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Runes: Best runes
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skill path
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Bard Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Since you roam a lot in lane, you are likely to walk into his sapplings. I ban him every time since hes just really hard to lane against
With her traps, she had good lane control which is essential with Bard in lane, since he roams a lot.
With her traps, she had good lane control which is essential with Bard in lane, since he roams a lot.
Champion Build Guide
1. As cc. In this case you want to use your ult to slow stun the enemy, so you can get closer and prepare for a good Q.
2. As a team Zhonya's. Use your ult defensively when the enemy uses a ult that impacts your whole team, for example karthus or maokai.
3.Winning teamfights. especially in late game, bards ult can be game deciding. If you use your ult correctly and ult the enemy backline, you can make it a 3v5 in 1 second, winning you the teamfight. But if you use it on your own team, you can lose the game for your team.
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