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Garen Build Guide by laoshin3v3

Top [10.18] Lao's Garen - Battle the infamy!

Top [10.18] Lao's Garen - Battle the infamy!

Updated on September 10, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author laoshin3v3 Build Guide By laoshin3v3 94 6 239,346 Views 6 Comments
94 6 239,346 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author laoshin3v3 Garen Build Guide By laoshin3v3 Updated on September 10, 2020
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Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[10.18] Lao's Garen - Battle the infamy!

By laoshin3v3

Hello there!

My name is Lao Shin, I'm 19 Years old and I'm a high elo Toplane Main!

I've played League of Legends since season 1, and have mained toplane since season 2. My second best role is midlane. Ever since season 3 I've been high Diamond and peaked Challenger multiple season's. League of Legends has always been my main game, the most fun part of the game is never learning out, there is always something new.

I've mostly been stuck to playing Riven in soloQ but i also have some competetive experience, I've played in some different team's from my country and always really enjoyed the competetive aspect of the game.

If u have any questions or simply want to see me play, u can check out my Twitch channel. I'm trying my best to teach toplane/midlane to everyone who is interested!

Garen has always been very good in the meta and was always playable unlike other champions. He just fits in every meta and is a very safe pick to play.

He has a very good laning phase cause he outsustains most of the matchups, the only real bad matchups for him are the ranged ones, but with his passive he can easily outsustain even them and decide the lanephase in his favor.

He is great in every state of the game. In the Lanephase you won't die that easily but you can always watchout to get a kill. In the midgame you beginn to do a lot of Damage even tho you get much more Tankier. Last but not least in the Lategame you are almost unkillable but still have huge ultimate burst against the enemy carrys.


+Very Good Laning Phase

+Good Scaling

+Gank Save

+High Carry Potential

+Has CC reduction with W

-Can get Kited

-Low Mobility

-Highly depends on his Q slow remove

Skill Order

> >

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Passive: Perseverance

If Garen has not recently been struck by damage or enemy abilities, he regenerates a percentage of his total health each second. Minion damage does not stop Perseverance.

Q: Decisive Strike

Garen gains a burst of movement speed, breaking free of all slows affecting him. His next attack strikes a vital area of his foe, dealing bonus damage and silencing them.

Garen breaks free from all slows affecting him, and gains 30% movement speed for 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds.His next basic attack within 4.5 seconds deals 30/65/100/135/170 (+140% Attack Damage) physical damage and silences his target for 1.5 seconds.

W: Courage

Garen passively increases his armor and magic resist by killing enemies. He may also activate this ability to give him a huge burst of Tenacity and damage reduction for a brief moment followed by a lesser amount of damage reduction for a longer duration.

Passive: Killing units permanently grants 0 armor and magic resist, up to a maximum of 40.
Current Bonus: 0Active: Garen steels his courage for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds. For the first 0.75 seconds, he takes 60% less damage and gains 60% Tenacity. For the remaining duration, he takes 30% less damage.

E: Judgment

Garen performs a dance of death with his sword, dealing damage around him for the duration and shredding the armor of enemy champions hit.

Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body for 3 seconds, dealing 0 physical damage to nearby enemies -- 14/18/22/26/30 plus 36/37/38/39/40% of his attack damage (+0), 0 times (increased by 1 every 3 champion levels) -- over the duration.Enemy champions hit by 4 spins lose 25% of their armor for 6 seconds.Judgment deals 33% increased damage when striking only one enemy.Cancelling Judgment returns cooldown equal to the remaining duration.Judgment can critically strike for bonus damage.

R: Demacian Justice

The enemy champion with the most recent kills is the Villain. Garen's attacks deal additional true damage to that champion.

Garen can call upon the might of Demacia to deal a finishing blow to an enemy champion that deals damage based upon how much health his target has missing. This damage is true damage against the Villain.

Passive: The enemy champion with the most recent kills is the Villain. Judgment and basic attacks against it deal an additional 1% of its maximum health as true damage.
Active: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to attempt to execute an enemy champion, dealing magic damage equal to 175/350/525 plus 28/33/40% of the target's missing health. Deals true damage to the Villain.

