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Matchup got easier since the goredrinker nerfs. The amount of Q's dodged during lane phase will basically determin winning/losing lane (upon first back). Cannot engage until bramble and sheen. It is hard to first back with 1200 gold, so a 900 gold base is recommended. First back with 900 and buy bramble ruby, then upon second back, buy sheen and all in. If early game goes well, mid late game should not be an issue. Nasus = Aatrox in teamfights when both champs are even (in terms of 5 v 5 power), however the player that is more ahead gets to win 5 v 5s.
Be careful of her Q auto. This is most of her damage pre- level 6. Most Akali players should be taking tp/ignite as their sums. Trying to kill a good Akali in lane is something that one should never attempt. First back kindle gem and 2nd back lucidity boots, sit in lane and afk farm like a good doggy. At around 12-15 minute mark, look to group around botside dragon objective, and if Nasus is even into Akali at this point (down 20-30 cs is normal, its considered even), he should win 5 v 5. Mid-Late look to peel your adc and play front to back unless super fed.
Really hard to deal with it. It's usually seen in mid, however it could be picked top as well. His swing basically allows him to trade into you for free, and passive works very much like vayne. Impossible to all in due to the gap he can create between him in seconds (swing). Stall lane and try to teamfight later, however most of the time it might be too late since the cs lead that he will create simply puts nasus too behind to come back.
Not seen a lot in lower elos, but quite frequent in high elo. 3 point E actually reliably shoves her back pre- level 6. Problem with most "good" E- max matchups is that you simply fall behind later on and whatever lead you had early is worthless. Q maxing currently is pretty reliable into Anivia. Taking second wind and fleet lets you farm for free basically and scale up into a mid game monster. Team fighting around Anivia is extremely hard, as all her abilities hard counter Nasus. Split pushing in this matchup and racking up a huge amount of gold/stacks is probably a better choice. If a teamfight do break out, make sure to get a good flank, since directly engaging Anivia as Nasus is probably one of the dumbest things out there.
A while ago Annie's auto range got increased, making her playable in the toplane. Pre-6 its a bit annoying, as she will tag you with a stun once in a while. First back lucidity boots and farm until you have 700 gold. Watch out for dives by their jungler because Annie's stun is a pretty good tool to start a dive with her jungler. Make sure to stay at above 85% hp in the entire lane phase (2 min- 8 min). At lucidity and sheen feel free to run her down. Mid-Late avoid straight 5 v 5s, as that's what Annie wants- to land a massive multi- man stun. Pulling her into a side lane where she cannot match you is probably the best choice, unless really fed, then go for 5 v 5s.
Hard matchup. Treat it similar like Anivia, except its way harder to farm. He can out range you even if you E max. Stay alive in lane and Q max and scale up. First- second back kindle gem/lucidity, and farm up for objective fights. There is no reason trying to kill him, as his disengage is simply disgusting and there is nothing Nasus can do in this situation. However it is also hard for him to kill you. IMO Azir scales harder than Anivia, so its definitely a worse lane to play into. Look for flanks during mid-late game if possible.
Camille level 1-3 is extremely powerful. Her auto+ true damage tick does 1/4th of your hp level 1. Most Camilles start W level 1 for poke and lane prio (shoving). If this champ gets through select and you did not dodge, try to soft E max into it and hope for the best by flipping 50/50. Do not stand near walls as hook shot (her E) will deal massive damage and also generate a shield for her. Post sheen, if Camille uses hook shot into you, all in and kill her. However, good Camille players will never do that, which means if she holds her E there is absolutely nothing you can do. This is also why it's basically unplayable matchup above diamond. She outscales you hard mid-late, with a half-screen gap close every 5 seconds, 700 true damage nuke on Q. Ban or dodge imo, not worth the coinflip (not even a coinflip, kinda just lose because she destroys your team). If you get ganked once or if Camille gets 1 kill early game for no reason, she can snowball this lead blatantly hard and 1 v 9 the game.
The Cassio matchup is much easier with lucidity rush, but still really hard to punish nevertheless. The only real way to kill her is to side-step her R (predict when she will use R, and turn around to avoid getting stunned), and that takes a lot of practice and even more practice to do it in a real game. Early game focus on side stepping her Q so her twin fangs (E) does not do extra damage. Her Miasma (W) is 24 seconds so she cannot spam that. Can try to all in right after she uses Miasma if you are confident you can sidestep her R. Worse case scenerio, neutralize the lane and try to flip better team, if you are not confident with side steping her R. Late game, she will provide more value for her team, but positioning is everything for Cassio, so it would be easier for your team to punish her than for enemy team to punish a Nasus. (easier to execute/maneuver Nasus than Cassio) If the Cassio doesn't run phase rush (IDK WHY SHE WOULDNT BUT), can first back sheen and try to kill her.
Heard that this matchup isn't very easy in lower elos due to his execute being pretty dangerous in an all in. The trick in this matchup is to just all in the moment you feel like he is in kill range. Do not let him hit you with Q's and W's and chunk you down to an uncomfortable level (risk of getting one shot). Just always all in with full hp and it shouldn't be a problem at all. As long as you are not getting hit by every Q it should not be an issue. Side- stepping rupture would almost guarantee a kill when going all in. Try to kill Cho in lane, because scaling evenly vs Cho is actually not ideal. Nasus needs to be in a winning position (more gold) in this matchup. It isn't hard to do, as long as the Nasus player gets a skill or two.
Since Darius's passive got nerfed, this matchup got a lot easier to play against. Start E level 1 and last hit the first 3 melees with E. Let him shove in and only focus on stacking the cannon on the 3rd wave. Biscuits are good here because you want to be using E to last hit in this lane in the early stages, so having the extra mana helps a lot. Most good darius players will 3 wave crash and wait for it to bounce back. Do not panic in this situation. Focus on last hitting and building up a wave. If Darius looks to all in you pre level 5 in your huge minion wave, ghost and fight back. Flash his outer Q so he cant heal and you can actually win the all in. If the lane gets to level 6, first back sheen + longsword and all in Darius with 50-60 stacks (is enough). The reason people think this matchup is hard because darius pulls Nasus in and the Nasus player starts to panic. But if you are a giga chad and fight back on 6 with sheen longsword you will realize that he simply dies to the dog. This matchup is basically a test of courage, if you hold and fight back then it is won. Darius is slightly better than Nasus in teamfights, but both champs function very similiarly. Buy steraks gage second in this matchup to match Darius's steraks. Do not go stoneplate second vs Darius because 2 item powerspike is too important. Whoever's got 2 items first in a teamfight wins, and stoneplate costs a bit more than steraks.
Super free matchup. Stand away when she Qs and she can't even poke you. Free farm to level 6, grab sheen and crack her head. Mid- late should be easy because coming out of this lane with a lead = free win.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo cannot do anything to Nasus. Free farm to level 6, spam your emotes and mastery at him and watch him suffer from doing nothing. Can get lucidity and kindle gem if you just want to farm. Grab sheen if you want to kill. Either is fine here, there is no wrong answer. Mid-Late Nasus's teamfight is much better, Mundo cannot split vs him nor out teamfight.
Very free matchup for Nasus. Free farm vs him for the first 6 levels. Try to dodge his Q as that's all his damage pre 6. Post 6 sheen, wait for Ekko to waste his W, then all in with ghost R. If he never uses W, then simply free farm. Coming out of lane in this matchup with inflated stacks and play for objectives. 5 v 5s should be free at this point off a single good flank.
