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against lucian you wanna go fleet footwork and scale as much as you can.
wait for his W to miss and then you can trade, just dodge his W and you should be safe, try not to let him roam.
against ahri you want to dodge her spells as much as you can and punish her with Q max.
with akali try to trade as much as possible inside the minion wave so she cant hit her E
try to trade with Q only and outscale
Aurelion Sol
wait for his Q to miss, then slow him with E and go all in.
against azir you want to outscale, punish only big misstakes and Q max.
if he uses Q go all in, you cant lose.
when she hits her Q you are ****ed up, if she misses try to poke her and try to outscale.
trade with autoattack reset and W, free lane.
if she misses her Q go all in.
you beat him until lvl 6, then save your R to dodge his shark.
try to trade with Q only.
in this matchup you have to stand nearby you minions that dont have much hp, if she Q on them, do autoattack W reset combo and poke her when she runs away, if she hits her E you are dead.
In this matchup try to time your Q when she uses her Q to avoid her damage with the spellshield.
Here is the timing and reflexes the most needed thing, when she uses her W try to autoattack reset W combo.
when she misses her binding, go all in.
allways use your Q first so you break his spell shield, then slow him with E and follow up with more autoattacks and W.
trade with Q only, if you go close to her she will just slow you and poke with her strong autoattacks.
Try to stay away from his W renge as much as possible, if he uses W all in him.
poke with Q and dodge her skillshots, once she jumps on you all in her, it should be free trade for you.
try to poke him with Q only, he beats ur *** so much till level6.
allways try to fight inside a minion wave so he cant connect his E, if he misses free trade for you.
in this matchup you want to roam as much as possible, you cant kill her on lane becouse of her renge and E.
poke her with Q, dont let her roam, every unsucefull roam u have to punish with freeze, or take some plates.
Twisted Fate
try to avoid his W so he uses it on minions, trade if he use spells on minions, you can also cancel his ult with Q so every time he goes for R follow him and try not to let him roam.
In this matchup you just want to wait on your R to avoid his E.
roam as much as you can, you can't kill this big boy in lane.
Try to avoid his spells and just wait on your ultimate, punish unsuccefull roams by taking plates, or freezing his wave and denying him some xp.
in this matchup you want to let him stack your E with his spells, and sliding over minions, then poke him out.
try to early kill him, when he gets lvl 3 try to wait for gank and bait his W.
zoe is broken, there is nothing u can do, just ff :)
His R and E gives you so much u can deal with, its pretty much 2v8 every time u get him.
His R and E gives you so much u can deal with, its pretty much 2v8 every time u get him.
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