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Recommended Items
Runes: Optimal runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Optimal skill order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
A good draven will just run at you with W, dodge your net and kill you any time you get close. Make sure you get lane priority and poke him early so you get a CS lead. Don't get pushed in under tower.
Scary all in lane, Zyra has amazing poke, zoning and crowd control. She's very squishy though so she's susceptible to dying against all in engage champions like Leona.
Scary all in lane, Zyra has amazing poke, zoning and crowd control. She's very squishy though so she's susceptible to dying against all in engage champions like Leona.
Champion Build Guide
Hello & welcome to my

I am an ADC and support main who has 300,000 mastery points on

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0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Piltover Peacemaker
Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
Ace in the Hole
0 | Q | W | E | Q | Q | R | W | W | W | W | R | Q | Q | E | E | R | E | E |
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Headshot (Passive) |
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Piltover Peacemaker (Q) RANGE: 1300 COST: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 COOLDOWN: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 |
![]() Piltover Peacemaker always deals 100% damage to champions revealed by ![]() |
- Your Q acts as a self stun for 1 second. Try to use auto attacks instead of
Piltover Peacemaker late game, as a critical strike will deal more damage.
- Use your Q to push minion waves early game - pushing the wave will allow you to damage towers and get tower plating gold.
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Yordle Snap Trap (W) RANGE: 800 COST: 20 CHARGES: 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 |
![]() ![]() Caitlyn can store up to 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 ![]() |
- Traps grant True Sight of the enemy champions that are immobilized by them. If the enemy has a champion that uses stealth, use your traps to reveal them! This is EXTREMELY good against champions like Vayne, Kha'zix or Shaco who cannot be revealed by any means other than True Sight.
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90 Caliber Net (E) RANGE: 1000 COST: 75 COOLDOWN: 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10 |
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- You can place down a
Yordle Snap Trap whilst dashing backwards with
90 Caliber Net. You can also cast
Piltover Peacemaker whilst dashing backwards to cancel some of the animation of
Piltover Peacemaker. This combo can help you secure kills, or if you are kiting backwards it can deal some heavy damage to the enemy champions chasing you!
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Ace in the Hole (R) RANGE: 3500 COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 90 / 75 / 60 |
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- Your ultimate grants True Sight of the enemy champion that you've chosen as your target during the channel. If the enemy has a champion that uses stealth, use your ultimate to reveal them! Make sure that you don't use this against
Braum when he uses
Unbreakable or against
Yasuo's windwall. The shot is a projectile and it will be destroyed by these abilities and your ultimate will go on cooldown!
- Your ultimate can be intercepted and bodyblocked by another enemy champion to save the target from taking damage!
Ace in the Hole will go on cooldown for 5 seconds and it will still cost you 100 mana if the target dies before the bullet has been fired! If the target dies during the channel you will not get the 100 mana back so be careful!
- Use your traps to block enemy escape paths.
- Combo your E and your Q together to cancel part of the Q animation.
- You can place traps whilst being knocked back with your net.
- Your traps and ultimate reveal stealth targets, use this to your advantage and make sure to use them at the right time to reveal that pesky Vayne or Kha’zix!

In the picture above, the RED SQUARE is highlighting a trap that has been placed. (In patch 10.7, traps have a little glow behind objects so enemies can still see them, but they are still very hard to see!) Place traps in areas where they will be obscured by towers or walls and you will get an easy headshot with added trap damage! There are many other places on the rift where you can use traps. Brush entrances, lane entrances or jungle entrances are good places too!
Fleet Footwork
Fleet footwork gives you movement speed and health sustain. The movement speed allows you to reposition and the healing helps keep you alive. Fleet footwork is the best keystone for new ADC players to take due to its defensive properties. |
Triumph will give you additional gold when you get a takedown (assist or kill on an enemy player champion) and a heal based on your missing health. The 12% heal (based on missing health) is very good for surviving against ignite or damage over time ticks after a fight! The bonus gold is nice too. |
Overheal will grant you a shield that blocks damage when you’re proccing lifesteal or healing effects when at full HP. This is also a great defensive room that allows you to survive in all stages of the game. This rune will save your life in many countless games! |
Legend: Bloodline
Legend: Bloodline can grant you a maximum of 12% lifesteal. It is easy to stack this and you don't buy lifesteal until 3rd, 4th or 5th item, so it's good to take this rune. This rune will save your life in many different situations, and synergises amazingly with overheal! |
De Grace |
Coup De Grace increases your damage output against low health targets. This is great since we will be frequently headshotting and ulting low health targets, and this rune increases our burst. This rune will help you net many kills that you may not have been able to have gotten due to the extra damage boost! |
Footwear |
Free boots with a value of over 300g. Need I say more? This rune keeps getting minor nerfs but it is absolutely overpowered. It is extremely strong and will continue to be until Riot either increase the timer even further or rework the rune. |
Delivery |
Lane and mana sustain! These will allow you to bully in the early game, sustaining your mana and health pool so you can continue trading and zoning the enemy botlane! |
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Phantom Dancer |
Phantom Dancer is an upgraded zeal item which gives you critical strike chance, attack speed, movement speed and two passives which function as an anti-assassin or anti-burst buff. The movement speed allows you to reposition and the shield allows you to survive those scary combos from that ![]() ![]() |

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Janna’s shield gives Caitlyn more attack damage. Janna has some really good peel for Caitlyn, and can stop assassins from getting to Caitlyn, denying the assassin the chance to kill their priority target. Janna also has a lot of damage built into her kit because of her W, and she typically builds ![]() |
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Ezreal has a lot of range and is very safe. It’s difficult for Caitlyn to punish him and a good Ezreal player will be able to poke you down with his Mystic Shot (Q), avoid your empowered headshots (trap, net) and if he builds ![]() ![]() |
If you’d like to support me and help me grow, consider following me on Twitch and Twitter! Click on the images or links to be taken to my social media.
11/04/2020 - Fixed a coding error that wasn't displaying

23/05/2020 - Fixed typos.
24/04/2020 - Updated title. No new content updates that affect Caitlyn that I need to comment on. Ashe, Xayah and Tristana received slight buffs but it does not change the overall difficulty of each matchup.
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