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If he is able to land a W on you, instantly E out and walk away. You can weave in autos and Q's but be careful for his E and Q combo. He will be able to survive your damage as long as he goes even with you so try to shut him down early with ganks from your jungler or mid-lane. Flash + Exhaust, Doran's Blade + 1 HP start, Gotta Blast! or Survivability rune page.
Pre-6 she is useless, poke her down with autos, Q's, and force her to back. As Senna, you have no kill pressure unless they are already low or you are fed. Focus on roaming mid, getting good ults across map to help the team, and managing the wave properly. Post-6, she will be able to all-in you 24/7 with her ultimate. Set up ganks for your jungler to come and secure the kill. Flash + Exhaust, Doran's Blade + 1 HP start, Gotta Blast! rune page.
Camille can all in you any part of the game, prepare yourself for an annoying all in crazy maniac doing TONS OF DAMAGE! Key thing to watch out for is dodging the outer part of her W and her E stun. If she ultimates you, try to W her and ult right away so you get the damage + shield. Ask for ganks. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP start, Survivability rune page.
Focus on dodging her Q's. The lane itself isn't too bad since you can E her W and out sustain her. She will out damage you most of the game so coordinate ganks with your jungler to get ahead. Stay even or ahead in farm. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Burst rune page.
Dodge. The. Q!!! If he lands his Q on you, you're DONE! Other than that, this lane is CAKE. You can freeze the wave and deny farm, shove him in and poke, or keep ganking him over and over with a jungler since he has no mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.
This match up is one of Senna's hardest. She can poke him early on but once he gets level 3 onward, he can just run at her with ghost, and start hammering away. Keep the wave at your turret and ask for ganks. E and walk away if he gets close enough to pull you in, try to land W as well. Flash + TP, Boots + 4 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page.
Dr. Mundo
Dodge Q's, get stacks, get farm, get ganks. This lane is really boring since he can't really all in you unless he lands a cleaver and you do no damage to really kill him. Ask for ganks to get ahead and just roam mid/get good ultimates. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.
You don't see Ekko top that much but if you do just be weary that he will out damage you in all parts of the game. Harass him in lane, deny him farm, and get your stacks. If he jumps on you just W him and E away while getting in autos and Q's. Flash + Barrier, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Burst rune page.
Fiora is a very tough match up for Senna. She is able to jump on you starting level 1. Ask for ganks, poke her, and stay even in farm. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability or Gotta Blast! rune page.
His Q's hurt but you can negate that with your Q. Take out his barrels and watch out for bushes. Good GP's put barrels in bushes to combo off of. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
Ever since his rework, his damage has been insane to squishy top laners. If he starts running at you with Q just E away and get some autos off. Your W will be pretty much useless since his W gives him lots of tenacity. Deny him CS, stay even in farm, poke, and ask for ganks. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Freeze! or Gotta Blast! rune page.
Dodge Q's, use your range advantage, stay even in farm, poke, ask for ganks. If he jumps on to you just E out and W him if he continues to chase. You have a range advantage so you can keep autoing him if he gets rooted. His Mega form is very dangerous if he gets on top of you so be careful! Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
If he goes CDR/Tank Gragas you have more of a chance to escape rather than his AP variant. Dodge Q's, harass him constantly, and abuse his long CD's early game. If he goes AP just beware that his full combo kills you unless you have some MR. Coordinate ganks and abuse range advantage.
He will be constantly pushing and ganks will be nearly impossible unless you have a jungler that can follow up and do damage. Ask for ganks and TRY to stay even in farm. Look for good ults across the map and roam mid if possible to gain a gold lead. You will out-scale him with items. Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion, Burst rune page.
Her range is minimal and you can abuse that very well. You won't see this champion being played often in Diamond+. Dodge her Q's, get free stacks, and deny farm. If she happens to land an E on you, E out and walk out of range of her E and kill the tentacles. NEVER EVER fight when she ultimates near you. She will obliterate your bum. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast!, Freeze!, or Sustained Damage rune page. I prefer Sustained Damage but if you're not good at dodging or want to kite easily, take Gotta Blast! or Freeze!
Be careful when you are near minions that are low, she can dash to them and get off a full combo. You need to play around your jungler and coordinate ganks to shut her down. She is a pain to deal with in laning phase and will abuse your low mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.
He can all in you any part of the game and be able to get away with it since his Q is on such a low CD and his E blocks autos. You will need to be careful when going up to CS and poking him, if he jumps on you will lose 1/4 - 1/2 of your HP. E away and W him if he jumps on you. Coordinate ganks and lose CS rather than walking up to lose 1/2 your HP. EXP is valuable! MY PERMABAN. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.
Watch out for his E - Q combo and all ins in hammer form. Use your range advantage and poke him. If he jumps on you, E out and W him to get some free autos off. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
ABUSE your range advantage early on, Pre-6 she cannot do much to you. Post-6 she will start to out scale you and 1v1'ing her becomes much harder. Deny her CS, and coordinate ganks to shut her down. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Burst rune page.
