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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She can stick on Ryze easily and deal a load of damage. Avoid picking Ryze into a Camille, if you get counterpicked, play extremely safe or lane swap.
Champion Build Guide

1. Introduction
2. Laning Phase
3. Itemization
I picked


1. [E > Q]

2. [Q > E > Q]

3. [W > Q > E > Q],

4. [Q > E > Q > W > Q > E > Q],

1. Don't spam abilities until you get your Tear of Goddess.
2. Start trading at level 3 when you have all of your abilities.
3. Freeze the wave outside of your tower so it is easier for your jungler to gank or make your opponent over extend. However if your opponent is someone like

4. Once you have enough gold, back to get your Tear. However, if you feel like you have enough mana to farm more gold to get another item stay and then back. Use your Teleport to get back to lane so you don't miss any CS.
Once you get Seraph's Embrace and another item, this is when Ryze starts to get rolling. Since mana is not as big as an issue as compared to before, you can start trying to dish out combos onto the enemies. However, remember to keep your farm up, normally I like to aim for 10 cs per minute in a game. After I farm the minion wave, if it is unsafe to push and attack the tower, I roam into the jungle to farm the camps. You should only try this if you know the enemy jungler is somewhere else or if you have a clear advantage over the enemy jungler. You can also roam to help take objectives.
Now Ryze truly shines, when he has mana and damage! Ryze can put out a load of damage with just an E and Q. At this stage of the game, you should look to team fight as your E into Q combo can destroy the enemy team if they are clumped together because the E spreads. Every Ryze player will tell you that positioning is key when you are playing Ryze. When you play Ryze, do not try to start the fight yourself by E > W-ing. Wait for your team to engage and then you can start comboing. You don't want to be the one soaking up all the damage because depending on your build (tank or burst) if you die, your team loses a damage carry. After a fight, make sure you're not overextending. If your team is leaving, then you should move to a side lane to push the minion wave or recall. Don't greed for an extra kill because it is not worth it especially if you are fed and have a shutdown. Don't be afraid to use your ult to help secure kills even if it means using your ult to bait enemies to move in a certain direction.
Ryze is very flexible in terms of what items he can build throughout a game. Because of Ryze's passive, which gives him more AP depending on his mana, he can build items like Frozen Heart since it provides mana and armor.
Traditional Ryze build which is to scale into the late game, you want to build Rod of Ages and Seraphs Embrace as soon as possible as those items require time and mana to get the full potential out of the items. After that, you would want to build AP items like Morellonomicon or Void Staff.
Bursty Mid Game Ryze: For this setup of Ryze, you want to skip Rod of Ages completely. You will get straight to Seraph's Embrace. After that picking up an Oblivion Orb to get some health would be a smart option. You can also start building a Void Staff or Liandry's Torment.
Damage With Some Tankiness: This build consists of either two of the core items in Rod of Ages or Seraph's Embrace or both. Then you can start building items like Spirit Visage if there is a FED AP enemy champ or if you have to take long fights and need the healing for sustain. You can also build armor items like Righteous Glory or Frozen Heart since they give some AP due to Ryze's passive. Try not to build to hybrid-y if that makes sense. Because if you build hybrid, then you are not getting the full potential of one build.
Despite being able to build into two different types of items, I suggest only going in one direction. Building hybird, Damage and Tank Items, means that you are not maximizing your items to the fullest. If you build half and half, you aren't going to deal max damage yet you're are kind of tanky which leaves your team in a weird position.
(I'll complete this section soon)
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