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Runes: Stable
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Welcome and About Me
Hi everyone and welcome to my Beginner Jungle Yorick guide for the end of season 10. This guide is written specifically for new players who are not overly familiar with jungle Yorick.
My name is Ninetales, and i'm a Yorick Jungle one-trick-pony and I primarily play on the Korean League of Legends server.
Peak Ranks:
Korea: Diamond 1
NA: Diamond 1
OCE: Challenger rank 37
China: Diamond 1
I stream part time over at my twitch channel,, and also have begun investing some time into my youtube channel at If you enjoy Yorick, or are keen to come learn a little more first-hand, definitely pop by.
I offer free coaching on stream, happy to help anyone that comes by and do my best to keep you guys entertained.
Update 24/3/2020: The guide is currently under reconstruction, so it may be missing parts. Please keep that in mind, and it will likely be fixed by the time you return.
Quick Guide
+ Great Solo Carry Potential.
+ Can snowball very easily.
+ You have pets to accompany you throughout the game.
+ Terrific objective control, with the ability to solo dragon and baron at the earliest times possible.
+ Can solo monster camps and Dragons with only mist walkers.
+ Can build heavy damage items and use them against targets with the least resistances.
+ You have the versatility to play Split-push or team-fight.
- A lot of micro-managing your pets.
- Doesn't do terrific into power-ganking match-ups.
- Only as effective as your decision making.
- Your only win-condition may be split-pushing.
- You'll need to learn how to path and optimise your jungle route.
Last Rites lets you have a reliable way to leave graves on the floor. It acts as an auto attack reset, and heals you a flat amount which is increased while low on health. When the spell is on cooldown, it lets you cast Awakening which raises mist walkers from graves within the large circle up to a cap of 4. | |
Last Rites |
One of the most underrated spells in the game, Dark Procession is a solid ganking and disruption tool. It lets you cut off exits, block escape routes, trap people and even interrupt channelling spells like teleport. It can be attacked by the enemy in order to destroy it, and it's maximum health is based on the rank of the spell. | |
Dark Procession |
Everyone is used to flash, it is comfortable and extremely useful. Definitely take it when starting out with Yorick Jungle. | |
Flash |
Every jungler needs smite in order to get access to bonus experience when you kill a large monster. It also lets you buy the jungle item, so don't pass up on taking it. | |
Smite |
Conqueror is proving to be a solid keystone for new players. It offers a lot of power in terms of raw attack damage and a substantial amount of healing. | |
Conqueror | |
Solid choice for general purposes. Overheal can be used if you prefer, but Triumph is a little on the stronger side since it gives gold as well as huge heals later. | |
Triumph | |
I prefer Legend: Alacrity, but I would definitely recommend you take Legend: Tenacity until you get used to Yorick as a champion. It's a little more accommodating for misplays and errors. | |
Legend: Tenacity | |
Outperforms Coup de Grace by a long-shot and amplifies your damage quite significantly. Huge recommendation, especially if you build drain-tank or tank in general. | |
Last Stand |
A junglers first power spike is their jungle item completion, as it is extremely cost efficient and cheap. Warrior adds a lot of damage, but offers no tankiness, so prepare to get one shotted. Once you complete the item, run wild with powerful ganks and 1v1 potential. | |
Your mist walkers apply the cleaver stacks, and it gives you a nice amount of cooldown reduction and attack damage as well. It's an all-round great item, perfect for junglers as it's quite cheap and assists your team. | |
Black Cleaver | |
Buy Ninja Tabi against heavy attack damage teams, and Mercury's Treads against heavy crowd control teams. If you're buying the Mercury's Treads for the magic resistance, you're doing it wrong.. | |
Ninja Tabi/Mercury's Treads | |
By far the most underrated item on Yorick since the trinity-steraks nerf a long time ago. Gives you durability that is unmatched. | |
Sterak's Gage | |
The new Death's Dance transformed the item into a survivability item rather than damage oreintated. Don't buy it and expect to deal lots of damage, instead expect to be tanky and durable. A perfect third item, or a second item if you went heavy damage early. It's better on other champions since our pets get reduced healing, but it's still useful. | |
Death's Dance | |
My favourite item in the game and the best item to abuse your lead. Gives you the ability to force and a get-out-of-jail card in case it goes wrong. Stopwatch is a great pick-up and lets you survive one fight, so buy it first and use it wisely. | |
Guardian Angel | |
Other Options
- Your mist walkers will attack a jungle camp only if you attack it, or if you land your E on the camp.