Matchup mostly depend on the Fiora player's skill. I've done a lot of 1 v 1s with a good challenger Fiora friend of mine (twovital) and for us in a 1 v 1 situation its a 65/35 in Fiora's favor. Pre level 6 the only thing you should worry about is getting bramblevest first back. It's only 500 gold since cloth 4 start. Walk in the direction of the vital when it spawns on sides (left right) will allow Fiora to miss the vital. This should allow you to take less damage. Do not engage fiora until at least bramble + sheen. However if you do manage to get a solo kill, can snowball the lead extremely hard after that. Late game fiora outscales 1 v 1 unless Nasus have 700+ stacks which is not reasonable. Focus on 5 v 5, as Nasus is stronger than Fiora in a teamfight situation.
Grasp autos are really annoying to deal with. Start three beads second wind, then on first back grab a dshield. This should completely neglect his Q damage, even post sheen. Dodge GP barrels by pretending to walk up but then backing away right after, to dodge the 2 part barrel. 2nd back get lucidity boots and farm for 3rd back sheen. At that point if the lane is relatively even, look to run him down. Early level wither is lower cd than Gp orange. This information allows you to wither, get his orange, then right after wither is back up go all in before his orange is up. 5 v 5s are easy as long as you win lane (solo kill).
After Garen rework this matchup became incredibly hard. Garen’s Q spam is very low mechanic and does a ton of damage. Do not trade vs it at all early and let him shove with spin. If you stall, the lane becomes easier. Just avoid trading vs him ever in the early game, let him shove slowly and be patient. With spin adding conq stacks the new Garen is very hard to out stat. He is tankier than you late game, which isn’t good, since he can stop split and go even with you in 5 v 5. Look to out macro him and try to rotate around the map.
Very player dependent. If the Gnar player knows how to poke and hits most of his Qs, it would be very difficult to not back before sheen gold. However, if you get your first back in with sheen, the matchup is free post level 6. Later on, the Gnar may build boots of swiftness, which is very tumor to deal with but try avoid chasing him or fighting him after that item. (If he itemizes swifties first, just focus on surviving). I laned against Finn (EUW pro player transfer to NA) a few days ago in challenger and he rushed swifties and I couldn't do anything. Not much counterplay if the Gnar player is good atm.
Gets super tanky when you all in her. Do not all in her. I have lost a lot of all ins with sheen. Just focus on farming to Sunderer and grouping with team. If the Gwen player is good, she is basically a better version of you the entire game. One of the worst matchups for nasus atm.
Champion is a stonewall. There is hardly an opportunity where you can kill Gragas. He just has too much cc/ and an ultimate that can knock you away. Easy to survive and just stack up and teamfight later. In teamfights focus on enemy backline and ignore gragas. He simply exists to be annoying and provide cc for the team.
This champion does a lot of healing and burst, so early bramblevest would not be a bad investment. Pre level 6, stack up and stall for sheen. His Q should auto shove the wave which is what you want. Do not fight him immediately post sheen level 6, make sure he gets chunked a little (either by ego tanking a turret shot or taking minion aggro) before going all in. Mid game focus on team fighting with your 2-3 item power spike. He should not be a big issue.
This is a matchup where the Heimerdinger determines the difficulty of the lane. Bad Heimers drop turrets for no reason and gives you free stacks (while auto shoving the wave to your tower). Good Heimers would simply shove you out of lane and force early backs which is the biggest problem, as you lose econ in losing way too much cs and stacks. The best way to play this matchup is to survive as long as possible before backing, and rushing lucidity boots to juke his stun. HE WILL BE UP LEVELS AND GOLD through cs and plates there's nothing to do about that, just remember you are better at teamfighting so don't sweat if his up a lot of gold early, do NOT die no matter what. Look for flanks in mid game and try to avoid a head on fight vs Heimer's team.
One of the hardest matchups for Nasus in the game at all stages. Illaoi is an extreme lane bully against Nasus. If she hits a single E and pull your soul, you are out of the lane. There is no counterplay because of that patch where Illaoi’s E got buffed and cannot be removed by damaging her anymore. The only outplay potential is to “JUST DODGE OMEGALUL 4HEAD” but her E is spammable especially when they rush cdr items and max the ability (about every 10 seconds). Post level 6 she is not only ungankable but also impossible to duel. She will destroy you in cs and take your turret plates with no punishment, Nasus will be put too behind to do anything in the early, mid or late game. Ban worthy champ, but is seen rarely. She can also be easily countered by a cc heavy team, so if your team looks decent (that can deal with illaoi), can try to play the matchup.
Irelia flourishes off her passive stacking. This is what differs from good and bad Irelia players. A 5 stack passive Irelia will just nuke you in terms of damage, so do not engage if her passive is gouged. In the early game, level 2 should be well respected. Level 2, Irelia gains access to her E, and if she hits it and stuns you, your basically ded. It does an insane amount of damage with double Q dash + full passive, Nasus will likely be 100-0ed. Keep your distance level 2 and let her shove in. Post level 6 and sheen, just make sure her passive falls off before engaging. At this point, with around 100 stacks, you should have more damage than her, but that does not mean you can disrespect the passive damage. She can also kite you by dashing on minions, so make sure she fully engages or steps up too far before all in. Do note that vs super good irelias (from the ones ive faced- tenacity/generalsniper) there's basically nothing to do as the wave will be frozen on if they play it properly, since this matchup requires the Nasus player to be better than the Irelia, but that's not possible in challenger, in a situation where both players play almost perfectly, therefore even, therefore Irelia wins.
Jarvan IV
Usually, there are two types of J4s. There is the electrocute lethality J4, and the normal bruiser J4. Currently this champion is not seen a lot in the toplane, and his damage early isn’t high. Treat it like a tank and farm it out to sheen. Make sure to ping missing if he ever leaves the map. He is surprisingly good at roaming and getting free kills on the map, which is one of the only ways he can win the lane (by getting fed outside lane). Post 6 and sheen, if he uses flag pull in your direction or makes a mistake in using his escape ability, just all in and kill him. He cannot out teamfight you in the mid game and does not win split.
Season 11 Jax was a lot weaker compared to season 9/10 (imo). This used to be an unlaneable matchup. Now there are ways to deal with him. Level 1, walk up and allow him to E you and the wave. Boneplating should block some damage so it doesn't hurt too much. This allows him to push into you faster. Try to stand in the pocket in front of your turret, so he cannot full shove the wave into you. Sit there and afk farm. First back bramble kindlegem. This should completely stonewall jax from killing you. Upon 2nd back (sheen), look for all ins. Ping mia if Jax is off the map, he can easily get random kills which is probably the most annoying part. Mid- Late Nasus hard out teamfights Jax. Force fights at objectives to prevent Jax from splitting all game.
Level 1, Jayce can zone you out of your entire first wave. It is recommended to use ghost on 1 when he does this and force your way to the minion wave by autoing him (he takes your auto damage as well as minion aggro). It may sound troll, but by doing this it stops him from completely harassing you out of wave 1, you get your xp and get a decent trade, considering you have 4 pots. Ghost cd is 180 seconds, and it is normally never used until at least level 6, so using it early won’t set you back at all. Do not be afraid to use it for benefits early, the cdr is short and it is there to be USED a lot (it is also used to beat the enemy players flash cd, as flash cd is almost double that of ghost, so if you trade flash ghost with someone that has flash, your ghost comes up a lot faster and can be used for an all in earlier before your opponents flash comes up). Post sheen level 6, you should win every all in, and just scale into teamfights later. He doesn’t outscale nor out split push.
Very hard matchup. Rarely played, but if a good player picks it PRAY to god your team wins, or dodge. You will literally be unable to play the game nor touch your wave. Try to E max perhaps and just go even. That or ask for jungle to camp top since its an adc champ.
