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Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability

Every game try and make people less toxic, ESPECIALLY in normal games. Try and convince them that being toxic isn't how you gain elo, it's best to focus on learning the game. COMPLIMENT teammates in ranked for cs, plays, good teamfights, etc.
-He has a great level 2 all in with
Rocket Grab and
Power Fist, so try to push the first wave of minions in early to try and grab the enemy ADC!
Blitzcrank has great playmaking potential with his
Rocket Grab that can completely turn games around town!
- He has a lot of abilities that silence, interrupt or knock up enemies to cancel their abilities and channels.
- His
Overdrive slows him quite a bit after it's duration and makes you very vulnerable to picks.
- As previously stated, Blitz has great playmaking potential, so if you can't land good hooks on the right targets, it will result in you falling behind!
- He gets countered hard by champions who have the ability to ignore your
Rocket Grab, ie spellshields such as
Sivir and
-He has a great level 2 all in with


- He has a lot of abilities that silence, interrupt or knock up enemies to cancel their abilities and channels.
- His

- As previously stated, Blitz has great playmaking potential, so if you can't land good hooks on the right targets, it will result in you falling behind!
- He gets countered hard by champions who have the ability to ignore your

Get Oracles at Level 9 for champions like
Rengar. Very good for him to snowball at these levels, so be ahead get this and get stuns ready for him. Now, practice! You can't just buy wards and expect your map warding to get better. Practice playing against champs like
Lee Sin and other strong early game champions are also good, stay prepared for ganks! Try not to overextend and feed either, just prepare. Champs that are strong at early levels will always counter
Blitzcrank; natural counters however fall off a bit harder. Easy to cc with him as well, and can use
Power Fist to provide clarity of targets that need to be focused.
[*] Always look for opportunities to group with your team and catch out the enemy team. Prioritize the enemy carries and squishy champions over the tanks, it is never a good idea to
Rocket Grab a tank unless you are sure that there are no enemy champions around.
[*] Your ultimate
Static Field has a very short cooldown and is great tool to silence enemy channels such as
Nether Grasp,
Miss Fortune's
Bullet Time or
Infinite Duress.
[*] Always be on the lookout to use your
Remnant of the Aspect to drop wards around the map, and deward with
Control Wards and
Oracle Lens.
Your kit should primarily be used for peeling high priority targets off of your carries!

[*] Always look for opportunities to group with your team and catch out the enemy team. Prioritize the enemy carries and squishy champions over the tanks, it is never a good idea to

[*] Your ultimate

[*] Always be on the lookout to use your

Your kit should primarily be used for peeling high priority targets off of your carries!
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