- They apply spell effects like hunters talisman, and physical-damage effects like black cleaver.
- They benefit from lethality and armor penetration items.
- They are treated like an area of effect spell, and have reduced effects from death's dance and conqueror stacking.
- They will always die to one champion auto attack, or one tower shot.
- They take reduced damage from Jungle monsters, and area of effect or damage over time abilities.
- Mist walkers grant 0 experience upon death, but give the killing player 2 gold.
Maiden of the Mist
- She will raise mist walkers from nearby dying units (jungle or enemy minions).
- She can have her own four mist walkers within 1200 range of her if she is outside of Yorick's range.
- She benefits from lifesteal, providing the health to Yorick.
- She deals magic damage, but scales off physical damage.
- She heals at the fountain, and will follow Yorick through recall/teleporting.
- Upon death, will provide the killer 50 gold and 0 experience.
Red > Raptors > Blue > Gromp > Wolves
Your standard clear will begin at the leashed buff with your bot lane, so red for the bottom team. If you suspect your opponent jungler is starting at their own red buff, I would make your next camp your blue buff to ensure they don't try to cheese it from you. Otherwise, go Red > Raptors and raise four mist walkers after last hitting with Q a few times. After Raptors, run to the Blue buff and blast cone onto the centre of it's hitbox - this should let you cast E prematurely without losing aggro onto your mist walkers. After blue, take Gromp and then take wolves after the gromp (sacking your current ghouls, and raising new level 3 ghouls afterwards). Finally, if you want to fight for top scuttle then go for it but check priority first and don't run into Olaf or strong 1v1 champions.
Blue > Wolves > Gromp > Red > Raptors
Top Team is a bit different, where you start Blue and get four mist walkers off the blue + wolves camp. Make sure you start E on the blue since it will leave a grave regardless, and after you've done both wolves and blue, start the gromp up. Tank three attacks, then let your mist walkers tank the rest - and leave the camp around 150 health so your mist walkers can finish it. Run to red, leash it with your E before your mist walkers come close enough to jump and clear it, then take raptors afterwards and decide whether you want to fight for top scuttle or path to the bottom one instead. Make sure you raise mist walkers at every multiple-monster camp you encounter.
Delay Casting Mourning Mist
Spawn Mist Walkers Whenever You Can
Don't Use Q to Last Hit a Monster That Can Be Auto Attacked Instead (Unless You Have To)
Watch the Map
Auto-Attack Resetting
Kite Towards Your Next Camp
Cast Your Ultimate as Soon as You Hit Level 6
Don't Hold onto Gold
Let Your Pets Finish the Camps
Early game try to leave it for the mist walkers only if its low enough so that it won't kill any of your walkers. It's one of the worst possible things to lose your mist walkers in your early clear as jungle Yorick. Mid and late game you can defeat camps with a single Mourning Mist followed by your mist walkers finishing it alone, so don't go to the effort of standing there for 4 wasted seconds. Get a move on to gather vision, better positioning or join your team and your pets will meet up with you after.
Yorick can solo the dragon as soon as level two through the use of his Mist Walkers. As the meta right now is very early-game focused for junglers and they are constantly protecting and securing scuttles, i would not attempt a dragon before level 6. An interesting thing about the strategy of the level 2 dragon is that the dragon will provide bonus experience based on how underlevelled the champion that defeats it is. If you successfully kill the dragon at level 2, you will gain a significantly higher amount of experience than you would gain at level 3. This means if you can fit the dragon into your jungle path while not losing out on map presence, jungle camps or other game changing factors, you can come out substantially further ahead of the opposing jungler.