One of the most tumor matchups for Nasus. There is zero chance you will be able to kill this champion. Her Q also does a lot of poke, so it is likely you get poked out of lane fast. Get lucidity boots into kindlegem asap and try to stack perfectly and scale for mid game fights. Teamfighting is hard vs Karma as she just boosts her team up with speed and shields. Just hope your team does well when they pick Karma top.
Put on your dodging shoes and dodge the Qs. A trick if you are bad at dodging: stand in the wave close to your minions. His Q's do like half the damage even if they land. Post 6 run this guy down with sheen ghost R. Mid Late you win teamfights ez pz.
Kassadin top is niche but sometimes picked as a scaling option. This matchup is really easy, but just make sure to not die at all early (how do you even die?) and make sure the game closes before level 16. Can ask jungler for ganks, as he is very easy to kill pre level 6. Post Kass 6, if he ever uses R once, just punish him by all in. You should win teamfights until he hits level 16.
Pre 6, play it out the same way as any other matchup. Stack up and grab sheen. Post 6, she turns into a ranged champion, and her autos surprisingly hurts. She also has some form of kiting tools, and her R prevents her from dying early game (so she scales up). Look for all ins when she pushes up a bit too far from her lane, as her R prevents turret diving. If you go even or have a lead in the mid game, teamfights should be easy, just flank the enemy team through a blind spot (behind them in a bush or ghost in from behind, and sandwich enemy team)
No one knows this but Red Kayn destroys Nasus top. It's a niche pick for sure, but this champ literally beats nasus at all points of the game, yet no one picks it. He hard out lanes Nasus and out teamfights. there is nothing Nasus can do beside flip for better team.
Kennen is no longer the AP power house he used to be in s9 (back when kelpto was a thing). The Kennen now is 1/3rd of what it was before. I actually think it's a pretty bad champion atm. Free farm to 6, grab lucidity boots (if he has phase rush- can't kill so farm), if no phase rush grab sheen and all in. Mid- Late easily out teamfight unless he lands a 5 men stun.
Not seen a lot but some onetricks play it. Can't really kill this guy tbh, he has a slow and got some sustain and an escape ability. The best way to deal with unsure/rare matchups is to grab defensive early (lucidity/kindle) and afk farm for the first 10 minutes, than join teamfights later. You can usually assume Nasus wins teamfights as long as you come out of lane even.
Not sure WHY this champ got a 60% heal reduct on his bear trap (Q) everytime he pulls you in. Since that patch kled got the free executors calling (better actually because it’s 60% instead of 40%), this matchup is now close to impossible vs good kled mains. He simply sets up too many good dives with the enemy jungler (especially something like Elise). The biggest issue isn’t laning itself, it’s the turret aggro reset that makes him broken in lane to deal with. With enough respect, it’s possible to survive the lane by sitting far away from kled and farming with E if needed (make sure to not shove the wave with E), and let the wave crash before Q stacking them. The issue exists at such a point. When a big minion wave crashes, the enemy jungle may come and perform what we call a 100-0 turret dive. The remount mechanic makes kled switch agro after he de-mounts, which means there is no outplay potential when he turret dives you with the enemy jungler. Post level 6, if he can’t kill you he just Rs the rest of your team and you lose slowly that way, through macro. The best thing you can do is to go even in lane and hope to not get dove, since his healing reduction hard counters Nasus as well and all ins are hard to perform.
Lee Sin
WHY IS THIS CHAMPION IN THE TOPLANE NOW MAN CBA. Season 11 we now see the emergence of Lee top- turbo no skill laning phase. He has mixed damage- E does ap and Q/autos do ad. Can't itemize vs it, and can't trade vs it either. If you try to all in post 6, he just kicks you away and ward hop or jump onto a minion. Treat it like a lane bully that you can't kill. Farm and do not die at all costs. If wave gets frozen on try to soak xp and ask for jungle help, but DO NOT DIE. Lee falls off hard if he gets no kills in lane, play to scale and play for objectives in the mid-late game.
DO NOT TRY TO 1 v 1 HER. She will kite you into oblivion and make you look stupid. Grab lucidity and kindle and farm. Lillia top is kinda like lee- If she gets no kills in lane its hard for her outside lane. These cringe champs that belong in the jungle all suffer the same issue, if they get no kills early they fall off to normal toplaners. Best she can do later is Flash Q 5 man sleep but that's hard to do and shes squishy if shes not like 3 items ahead.
Liss does not have a good way of getting away from Nasus’s all ins. Her only escape is to scale a terrain with her ice claw, or else Nasus can simply ghost and run her down. In lane, her poke is weak and can be sustained off Qs. She does not have a good way of poking you out of lane, and after level 6 she must play passive if she doesn’t want to be ran over. Farm up to level 6 and sheen, and look for all ins when she uses her escape ability, or if she walks up into melee range of you, drop wither and ghost and run her down. Teamfight be careful to stand back and not get stunned by her, then go all in after.
Lucian top isn’t very good at the moment due to the amount of gap closing champs there are in the toplane. However, Nasus does not really have one except for wither, and it does not take effect until after 6. This matchup would be a 5/10 if you can survive to level 6, but usually it is almost impossible to do. Lucian pre level 6 will just kill you no matter what build you go. Cloth 4 pots can only hold him off, but will not stop him from forcing you to back multiple times in the early game (if your jungler doesn’t help), unless you want to die. By the time you put together sheen, a good Lucian would already be up too much cs and turret plating for you to do anything. Make sure to beg for jungler’s help in this matchup, as if he dies pre level 6, this matchup becomes that much easier.
usually seen paired with a kindred (jg top duo below masters, picked for comp in high elo). This champion does a lot of poke early and provides really good carry potential for her adc or champs like kindred in the jungle. Do not die to her at all costs, as that will only speed up her support item spikes. No good way to deal with her, can't really out teamfight her. Look to flip better team. Grab lucidity and kindle to try to stack asap before lane phase is over.
Free farm vs the rock. If he is Q max he will hurt a little but grab kindle and lucidity boots first back and free farm. Do not try to kill him. There is no point. Come out of lane 300 stacks at 12 min and make him regret ever picking malphite again.
Even more free than malphite. lucidity boots + kindle, sit afk farm, 300 stacks at 12 min, come out of lane a god and crack his entire team.
Master Yi
You are basically playing with three abilities, as W doesn’t affect Yi when his in Highlander (R). Farm it up in the early game but must be careful of his autos, as his damage can completely overwhelm and surprise you, even in the earlier stages. The only way to deal with it post 6 is to rush tabis and try to not fight him, as you will never win those. Try to pull the game to mid game when you have sunderer, and try to stop him from gaining too much of a cs lead and turret plating gold. For teamfights, just hope your team can deal with Yi with cc, as you don’t have any to use on him. VERY TEAM dependent champ, if the comp is bad into him his basically unstoppable exodia, dodge at that point.
Morde buffs made him hard to deal with. In lane, He auto shoves the wave with his aoe Q and passive, so just dodge those if you can and let him shove in. Post level 6 and sheen, do not engage him as he will kill you unless you stack perfectly (around 120 stacks at 7-8, extremely hard to do in higher elos). Try to scale into mid game where you will have the advantage in a 5 v 5. There is a special Summoner spell choice you can run into this. It may sound troll, but through my personal testing it works, just not so well mid game. This is the barrier ghost summoner choice instead of flash ghost. Barrier gives even stronger duel power in the early game, and it also prevents turret dives that much better. Going barrier actually makes Nasus able to fight Morde a lot easier and earlier. He cannot even escape with flash, as he is very immobile and can be chased down with only ghost. Downside is mid game it would be harder to fight 5 v 5, but you are more likely to win lane hard.