Flash is ur most important teamfight/survive spell. It can change everything and turn the game for ur favor, never waste it for a solo kill except it's like a shutdown with a lot of gold. Try to communicate with ur team so they know when flash is up and u can fight. Don't hurry too much take ur time and get the perfect engage.

Teleport is great for ganking botlane or counter ganking botlane when the enemy jungler is there, sometimes u can get a tripple kill or simply save ur team, it wins games don't underrestimate it. Usually in the late game u can splitpush botlane and TP to ur team when a baron fight comes up.

Ignite turns easy lanes into even easier matchups, you can dominate the enemy and get such a huge lead that nobody will be able to stop you anymore. The only bad part about it is that you have no Teleport and could get out of game in the earlygame if not played right.

Ghost can be a very viable option with Garen, especially if you play with the Predator rune setup, it's great for roaming to other lanes and with Predator + Ghost they won't be able to outrun you even if they flash.

Resolve vs Domination vs Sorcery

This is most likely the rune page to go since you always have a good amount of poke with your Q Decisive Strike with Grasp of the Undying. It makes the lane a lot easier no matter if u play against a fighter or a Tank you'll be able to win the lane and outscale hard.

If you want to roam a lot and try to get your Team ahead then you can tryout this playstyle for you. It's a very unique but effective playstyle. You get boots with your first back and try to roam midlane after your wave is pushed out. Fighting your opponent in lane can be a struggle with this runepage.

If u play against easy matchups you can take Phase Rush it's great for snowballing and nobody will ever escape from you. But this rune page makes you very squishy and is early not that great except you play against easy matchups.

Resolve & Sorcery

Grasp of the Undying gives you a little bonus damage autoattack which also gives you 5 permanent bonus max health. This rune is very underestimated it gives a good amount of bonus damage and if your enemy let's you use it a lot on him it's extremly gold efficient.

Bone Plating is great for all in's or simply short trades. Almost everyone takes it at the moment because it's so strong. If you play against someone without it you already have a huge advantage.

Chrysalis gives you a bunch of bonus HP which helps in the lane and swaps to bonus AD later for stronger teamfight damage.

Overgrowth gives you additional permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you. This makes you a infinite scaling machine.

Celerity is a very good rune choice because you always can reach the enemy, run faster to lane or simply get faster roams. It's gives a nice bonus AD with the first autoattack in a fight and can really help against sticky enemys.

Gathering Storm similar like Overgrowth this is infinity scaling, the longer the game goes the harder you will win.

Domination & Sorcery

Predator makes Garen a roaming machine, you can always look to gank Midlane or follow your jungler into invading, nobody will escape from you and your Q will get a nice bonus damage on the first hit.

Cheap Shot work's with garen's Q so this gives nice bonus damage especially for squishy targets.

Eyeball Collection adds you some bonus AD when killing wards or enemys so.

Relentless Hunter gives bonus movementspeed, not much to say to this. Faster Roams and you can run faster to your lane.

Celerity is a very good rune choice because you always can reach the enemy, run faster to lane or simply get faster roams. It's gives a nice bonus AD with the first autoattack in a fight and can really help against sticky enemys.

Scorch got nerfed recently so i dislike this rune a lot right now and since Garen has very good scaling Gathering Storm makes him even more dangerous in the lategame.

Sorcery & Resolve

Phase Rush helps a lot with dominating lane or running enemys down in teamfihtt. After you combo a enemy you get a huge movementspeed bonus so you can either chase him down or run straight to the next target after ulting someone.

Nullifying Orb gives a little magic damage shield which can really change if you die or survive, even when u don't play against a AP Toplaner i would always take this with me except the enemy team is full ad.

Celerity is a very good rune choice because you always can reach the enemy, run faster to lane or simply get faster roams. It's gives a nice bonus AD with the first autoattack in a fight and can really help against sticky enemys.

Scorch got nerfed recently so i dislike this rune a lot right now and since Garen has very good scaling Gathering Storm makes him even more dangerous in the lategame.

Chrysalis gives you a bunch of bonus HP which helps in the lane and swaps to bonus AD later for stronger teamfight damage.