The best dragons you can have on Yorick are as follows (in my opinion):
1. Elder
2. Mountain: Situational.
3. Infernal
4. Air
5. Ocean
1. Elder
2. Mountain: Situational.
3. Infernal
4. Air
5. Ocean
Generally once you have your Maiden of the Mist, the dragon becomes extremely easier and quicker to take so this is the optimal time to try sneak or contest the dragon. The Air and Ocean dragon can be taken with ease and not much attention needs to be paid towards the dragons target or your health while doing so, the other three dragons are a different story. Your Mist Walkers and Maiden should NOT take damage from the dragon unless you absolutely have to, or it is a risky call to do the dragon in the first place.
Taking the Elder, Infernal and Mountain Dragon
These three dragons have a cone-base attack projectile, which means that their attack will spread to all targets that are positioned behind the initially targeted unit. If you do not properly manage your aggro and positioning, you can unintentionally lose Mist Walkers and the Maiden from the spread attacks. Therefore when you take these dragons, position Yorick behind the dragon and the Maiden and Mist Walkers should stand on the opposite side of the dragon to where Yorick is staying. Then have the dragon focus onto Yorick so the spread damage is dealt in an area where the Mist Walkers and Maiden are not standing.
Yorick is one of the only champions that can solo the baron nashor. The reason for this is pretty simple but often unknown to the majority of the players. The Baron Nashor has a passive effect that reduces incoming damage dealt by the champion it last auto-attacked by 50%. Usually when a champion attempts to solo the Baron Nashor, they are unable to remove this debuff since there are no other champions or units nearby for the Baron Nashor to attack and it is extremely difficult to solo.
Yorick on the other hand has his pets to redirect the Baron Nashor's attacks to, and once a pet takes an auto-attack, the debuff is removed from Yorick and placed onto the pet instead.
So when it comes to taking the Baron Nashor, you almost never want to be tanking the damage when you have a team mate available to tank it instead since its very likely your damage to the epic monster will be higher to it than your ally's.
If you're attempting to solo the Baron Nashor, there is a setup you'll have to learn and a routine to practice/follow. Firstly, understand that every five attacks, the Baron Nashor will perform a special ability which takes between 1 to 2.5 seconds to fully cast before it returns to its regular auto-attacks. The trick to soloing the epic monster as Yorick is to ensure that the debuff is on your pet and not Yorick for the duration of the abilities channel.
Therefore, the order is the following:
1. Have four mist walkers out, begin the baron by auto-attacking it and have one of your mist walkers take an attack. Immediately start counting the number of auto-attacks the baron nashor performs in your head. Once it does, cast your Mourning Mist onto the baron nashor so the damage is not reduced. Move Yorick close to the baron nashor so he is the one taking the auto-attacks.
2. Wait until two mist walkers have been killed, and summon the Maiden of the Mist within close proximity to the baron nashor. It is important to summon her close enough to not take aggro but not far enough away so that she is never able to take attacks from the baron nashor. Remember it will attack the nearest unit.
3. Once you count four attacks, move Yorick back so that the 5th attack is dealt to a mist walker and then go to town dealing as much damage through auto-attacks, Mourning Mist and Maiden of the Mist's percent health damage as possible.
4. Once the animation looks to end, reposition Yorick so that he is once again the closest unit to the Baron Nashor and repeat step 3 until the Baron Nashor is defeated. If there are no mist walkers available to take the fifth shot, put it onto the Maiden of the Mist instead or have Yorick tank it if you predict that it will be a successful attempt anyway.
With mountain dragons being defeated throughout the game, the attempt can take between 8 to 30 seconds in total with proper micro-movement - given it takes a lot of finesse to perform it absolutely perfectly.
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