In lane, focus on stacking and be careful of his pre level 6 damage, as it can actually harass you out of lane. Post 6 and sheen, he cannot survive your all in under any circumstances, so simply drop wither ghost R and run him down. Team fight try to not get ultied by him (as that slows you down significantly), but it should be an easy 5 v 5 team wipe regardless, as you should be fed coming out of an Naut lane, either in stacks or kills.
Her stun lasts a century, and her Q does insane amount of burst, and it’s undodgeable obviously if you get hit by her stun. Her decoy ability (W) also makes her harder to catch. Think about the matchup like a 10x harder version of kennen. In lane, try to survive, and make sure to at least attempt to dodge the stuns, and try to farm under turret and keep up in cs. Post level 6 and sheen, if she misses her stun, should immediately look to all in her, even if it fails, at least trade flash ghost for flash. This lane usually makes Nasus really behind, and coming out of lane down a lot of gold.
Not seen a lot, but lane Nocturne is pretty popular in High elo, and there are a few one tricks that exist in high elo playing only Noc top or mid. His lane control and priority is unmatched. He can 1 shot a wave with ironwipe and shove in, then look for Rs on the map. Make sure to ping your team that he has R once his 6. In lane, prevent a freeze and look to farm up. This is not a matchup you can fight even post sheen and level 6, so just focus on not getting dove, farming, and keeping up in gold and scale into teamfights. Nasus is a lot stronger in teamfights then Noc is, provided he isn’t put super behind in lane. The reason this matchup is put at threat level 5 because of his unmatchable pressure on the map. Noc R is just so broken in terms of snowballing his team ahead.
Worse matchup than yi. Olaf top is seen a lot more as well. This champion can run you down on level 1, and would snowball too much of a gold difference for you to matter even post Sunderer. Level 6, ragnarok makes him immune to wither, so again (like yi), Nasus is playing with three abilities. Even if you miss every cs in the first wave, do not walk up for cs, as he will run you down with axe spam. In lane, look to survive and prevent getting turret dove. Do not ask for jungle help as Olaf simply 1 v 2s. Get bramblevest early to stop his insane healing, and try to scale up without dying. The later it gets, the better odds of you winning the game.
In lane, can bait a trade and have Ornn shove the wave (his infernal breath aoe ability). Make sure to not get autoed by his bristle auto, as that does a nice chunk of your hp. Bristle damage is insanely high currently and it has seen no nerfs. It can burst you from literally full hp, and he gets multiple auto resets that apply bristle when he uses R. In lane focus on farming and not fighting him. He can literally go bramble into a full tank item and 1 shot you. it's just one of those champs that Nasus can't out stat. Look to survive and fight at objectives later.
His current Q is very hard to miss, and the radius is insane. Also you must watch out for his damage, as his Q may crit and 1 shot you if low. One of the worst things about the new pantheon is that his E can tank turret shots, which makes it disgustingly easy for him to dive you with enemy jungle. Early game focus on farming, scale to level 6 and call mias across the map so your teammates know that his 6 and has access to ultimate. You will be really behind in lane, but outscale hard if you aren’t too behind.
n lane, focus on surviving her Q damage, and be very careful of her wall stun, as that will do half your hp bar immediately. Stand in the middle of the lane (like the Camille matchup), and do not get slam stunned into a wall at all costs. Scale to level 6. With sheen and level 6 it is possible to kill her, but only if her R is on cd or you are confident enough to flash her R. It is recommended to just stack and scale, as you outscale her in teamfights. But if feeling confident, can attempt to kill her if she missed plays or steps up too far in lane.
Not seen top a lot, but hard to deal with when seen. Lucidity boots kindle rush, do not make any attempts at soloing her. Her constant invis is too disgusting to fight. Look to scale up, and avoid building more than 1 shield items (serpents fang HARD COUNTERS shields and she will be building it).
Really hard to stop her roaming. Like a lot of champs on this matchup list, Quinn is one of those champs that flourishes off killing your team more then killing you or laning. Post level 6, she will just never fight you and roam everywhere on the map, most likely getting free kills here and there, come back into lane with bork and make it a hard time for Nasus. In lane, stack under turret and ask for jungler help, as pre level 6 Quinn is easy to gank and kill (not up to you but pinging your jungler sometimes help). Force teamfights after Sunderer and stop her from perma skirmishing and picking out your squishy teammates.
Very hard matchup, but also very skill/player dependent (renekton is a hard champion to play imo). You can tell a Renekton one trick from just a Renekton player, as their combos and animation cancels will be a lot more smooth and confident. This matchup is extremely hard if Renekton takes press the attack + ignite, as that makes it easy for him to 1 shot you pretty much entire lane phase. In lane, focus on trading with him when your boneplating is up, so he aoe Qs the wave and shoves it into your turret. Make sure you are at full hp most of the time, or enemy jungler can turret dive you (or he can even just dive you by himself). Do not fight post sheen and 6, as you will not win. Must stall to around two cdr items (sheen kindle lucidity) to fight him. Ping junglers off ganks, as Renekton is also one of those champs that can 1 v 2. You outscale hard, and out teamfights as long as his not too ahead.
Impossible matchup. There is almost no chance Nasus can even walk up in lane. Try to force him to shove the first two waves, and stand far away from the three bushes in the toplane (even if that means losing xp). He will be up a huge amount of cs and gold once it gets to mid game (if he plays well), and there really is no counterplay to stop it. Make sure to not get solo killed, that’s about it. Teamfights would most of the time go his way, as you will be too behind to do anything. However, if your team stalls over 20 minutes, Nasus scales into 2-3 items and at that stage of the game, Nasus can make a comeback and turn the tides.
Like renekton, requires a lot of skills and is very player dependent. A good Riven player on riven is one of the scariest lanes, and the difficulty will definitely go higher. However, in general, you won’t see a good Riven player until at least masters +. Most riven players struggle with animation cancels (lower elos) and shoves the wave with their aoe three part Qs. The worst lanes are those Rivens that not only freezes the wave but also harass for every cs that you try to get. In lane, focus on not inting and going in for a trade (so she pushes the wave) everytime your boneplating is up. Try to keep the wave at a reasonable size so she cannot dive you (can E to make it smaller). Post level 6 and sheen stall a bit and stack up to around 100 stacks before trying to do anything. If you die once to Riven the lane is over so make sure you don’t make that mistake. You outscale, but her teamfight power is around the same as Nasus, so this matchup it is actually recommended to split push and pull her away from your team. If you are going to be focusing on a teamfight, make sure to flank just like her, so you don’t take the majority of the enemy team’s burst, as my build is less tanky early- mid game than the traditional Nasus.
This is the classic triple beads lane. Rumble does ticks of AP damage so make sure to take the right runes (very very important in this matchup). Sustain is king vs Rumble. Do not walk up for cs, unless it is bait for him to shove the wave. In lane, walk in and run out, so he hard shoves the wave into you. Try to dodge his missiles, as those are dodgable and can take out a large amount of your hp. Post sheen level 6, all in and kill him through his R. Do not take extended fights with him, as you will lose on those. Commit to all ins to correct waves this way. Teamfights should be in your favor, and you outscale very hard.
