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Recommended Items
Runes: New s10 rune page
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Abilities
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Similar to Master yi. High attack speed and great potential for % hp shred. Her kiting ability with her Q makes her that much better against Nunu and therefore this matchup is quite scary.
With the Nunu's tank nature and crowd control you are able to peel for Azir while he shreads down all the enemies from a safe distance. In addition Nunu's passive synergies super well with Azir as it will give him monstrous attack speed to shred the enemies that much faster.
With the Nunu's tank nature and crowd control you are able to peel for Azir while he shreads down all the enemies from a safe distance. In addition Nunu's passive synergies super well with Azir as it will give him monstrous attack speed to shred the enemies that much faster.
Champion Build Guide

I've taking a break from streaming but will start again when I'm a bit less busy with university. Here's my twitch link if interested Did coaching and generally enjoy helping people out so feel free to message if you see me online.

"Well which lane(s) should this be?"
Before the game even starts (champion select or even loading screen) you should think of which lanes are your win conditions. For example let us say your toplaner is a

In this example

But who is?
Well Botlane and Midlane are both nice ganks but we must factor in that

straight into hell and come mid when our previously spoken of condition is met. As well as this


Nunu & Willump has some of the best objective control in the game.
Dragon and
Rift Herald control

Baron Nashor control

"You said a list of items are good but wtf do I build in my game stupid guide maker?"

Enemy has mix damage (core items):

AD heavy with crit:

AD heavy with % health dmg (many %dmg dealers are really hard games):

Heavy ap (VS people that have spammable spells or damage over time AP spells getting early adaptive help is crucial)e.g.
Rumble, etc... :

Which boots do I go?
Vs. a team comp with a lot of CC go

Vs. a team comp with a lot of auto attack damage go

When behind or needing to match the enemy Jungler's aggression go

Other items + item tips:

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