Overgrowth gives you additional permanent max health when minions or monsters die near you. This makes you a infinite scaling machine.

If u play against a heavy AD teamcomp or a lot of autoattacker's like Yasuo Jax Tryndamere Riven etc. u definitly want to pick up Ninja Tabi

Mercury's Treads or how i like to call them: anti CC boots, are very good on Garen. With your W Courage you already have CC Reduction, but with the boots it's even better for you.

Black Cleaver will be your first Item almost every Single game. It just offers the best Stats overall for Garen and with Garen's E Judgment it shreds down the enemys armor so quickly that there is simply no better option for Garen.

Trinity Force is a great Item for Garen if the enemy's don't have any Tanks. You usually can get it in exchange for Black Cleaver in your build. Your next Item would be Sterak's Gage afterwards.

Raptor Cloak is a very cheap but extremly useful item. Since you often take no Teleport you want to run to the lane as fast as possible and with Raptor Cloak it's a lot easier to lose less up to nothing for backing. Also it helps a lot for roaming or later in the teamfight.

Even tho Sterak's Gage doesn't synergyze anymore with Trinity Force it's still a great combo which offers you a lot of stats and it will be most likely your item to go after you got your Trinity Force.

Short said, it's anti crit. If u struggle against a fed adc, a Tryndamere or a Yasuo this is the item u want to get as fast as possible. It gives armor health and most importantly -10% Crit damage.

Guardian Angel is a great item overall, it gives u some armor a lot of AD and revives u if u die. It's perfect for teamfighting u wanna engage really deep in the enemy backline, and a lot of times u don't survive that, well with this item u do!

Dead Man's Plate is good against very stick champion's that outrun you. Examples are Riven Yasuo or Fiora.

Spirit Visage is the best Magic Ressist Item for Garen because it highers your Passive Healing by a lot. And with the CDR it gives you, you can deal a lot more damage in teamfights.

If you play against Champions like Rumble then Adaptive Helm is the best Item against them. It offers a lot of stats and will reduce the damage you take by a lot. You shouldn't struggle against them afterwards.

If your Team needs a frontline with a lot more health then you can always grab Gargoyle Stoneplate it reduces your damage by a lot but you still shred the enemys armor down with your Items and E Judgment.

What's Important?

Try to create ur own Playstyle, enemys won't expect what they have never played against before. Usually u obviously want to win ur lane and try not to die. Always buy a Controll Ward when u have that 75 Gold left. It won't hurt u, i promise.

Early Game

Garen does have a very easy laningphase in most matchups, you don't need to risk anything with some plays. All you need to do is scale up try to farm perfectly and you will most likely outscale every lane opponent you will play against.

Mid Game

This is the time u want to have ur Black Cleaver + Sterak's Gage finished. It's your powersike. If u got a lead and manage to get first tower try to gank mid or get a TP on botlane and get drake. If u can't do anything of these try to get Herald with ur jungler or simply get the enemy junglers camps. But always be aware that u don't die and keep up the perfect farm.

Late Game

In the lategame your job is be the frontline for your teammates, you are very tanky and shouldn't be scared to go in. U should always try to keep ur Flash and Ghost or Teleport up because the game deciding teamfight could happen every second. If nashor is up u can go botlane and splitpush, but only if ur Teleport is up! If the enemys engage on your team instantly teleport, don't think about staying and pushing except you are sure u can finish the game. Teleporting is the saver way tho.

Playing Garen in teamfight's is very simple, you should be the frontline for you team and shred down the armor of the enemy champions with your E Judgment and Black Cleaver. If the enemys have something that you can cancel like a Nunu & Willump or Katarina ultimate always hold on to your Q so you can cancel them immediately. You will most likely deal more damage than you would expect. Almost always you should try to use your ult on the Villian thats marked by it, by doing that you just get the most out of your ult.

If u still have any questions left, feel free to comment,
ask me on twitter or on

I'd like to give a special thanks to:

> Anney a good friend of mine who created the Pictures
> everyone who helped me to create this masterpiece
> everyone who votes and gives me feedback
> everyone who read the guide

Thanks for reading, i hope u learned something and good luck in soloQ!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author laoshin3v3
laoshin3v3 Garen Guide
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