Ryze requires a lot of mana to function. Early game it is possible to face tank his damage and regen/lifesteal it back up, until he runs out of mana and backs for tear. This is what makes him slightly easier to deal with, as he leaves you breathing room in the very early stages of lane. However, it is almost impossible to kill him, as if you all in, Ryze simply uses R and gets out to safety. Ryze players also tend to get a lot of cs during the mid-late game, making him an ap powerhouse. hard to teamfight if he gets too ahead from farming, but if played perfectly the matchup should be bearable coming out of lane (both champs should be fed in cs at that point).
Be careful of his pull back auto Q resets. It does a lot more damage than you would expect, and can burn through all 4 of your pots really fast. Sidestep the middle part of his W should make you take significantly less damage. At bramble sheen (first back ideally) look to all in FIRST and kill him. Do not let him chunk you before going in, as all ining at full hp in this matchup is extremely important. Mid game do not position badly as he will R you into your team (which is bad).
Shen is one of those champs that you don’t expect the damage, but the damage simply exists. In lane, be extremely careful of his triple empowered autos. Those do a lot of AD and AP damage, and can chunk you out like crazy. Level 1, three autos from shen can chunk out half your hp. Make sure to stand away from him so he doesn’t taunt you as well. Scale to sheen and look to farm safely. He actually gets extremely hard to kill and can simply taunt out if he sees he cannot out-duel you. The worst is his global can be used to win a lot of early skirmishes, and impact the map in ways you cannot stop. Nasus does not have an ability that can stun or knock up Shen from channeling his R, which makes him extremely obnoxious to just R onto his teammates and turn the tides of a fight. Scale into teamfights, focus on stacking perfectly and shoving the wave into his turret when he Rs out of lane. With good stacks and Sunderer, it is possible to teamfight them even if they get fed as the result of Shen’s ultis.
This matchup, simply focus on stacking and do not engage onto Singed (entire lane phase as well), especially after 6 and if he has ghost. Rule number 1 of League: do not chase the Singed. Focus on farming well and scaling into Sunderer. You do not outscale in teamfights very well but you outscale duel wise. He cannot stop your split, and if the game gets really late, you are more valuable than him.
This matchup is easy if he goes tank, and easier if he goes full lethality. Nasus has too much sustain for Sion to deal with in lane. After level 6 and sheen, Sion will never be able to contest Nasus. The best he can do is try to stonewall, but you outscale and out teamfights him anyways. In lane, focus on dodging his Qs, which should be very easy to do, and farming up a storm so you will be a monster mid game. If Sion goes full lethality, he is wintrading, as it would be easier for you to kill him and he cannot stop your split at all.
This is a very niche yet powerful pick, in my opinion. His kit allows him to cheese really well and forces enemy team carries to buy qss due to his ultimate. Make sure to stay well away from his turret once he hits level 6, he can combo triple stun you under turret and get a free kill. It is almost impossible to run him down because of this, so just focus on stacking and scaling into mid game if you somehow faces this matchup.
Seen a lot less than during s9 and s10. The matchup is a lot easier now, as the nerfs to her made it so she can't just randomly R then build ardent to win her team the game. Free farm pre 6, then run her down after 6 (sheen rush). Come out of lane massive and destroy her team in 5 v 5s.
This matchup requires a lot of time to perfect for the Nasus player. Sylas players tends to be the same, and wave control shouldn’t be a problem as he shoves in with his abilities no matter what. In lane, focus on sustaining and regening until sheen. Post 6 and sheen, he will take your R. Make sure to trade Rs with him on the first time you fight him. Run away, and let his R (yours) run out. It will be a long time until he can take your R again. Your own R should be off cd before he can take your R again, and that is when you engage for the second time and kill him. This been (perfect scenerio) said, currently sylas just got too much stats with the new s11 items, so this strat doesn't work into good players. The first all in will basically determine rest of the game. If he dies, you will win lane rest of the game and if you die, then you solo lose the game for the team, as he will just take over at that point, especially in high elo.
Tahm Kench
N/A atm, need to see more of this champ this season.
Very infamous champion in the Nasus community. This champion simply has everything required to beat down Nasus and keep him down the entire stage of the game- HOWEVER, most teemos should be really easy to deal with imo. The only Teemo player thats ever given me any problems was ipav with his innovative builds to survive no matter what. Most Teemos doesn't play with that much discipline, and its easy to read a mistake from them and run them down post lucidity and sheen. Once teemo falls behind, it is very hard for him to come back into the game, as he cannot teamfight at all. best way to beat it is to bait his phaserush then all in immediately after.
Her aoe autos make her push towers and waves at the same time. Early game, there is almost no contesting this champion, she can harass you under turret and give you a huge cs deficiency very early into the game. Her rocket jump and her R makes it almost impossible to kill her, even with ghost flash. This matchup it is mandatory to rush tabis and just flip bot lane/jg difference, as that is the only thing that you can really do vs her. Teamfights she just turns into another adc for her team, and make it so much harder for the already behind Nasus to do anything in a lane like this. ALSO note this is one of the adcs that a jungler can't even gank XD
Not seen top a lot, but Trundle is a hard Nasus counter with his R. He takes all of Nasus’s resistances and beats you down hard. Laning against Trundle is relatively safe and easy, but outside lane phase or post level 6, he will R you every time for your stats and make you useless for a few seconds. The best way to fight this champion is to kite out his R. If he Rs you just drop wither and run. There is no point splitting or dueling vs trundle, as a good trundle build can always beat you down throughout the game. It is also hard to outscale him due to his R. Teamfights are also relatively hard, because you will have 0 defensive stats for a while.
Very player dependent lane. Good Tryndamere players will harass you under turret with their auto spin away. Doing this actually prevents the turret from hitting them, and also getting an extra 150-200 damage onto you. In lane, try to survive and scale into sheen. Try to stay at high hp to not get dove. Post sheen and level 6, try to see if he uses spin (E) in the wrong way, and if he does, all in him right away to punish. It is hard to kill him, due to his R, so do not force necessary plays. Mid to late game you outscale tryndamere, but at this time the trynd will be looking to split push and be annoying. Force teamfights mid and force the tryndamere to back and fight with his team.
In lane, focus on not getting hit by his flip, as that will deal a lot of damage to you since he will just Q (slow) then E (flip) and start his W rotation on you which will poke you out of lane hard. RUSH BRAMBLEVEST. It hard counters Urgot's existence and is the sole reason why this matchup is not bad. He hurts himself crazy hard when you have bramble because of his W. Post sheen bramble level 6, if you are confident to flash his R, can try to fight him, but it is recommended to wait a bit longer before engaging him. At level 9, he gains access to his perma W, which is a toggle on and off ability (nice 1). At that point, fighting him is unsafe, so just group and teamfight. Late game Urgot is actually insanely strong because of his perma W, so try to not drag the game out too long or it can get pretty awkward to play.
A bit of a fun matchup. If enemy team allows it (not too much cc, all squishy) try the lethality Nasus build into Vayne (essence reaver- prpwler's claw- collector). If you think about it, there's no reason not going full damage vs Vayne, as you simply get outscaled if you don't build full damage (You die equally fast in a teamfight going full tank or full lethality, so lethality build is actually BETTER in this case). Ask for Jungle help early, as it's very easy to gank Vayne. Post Prowler's claw, you should be able to 1-2 shot her with decent stacks. Focus on splitting all game as your build is too squishy to teamfight.
Don't have enough testing yet with this character, but in the few games that I did face it I almost always faced a Viego with ignite. He has lots of healing so bramble rush is obvious, besides that, if you stack well, can probably run him down with bramble sheen but DON'T TAKE MY WORDS on it (not sure yet). Teamfights should be hard because of his R kill reset.
One of the easiest matchups and a popular one too. People often pick Vlad into Nasus thinking they can scale up. Nope. Pre 6 free farm, post 6 sheen wither R ghost run him over once and the game is over. You hard take over the game if he dies once.