Dodge Q's, and E out when he decides to all in. This lane is easy as long as you don't get caught by too many Q's and you poke him out of lane. Post-6 you have to be careful if he flashes on you with his ultimate + protobelt combo. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
One of Senna's hardest match ups. You need to be very careful when walking up to CS as he can all in you any moment during laning phase. Poke him and ask for ganks. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
Hard match up. Pre-6 you should focus on poking, and denying him farm. Post-6 however, you need to watch out and predict when he's going to all in. If he goes full AP ready to cry in your sleep or AFK in base. E out and W him for a safe escape, I recommend changing out for Nullifying Orb in the rune page. Flash + Barrier, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
You will need to keep away from bushes and get wards out ASAP. Maokai doesn't have lots of damage in his kit but he does have CC, which is a jungler's favorite thing. People love to camp this ol' guy due to his Slow, Root, Snare, Knockup, etc. Poke him early on and be ready to have a tent set up! Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion, Sustain rune page. You can trade out Bloodline for Tenacity if you prefer.
Dodge his E's, Q's, and abuse your range. If he lands his pull on you, E out and W him to secure the root and get some autos off. He is very tanky for what he builds and will be able to easily win extended trades. Think about building an early QSS if he keeps ulting you! Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
Another one of Senna's tough match ups. It looks easy since you're able to abuse him early game but once he gets some CDR and level 6, you're DONE. Deny him CS, poke, freeze your wave, and ask your jungler to keep coming. If he W's you, just E out and W him for the root. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page.
Rough match up. He can permaslow, he's invulnerable to CC, and he can out heal your damage. Everything Senna loves! NOT. Dodge Q's if possible and E out, don't even bother autoing. JUST RUN! Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain or Gotta Blast! rune page
It's Ornn. He's only good against tanks. That being said, he's very tanky and you won't have ANY kill pressure. Farm stacks, deny him CS, roam mid, and get jungle ganks since he has no mobility. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.
All in, burst, and invulnerability. Even more fun in the top lane! He will most likely be playing aggressive since you have no way of escaping him besides E but there's really no point since his combo already took out half or 2/3 of your HP. Flash + TP/Barrier, Doran's Shield, Survivability rune page.
You have range, poke, and can deny her from CS. She has no mobility so look for coordinated ganks with your jungle/mid. Don't stand next to walls and try to get as much stacks as possible. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade, Sustained Damage rune page.
You both are range but she has more burst. Careful when walking up to CS as she can Q the back wave to get some damage off on you. Look for ganks and play safe. Stay even in CS, she falls off very hard Late game. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain rune page.
All in, burst, gap closers, tankiness. Senna's favorite thing to play against! Freeze the wave and try to get your jungler to gank. Flash + TP, Corrupting Potion/Doran's Shield, Survivability rune page.
Careful near bushes. Rengar can easily one-shot you level 1+ so it's recommended to play VERY passive. You can poke him when he jumps out of bush but make sure you're not too close to it to where he can jump back on you. Flash + Barrier, Exhaust, TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.
All in, shields, mobility. Play very passive and ask for ganks. Poke when grasp is up and try to get as much stacks/CS as possible. E out and W for the root and get some autos off. Flash + TP/Barrier/Exhaust, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Survivability rune page.
Keep an eye out for his overheat and play around it, he can't cast abilities when he's RED so it's good to get some autos off while he's cooling off. Abuse your range advantage and try to force him out of lane. If he ever decides to all in you just E out and W for the root to get some autos off. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
Wave clear, damage, CC, and is a nuisance to deal with late game. He will probably perma push you so It's a good idea to shut him down early with your jungler. If he gets a root off on you, E right away, root him, and run. Flash + TP/Cleanse/Barrier/Exhaust, Corrupting Potion/Doran's Shield, Burst rune page.
Watch out for his taunt. Poke him freely, and E out if he decides to all in you, simple lane but can go very wrong in one mistake. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage.
Skill match up, If he decides to run you down just E out and root him. It's hard to kite a singed but it's possible with certain rune set ups. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield/Blade/Corrupting Potion, Freeze!, Gotta Blast! Sustain rune page.
Watch out for his E and try not to be linear to him. This lane is simple but he will become very tanky eventually. Poke him and get free stacks to start scaling. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustained Damage rune page.
If he lands his root on you just immediately E and root him. There's no way for him to stick on to you unless he lands his root. He will become very bursty eventually. Farm it out and get some ganks, your range will be hard for him to deal with eventually. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade/Corrupting Potion, Sustain/Burst rune page.
This match up is annoying but since you have a heal + very sustainable runes it isn't as bad as people think. He will out damage you until you get items, but then he's useless. Play around his blind and E when he tries to go for an all in. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain runes with the resolve variant.
Easily kite-able, easily poke-able, no gap closer. Focus on getting stacks and shoving him out of lane. If he gets a good pillar off just E away and root him. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade, Sustained Damage rune page.
High damage, can chase, Low CD gap closer, long slow, invulnerability. Poke him and try to get as much stacks as possible. Don't walk up too far and keep watch on his fury, if he's high on fury he will probably all in you. E out and root him. Flash + TP/Exhaust/Barrier, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Gotta Blast! rune page.
Keep your range and poke him. His Q's are fairly easy to dodge so he has no way to really kill you. Flash + TP, Doran's Blade + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
He will be easy to abuse until he get's some CDR, when he gets CDR he becomes a nightmare. Ask for ganks and poke him down early. Deny CS as much as possible. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain rune page.
Can all in you anytime. Your E will not be enough to stop and get away so you're going to need to play by your turret and not walk up. Flash + TP, Doran's shield, Survivability rune page.
He many not seem like a threat but this bad boy has hard push, and his W can counter Senna the hardest. Since Senna has low attack speed it will take longer for her to break the prison. Be very cautious and ask the jungler to shut him down. His damage is insane and your Q doesn't 1 shot his ghouls. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain rune page.
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