best is synergy.
Champion Build Guide
Katarina is an extremely agile and bursty champion, with a high-risk high reward playstyle. She is super rewarding when played right and her kit is fully understood.
Cons โ squishy, very vulnerable to CC, high-risk, many bad matchups/susceptible to poke
Kat goes great with tanky comps with lots of cc and support, when your comp is tanky it opens opportunities to look for all ins, While the enemies are throwing their cc at the front line, you sit at the back and wait for the enemy to be either low or have little cc.
Comps bad with Kat:
[Work in progress]
Some fun syneries with duo partners or friends would be Ivern

For more in-depth looks on her build's, refer to the item builds further up.
Passive: Voracity

First Passive: Innate: Whenever an enemy champion dies within 3 seconds of Katarina damaging them, her abilities' Cooldown reduction icon cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds.
Secondary Passive: Sinister Steel - Whenever Katarina retrieves a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing 68 โ 240 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 55 / 70 / 85 / 100% (based on level) AP) Magic damage magic damage and reducing Shunpo Shunpo's Cooldown reduction icon cooldown by 78 / 84 / 90 / 96% (based on level).
Daggers last 4 seconds before disappearing.
Q - Bouncing Blade

75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 (+ 30% AP)
The Dagger then lands on the ground 350 units opposite from where it struck the target. The time to land from striking the target is the same regardless of distance traveled.
W - Preparation

E - Shunpo

15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 50% AD) (+ 25% AP)
Shunpo resets Katarina's basic attack timer.
Upon blinking, Katarina remains in Channeling for 0.15 seconds. Movement command buffering is also delayed by 0.85 seconds.
R - Death Lotus

25 / 37.5 / 50 (+ 22% bonus AD) (+ 19% AP)
Katarina does not need to have Sight icon vision of the targets to hit them, and she will prioritize the closest ones.

Feel free to check out my Twitch and Youtube while you're here. Although I am extremely inactive on those platforms, I will be returning soon when I figure out how to get above 100fps streaming and recording. Oh, also my Twitter I am quite active though.
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