Probably the worst matchup for Nasus this season. The only reason I permaban Camille and not Voli is because of Camille's literal 1 v 9 potential with some jungle help early. Voli is one of those matchups where if you don't dodge then I don't know what to tell you. His combo is guaranteed as he stuns you then lands his W. He has ad ap % hp damage, so building anything into him is worthless. Level 6 he will solo dive you from full hp under your own turret and there's absolutely nothing you can do. honestly, if you guys are comfortable with Camille matchup, just ban Voli. There is no counterplay, you lose at all stages of the game until 35 min+ but that never happens :).
Warwick Q is basically Nasus Q but he doesn't need to stack for that damage and also it can reposition him. Its mandatory to get bramblevest asap in this matchup, as if you don't have bramble he will heal up absolutely all the dps you do to him. Farm to level 6, grab bramble sheen before trying to engage on him. He could R out and escape in theory but most Warwicks tend to just R onto you anyways, so make sure that you can outstat him before going in. Teamfights Nasus hard win.
Most important part of this matchup is that you have to engage first. If you get engaged on by Wukong first you die. Engaging first would mean you get a Q onto him first and also do damage to him before he can stack his passive (gives him a lot of armor), also means he must react to it with his R, which he doesn't want to do, because Wukong want to engage with it to fast stack his passive. basically, if you are looking to kill Wukong, be the first one to go to have a better chance at winning the 1 v 1. Mid game He out teamfights you unless his R is really bad. If you win side at that point just drag him away from the team.
Xin Zhao
Not seen a lot but the Xin buff made him playable as a lane bully in the toplane. Try to dodge his E, as the post buffed Xin can dash onto you if he lands that super long range E of his. Post 6, can all in with sheen in most cases. Nasus hard outscale in teamfights.
Yasuo is very mobile and fancy but if we take away his minion wave his nothing. Like Irelia, Yasuo requires a good sized minion wave to work his magic. Early game, focus on scaling and having him push into your turret. Rush tabis if you find his poke too much (as he is likely to rush Berserker’s, easier to catch him this way too). Post sheen level 6, try to fight him when he loses his wave. A good yasuo player will only play around minion waves, so if he doesn’t engage, just farm to triforce. You outscale in teamfights hard and wither demolishes yasuo’s abilities at teamfighting.
Player dependent. A good Yone is impossible, a bad Yone is free. Try to side step his knock up Qs if possible. That's really it tbh, a bad Yone just loses to a Nasus but a good one will destroy him in lane. Whoever wins lane will have more pressure coming out of lane after.
Yorick is hard because he can max W second and wall you off completely. In a way, he is similar to Nasus, but a lot less bursty but more consistent as a champion. Early game, focus on staying alive and dodging his Es (HIS E GOT BUFFED RECENTLY IF YOU DONT DODGE THIS YOU WILL DIE), as those trigger his little ghouls to attack you, which can chunk you out a lot (they also tend to have a very hard to hit hitbox, which not sure if intended or not but gives Nasus a tumor). Post sheen and level 6, look to take out his maiden before going all in. This is hard to do, because if you attack Yorick’s maiden, he will focus you. Usually, R to clear his maiden, and continue farming. Yorick’s maiden is a longer cd then Nasus’s R, so trading Rs with Yorick isn’t too bad. Just make sure to kill his maiden before focusing him, or you will never win vs him. Yorick would likely split push all game with demolish and tp, so make sure you are forcing fights around the map so he doesn’t get what he wants in the mid game. It is hard to split against him, as his W takes 4 autos to kill at rank 5 (starting at rank 4), and Nasus cannot get out of his W like mobile champs can.
More or less a free farm lane. Be careful of his unexpected damage. If not comfortable with the matchup, go lucidity and kindle then afk farm entire lane phase. Should win teamfights because you SHOULD come out of lane with a huge amount of stacks in this lane.
Hello my fellow Nasus enjoyers and welcome to my Nasus guide. My name is William, friends call me Will or Kang (my chinese nickname), but most people know me as Psychopathic Top. I started playing this game in s6, and have been challenger since season 9 (season 10 I didn't really try as it was my first year in University, so I peaked around 450 lp that season).
Why Nasus?? Well to be honest, I don't even know at this point. When I started playing the game (end of middle school), I made a bet with some acquaintances from my highschool that I would reach challenger in 3 years with a bad champion. I think most of them thought I was joking, and it became a meme that I ever said that. It took me exactly 3 years to reach Challenger one tricking Nasus, and the first 2 seasons (s7 and 8) I had less than 1000 games. Am I happy now that I stuck with the doge for all these years? Yea, absolutely.
Over the years, I've played in every elo through multiple accounts of mine. I've smurfed from fresh level 30 to grandmaster-challenger too many times. I want to share this passion I have for Nasus with everyone through this guide, and I hope you guys can learn something from it and start enjoying the doge and his role in this game.
My twitch should be linked, and that would be the place I stream at (trying to stream daily now with consistency). I have YouTube but I don't upload much, however stay tuned for that!
Enjoy your stay. :)
Highest Nasus player In NA for 3 years, and conq has always been what I ran for most of my games. So before you guys doubt me, check the imgur.
Rune choices
Conqueror allows Nasus to take fights that otherwise he cannot, in other words, it pushes him to go further than his normal limitations in a duel/teamfight. It's his 'limit breaker'.
This allows nasus to push forward when his supposed to be dead. Each triumph heal from mid-late could be the difference between winning or losing the teamfight- or the game even.
Tenacity allows Nasus to not run , but instead almost every game (tenacity and unflinching).
Last stand provides Nasus with extra damage as he all ins and gets low. Throughout a game it is normal to deal 1-2k extra damage with this rune.
Second wind is just great overall, basically equivalent to about 2 extra hp pots before your first back. This is extremely crucial in poke matchups, and the higher elo you are the better it becomes.
The main reason for taking resolve second. This paired with legend tenacity allows Nasus to build , which imo is extremely important (also gives summoner spell haste). Having 30 seconds lower cd on ghost and flash in the mid-late game is the difference between winning the game/losing the game.
Reason for running conqueror is because this emphasizes nasus to be more of a bruiser in the earlier stage, and as game proceeds he turns into a drain tank. The lower your hp, the stronger you become. Nasus is strongest when his hp pool is below 30% with this build. When he gets low, last stand deals around an extra 100 damage per Q with around 300 stacks. Triumph is also a lot more prominent and usually heals you for around 300 per kill/assist. This means that you have to just go in without regrets and fight to the death in a 5 v 5 or 1 v 2 situation. Usually if your team is around, a two item nasus (at 20 minutes) can just wipe the entire enemy team with conqueror and triumph healing as well as passive healing and . People don't build executioners super early nor do they respect nasus healing, so nasus actually does really well in the mid game (15-25 minutes, provided early game went well). As the game transitions into late game, nasus with 3+ items turns into a shield tank with and . He becomes extremely tanky during R while healing even through heal reduct items, provided you have a reasonable amount of stacks. With ghost and unflinching nasus also becomes surprisingly sticky and hard to kite. The nerfs to conqueror does hurt a bit this season, but I mostly just take it for the bonus AD anyways. I still got challenger with it this season, so this should be enough proof that it works just perfectly fine.
Summoner Spells
The reason for ghost flash is simple: Nasus is a potato without ghost outside lane phase. Even if you are fed there is no teamfighting possibilities due to his immobility and how easy it is for the enemy team to kite him. Since flash cannot be given up (in my opinion) there is no debate as to the ghost flash build. One of the only and biggest downside to this sums choice is if you get turret dove at level 3, the game will be unplayable due to not having teleport to get back into the lane. (will talk about turret dives later) However, even if this is the case, ghost should never be given up as its the only way to teamfight later on into the game. Think of it like a part of Nasus's kit: without it he cannot function.
Bread and butter for Nasus. Under most circumstances one would want to rush this item on Nasus. It provides an insane damage/stat boost, and also scales super well into mid/late with the armor pen and passive on it. It does well into tanks as well as squishies alike. The best part of this item is it syncs perfectly with your autos during R. It should always be auto-Q-auto-Q-auto-Q during Nasus R with Sunderer, which makes it super smooth (highest possible DPS) as well as an easy way to proc conqueror stacks.
THERE IS CURRENTLY A BUG WITH TEAR (tear doesn't stack on Q), yet it's still mandatory imo if you don't run at least biscuit delivery. imo is a really bad item even after the countless buffs on it. The reason behind it is it gives 0 hp and only pure armor, so it will never be good. Yet people tend to go for this item when they need mana. This is a stupid choice because instead of setting yourself behind by 2.5k gold (worthless item imo), just buy tear for 400 gold and build actual items like and or even . It you think it doesn't work, I have 2 grandmaster accounts and 1 Challenger account currently, and 95% of my games I go tear as a form of mana. Sit on tear and do not complete it. If it gets to late game (30 min+) and you have no slots left, sell it for something else at that point.
Super important item. Provides ability haste, armor, mr and hp (in the form of a decaying shield) all in 1 item. It gives literally everything Nasus needs in 1 item, so it's super hard for enemy team to react/build around it since it should be completely normally around 20 minutes mark. The shield scales with hp, which means it gets boosted up by another 500 hp when Nasus uses R. Super good synergy and super hard for enemy team to counter fast.
A second shield item for Nasus. At this point however, be very careful and watch what the enemy is building. Assassins or even ADCs sometimes build as their 2nd/3rd item, and if they do, DO NOT BUILD STERAKS. This is because both your shields get hard countered by that item. If they itemize early, grab 3rd. Other shield breaking mechanics can be seen in some champs such as , so just be weary when those champs are on the enemy team before you build two shield items. But generally speaking, it is the best in slot choice for 3 item Nasus.
Best in slot item IF they are full ad or if they have shield break mechanics or bonus damage to shields items. Think of it like an alternative for . Read above.
Best in slot item IF they have 1 super fed member on their team. Been testing the item out since the patch released, 2nd item chains feel lack luster due to the lack of resistances it provides (it only gives hp). I would say this item is best as a 3rd item, after stoneplate. Stoneplate is still core. The interesting thing is the tenacity reduction on the item. The person that you are chained to takes 1 extra second on wither, which means in theory your wither lasts 6 seconds on them and its on a 6 second cd, meaning that it could be cast on the same target over and over and put them under perma slow. It's not very practical however.
Best boot choice by far, and should be ran in 95% of the games. The ability haste and summoner haste is just too broken to not abuse.
With the three buffs it's gotten in the past two months this item is honestly not bad. Sadly, it's just always going to be inferior to in every way possible this season (unless they GIGA buff it later on). It simply doesn't provide the smoothness has (during R, goes auto-auto-Q instead of auto-Q because it has attackspeed XD), nor the hp, nor does it scale better. On top of that, it's only good vs all squishies. Farewell , you have served me well in the last 3 seasons, I will never forget you but we are parting ways now :(.
Very strong item as a last item. Super late into the game theres no point building a 4th tank item, therefore going armorpen+ damage is the best bet. It also has a 30% slow in passive, so everytime you E on top of enemies champs its an aoe 30% slow. It's really busted imo if the game gets that late.
Same idea as , late into the game just go for an efficient damage item, in this case serves as a distraction when you initially go down, so hopefully your team can get work done. Very classic bruiser item, which is what I enjoy as Nasus is meant to be played more like a bruiser than a tank anyways.
If enemy team is heavy ap and you must go for an MR option, I would suggest this over . It's no longer season 9/10 sadly, and heal reduction are a lot stronger than before. Just go for items with more instant stats than something like that benefits more overall if you can heal large amounts. Let's be honest, who on the enemy team isn't getting heal reduction into a Nasus? The movement speed boost from is also a really nice bonus during a teamfight, as things will get messy and the passive will stack.
As of patch 11.11 with the newest buffs to frozen heart (15% as reduction to 20%, as well as more tankiness- read patch 11.11), I am currently testing the item, but it seems that it is no longer worthless. However I will need more games to determine this.
Stack Number
(Does not matter that much but I know people want to know an estimation/approximation, keep in mind those stats are taken from grandmaster+ games so it could be higher in lower elos)
5 minutes avg- 36-51 stacks
10 minutes avg- 120-150 stacks
15 minutes avg- 240-300 stacks
20 minutes avg- 402-450 stacks
25 min + just make sure you have above 500 stacks and you are fine.
Stacks is simply an efficient way of getting AD while building tank. Think about it this way: a long sword gives 10 AD. +3 stacks is basically permanent 3 AD. +12 would be permanent 12 AD. A cannon and a minion would give more than a worth of AD, minus half of the efficiency (if we assume nasus Qs every other auto during R, it would be around 7.5 AD). If we calculate it like this, stacking is actually a very cost efficient way of getting stronger (example: 300 stacks is aprox. 150 ad). This is also why a lot of the times a well stacked nasus can beat people when he is on a gold deficit. With just he can beat a lot of champs on two items in a duel. (if he is stacked- refer to above) That is also why during early game, missing some cs doesn’t mean anything. Just focus on staying alive in lane and getting that sheen. With the stack count above, you will be able to duel most champs in the game.
Just remember that stacking is secondary. Staying alive and getting items is the name of the game. If the cannon is about to die but it’s hard to walk up or you might take too much damage, just leave it. It is not worth dying at all in lane. The only time death should happen is when enemy team turret dives the Nasus. In a 1 v 1 situation, never die and always respect your laner.
Wave Control
This is what tells apart a good and bad Nasus player. Wave control and controlling the topwave is one of, if not the most important things Nasus players must play perfect in order to achieve higher ranking and to improve. Toplane, in general, is a lane where wave control is extremely important, but for Nasus even more so. The traditional problem is the hard shove wave 1 and 2 and freeze off wave 3 strategy a lot of aggressive laners/champions like to do. The other strategy is the 3 wave crash cheater recall problem. I will get into them below.
2 wave crash cannon wave bounce back freeze
Wave 1 is the first wave of the game that hits top lane. If you are leashing for your jungler, you may reach it slower, and run the risk of missing one cs of xp. Missing cs is fine, but missing xp is really bad. In most circumstances, you want to be in xp range no matter what. The way you miss the first cs in the first wave is if you arrive in lane late and your enemy laner pulled the first wave by tanking your wave, so that his minions hit your minions first and in doing so, imbalances the mechanics of the first wave, so that your minions die faster and his shoves in faster. The way to prevent this is to give your jungler a smaller leash and run to ur lane faster to soak the xp. Wave 2 would be then shoved into your turret, and you should prepare to prevent the wave 3 bounce back. It won’t work every time, but it is always advised to attempt it. The 3rd wave is the first cannon wave of the game. The way to freeze or attempt to slow it down is to tank the minion damage and stand just a little outside your turret, so the minions hit you instead of the turret, slowing down the full push the enemy laner is trying to perform. However, they may harass you and force the wave in. If that happens, the wave will slowly bounce back into his direction and create a freeze far away from your own turret, which makes the game a lot harder to play. At this point you should ask for jungle help for a wave reset or try to shove it all the way in with E, as it is possible they can’t fight you inside a huge minion wave pre level 6.
3 wave crash cheater recall freeze
Same mechanic as the two wave crash, except it's slower and the opponent get to base and get an item (longsword/dblade/cull etc). Only 4 things can happen theoretically upon a toplane wave crash: invade, roam, cheater recall, dive. Three wave crash ensures a cheater recall, which is basically a recall that does not require the player to tp back into lane. They slow shove wave 1 and 2, then hard shove wave 3 and base with around 400-450 gold (depending on their cs- the perfect cs for the first 3 waves is 19 cs). At this point they walk back to lane with their item lead, and your wave will push into them at this stage. Having no tp, there is two options for the Nasus player: try to fight in the big wave, or base with a messed up wave (let's imagine your jungler being botside at this exact moment). There are no right or wrong answers as long as you don't die. If the wave is messed up and frozen, and you can't fight the enemy champion even within a huge wave, simply back and grab defensive options such as or . After that, soak xp and wait for a roam from one of your teammates (mid/jg/sup). Just don't die no matter what. Be patient.
Oh boy. My favorite part.
This is usually not a problem until high diamond + (d2-d1+). In higher elos, it is easier to get poked lower in lane (as your opponents become more skilled), and a lot more likely to get turret dove, 80% of the time on level 3. Nasus level 3 is the weakest. At this time, enemy laner may have accumulated a huge minion wave and its crashing into your turret. High elo junglers may show up at this time and perform what we call 100-0 under turret no counterplay. If it goes through and you die, toplane is half over. You lose a huge minion wave, xp, and the potential for them to proxy you for another minute when you try to walk back into lane (enemy jungler sits in the bush beside top lane, waiting for you to walk up and kill you again with their top). There is actually no counterplay for this, except to beg your jungler to be topside at around level 3 to help you out. All they need to do is to clear from botlane to toplane and back under your turret, so the enemy jungler backs off. Here is a list of the worst turret diving combos (and most common champions) there are and what to look out for in champ select, as it may be worth to dodge those comps:
+ + + + + + Honestly any toplaner that takes is really bad. + + + +
Weakside means to play with no resources and getting no help from your team, so you are the 'weak' side that should play safe and play to not die and let botside carry.
Strongside means the side that's getting all the resources and all the help, and are expected to carry a game because all the resources and early map pressure are funneled to make them a carry.
every crash instigates one of four plays: dive, invade, roam, recall. The enemy is seeking for one of those four plays everytime a wave crashes in top. This forces Nasus to weakside, because first 3 levels no matter what you will be the player thats getting crashed on. By definition against a coordinated offensive, your jungler is forced to path away from you, because if he comes top he will simply die with you. This strands Nasus right away, as it leaves options for enemy to 1. dive or 3. roam. So realistically vs 'perfect' players or in a competitive scenario enemy mid will be 3 man diving the Nasus at specific break points. This should put Nasus behind 80-100 cs in 12-13 minutes. All of this is the result of a 3 wave crash at 3 minutes. HOWEVER, because its solo queue and not competitive thankfully, this rarely, if at all happens. Playing weakside perfectly should mean that you should never die, but it is possible for the strongside player (the player getting all the help/resources from his team) to mechanically mess up, and thats your window to winning weakside. Because they have to initiate, there is always a chance they mess up because it's solo queue. Obviously this doesn't happen until a certain elo/mmr, but over all its very good to start practicing playing weakside properly even in low elo (d2-). It's how the game is supposed to be played and it's what we call 'good' League of Legends. Nasus should almost always be weakside anyway, so learning how to not die at certain points of the game and play with low econ is mandatory eventually, to aid with climbing overall. This is not something people can just grasp by watching, it is recommended to spam games to get to this point and to understand it fully.
There are many micro tips that people should look out for or utilize when playing Nasus. He isn’t a braindead champion as many people expect him to be. He is braindead if fed, but very difficult to navigate in lane perfectly to get to that point. First 10 minutes of the game pretty much determines how he does for the rest of the game. He isn’t your normal toplaner, and should be played completely differently from the meta.
Jungle skirmishes
This is one of the biggest problems with the current meta for Nasus. Your jungler is your biggest enemy every game. I personally get so much **** in high elo for things that I cannot perform. Many times your jungler may ask you to come help them out at scuttle or in their jungle when they get invaded. As Nasus, your wave is shoved in, and enemy laner is up one level with priority. What is the best thing that you can do? Dont. Fkin. Go. You cannot help them when you can’t even help yourself. Junglers with a Nasus on their team should drop their ego and play knowing their topside will be under pressure. Instead of going in when Nasus CLEARLY doesn’t have priority and is in no shape or form to help, just learn to give and back out, and not go in anyways, die, and blame top. By backing you lose 1 buff, but not your life. Worst case scenario, Nasus goes to help and dies with the jungler in a 2 v 2. This not only gives your jungler a harder time to play the game, it also makes you impossible to play the lane, as my Nasus build doesn’t run teleport, and you just missed a wave of cs, gave enemy 2 kills, and potentially now down 2 levels. The best junglers that I play with understands what I need, understands I cannot go help, and stays positive early game even if they got their buff taken away from them. Those are the junglers that I respect the most and enjoy playing alongside with. However, this cannot be guaranteed obviously, so the next time your jungler asks you to do something dumb in the early game, ignore, and if they start flaming, mute them. By not going, you are actually helping them from keeping yourself safe and not making things worse.
Does this mean I should never go help?
Obviously, no. Watch the map. There are times where you are able to help your jungler. for example when the support is roaming top to help in the skirmish, no matter how weak Nasus is early, a 3 v 2 or 4 v 3 should never be lost. So if there is a number advantage, and the wave isn't in a super bad spot, go and help the jungler if the play is guaranteed. It takes experience and time to get better at macro plays like this. To know when to move and when not to is one of the main reasons I am able to out-rank so many other Nasus players by a large margin.
Animation cancel
E and Q can be used at the same time to Q instantly. You can hold Q and drop E and do the animation as one, which can be used at the start of a fight, to achieve a faster cdr on Q. Doing this cancels the E animation (when you kind of swing the cane over your head), and your Q will always go off immediately instead of after the E animation.
Stacking vs winning lane
Nasus is considered one of the weakest champion early game. But that does not mean you should lose lane early every time. Being weak early does not mean that you get a free pass for losing lane early. Focus on winning lane post sheen and level 6. That is Nasus’s biggest power spike and should be used to its full potential. Stacking is nice and all that, but that is actually secondary when it comes to survival and winning the lane, which is a lot more important and crucial to the success of every Nasus game.
Playing Nasus in high elo is like a game of chess with a twist: Nasus will always be the black pieces. In a game of chess when both players play close to perfection, white should always win/draw. Therefore he gets linearly worse the higher the elo.
However, don't give up or sweat about the champion not being good part. I peaked 700 lp in s9, and I am currently 600 lp in s11, yet I can say with confidence I have not plateaued on this character yet. Until then, I still have a lot to learn and improve. Nasus is really good in low elo, and it only gets hard after d2+. So if you guys are not at that point yet, focus on doing what this guide says and learning new things day by day, let it be matchups or macro. I hope This guide is of use to those that have read this far. I will be updating it monthly most likely.
You guys can find me on, and I will most likely be streaming daily, if not at least 5 times a week currently. If I am offline, feel free to check out my YouTube (link at start of the guide under title) or my twitch vods should work too. Also, follow my twitter, I tweet updates sometimes and just stuff in general.
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