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I love this matchup, because Aatrox has no way of beating you in the lane phase with all the mobility and range that Gnar has. If Aatrox catches you with the Q or the W, just jump away and voila. Gnar has a very good ability to make it difficult to farm aatrox, since it has the passive of the W, which grants you movement speed and percentage damage, it has the Q, to hit from far and be able to activate the passive of the W easier , and also if you make a mistake, you have your E to get out of conflicts and go back to bothering from afar. When you're in MegaGnar, what I recommend the most is having your R or W to stun Aatrox as soon as he wants to get close and then go out with the E.
This is one of my favorite matchups, because Garen literally has nothing to do with Gnar, you just have to stay away to roll basic attacks and a few Q's to wear him down. If Garen tries to get closer, you jump with the E and you have already freed yourself, if he tries to get closer with Flash, you can always jump with the E and then slow him down with the Q. If you are in MegaGnar and you are close to Garen, you should only use the Combo : R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack, Q and then you escape with the E.
This is a balanced confrontation, since at the beginning of the game, you will only have the Q, W and E, so you can only dodge a barrel combo with the E, and that's it, it will be difficult for you to fight against him. , until you have the MegaGnar, that although before level 6, you have few advantages, you can jump on the minions to achieve double jump and thus use the Pre-level 6 combo: W, Basic Attack, Q, Basic Attack. Starting at Level 6, this matchup will be a blast while in MegaGnar, as you will have 2 stuns so that Gangplank cannot get out of both. Here I recommend starting with the W in the combo and after Gangplank is released from the first stun you use the R. If Gangplank does not release from the stun to wait for the R, try to throw Gangplank as far away from his tower so that he is simply with less security.
I really like fighting Jax being Gnar, because you can stop the stun of his E just by jumping, and if for some reason you are close before and Jax has not spent his Q to get close to you, try to find some way to jump double or a wall to escape and then continue to make farming difficult with Q and basic attacks. In case you are in MegaGnar, you will have everything to just throw your two stuns with him with the combo and then go out with the E.
The truth is that this confrontation does not please me, Fiora can deny you your R or W while you are in MegaGnar with her W and stun you back. It will also be difficult to trade because of Fiora's passive, which does True damage, which does not suit Gnar, because he builds Tank Items, and usually fiora does more damage than Gnar.
I think that this confrontation is among the 5 that I like the most, because Mordekaiser cannot give you abilities, since it is melee and has no mobility and gnar has the jump of the E to wear it from a distance with basic attacks or with the Q. To counter the R of Mordekaiser, you can buy an item called "Quicksilver Sash". This item is an activatable that frees you from any CC, it also gives you magic resistance, so against Mordekaiser it helps you a lot. At the end of the item, it gives you health, attack damage, and magic resistance, still having the anti CC activatable, so it is a situational item with Gnar, but useful, as well as being a perfect counter against Mordekaiser.
This is the confrontation that I hate the most as Gnar, because it is practically impossible to win the line if Irelia plays well, because she has everything to counter Gnar, Irelia's E can be dodged with Gnar's own E, but the passive Irelia's is amazing to counter because it's easy for her to get close to Gnar while in mini form, since she has the R that can be used after or before the E so that Gnar can no longer escape, and Irelia's Q can be great because it can be reset on minions as it gets closer to taking down Gnar. Also, Irelia has her W, which reduces the physical damage of enemies aimed at her, and Gnar is physical damage. The way to counteract Irelia a bit being Gnar, is to play full under tower so that your jungler can help you and thus kill Irelia, but remember that if they try to kill her while you are miniGnar, she may kill them both for a little that Gnar resists without his Mega form.
Fighting Renekton as Gnar is quite entertaining. When you and Renekton are at level 1, you can annoy with Q and basic attacks, making it difficult to farm your enemy. At level 2, you will have to play a bit safer, moving up one point to the E, so that Renekton cannot get close with his E and make a trade. While you are in the lines phase, you will have to try to hit with the 3 points of your W to wear down Renekton a lot and escape with the E if necessary. In MegaGnar form, in case Renekton wants to trade you and both are Renekton and you are level 6 or more, you only do the Gnar combo: R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack, Q, Basic Attack and you escape with your E.
This confrontation is one of the ones I like the least, because Wukong can get close to MegaGnar very easily and hit him several times and then benefit. I almost always play very safe to help me junglero and we can kill Wukong.
In my opinion, this match depends on who plays better. Darius has the E to get closer to you, Gnar has the E to jump, but Darius also has the Ghost to run faster and thus catch up with you. I usually play pretty safe but trying to tease with Q and basic attacks to make it difficult for Darius to farm. In MegaGnar I almost always try to hit with the W or R to get away from him and thus keep my distance so that when I become MiniGnar I can annoy him from afar.
The matchup against Yone is easy, because Yone literally can't get close to you without the R, and as soon as you and Yone are level 6, both of you will have the R, so if Yone uses his R, you use yours with the combo of Gnar and you go out with the E. Before level 6, you should be aware of when Yone has his third Q charged, then you walk away or with the E in case you are near him. You can just annoy him and not let him farm quietly while in MiniGnar form with basic attacks and Q.
This matchup is quite fun if you play it well, because at level 1 it will be impossible to farm well with the excellent potential that Tryndamere has at this level, but if you wait a bit to reach level 3, you will most likely beat him 1v1 since you will have the E to jump, the Q to slow down and the W to run faster and do percentage damage. When you are in Mega form, you just have to wait until you are together to use your combo and escape with the E. You have to be a little careful with Tryndamere's R, but if you walk away with the Q, W and E, it will not reach you and you can wait until he runs out of R and kill him with Q.
Yasuo can counter Gnar quite easily, because he has the E, with which he can move around with minions and then get closer to Gnar while he's in mini form. Also, Yasuo has his W, with which he blocks all of MiniGnar's basic attacks and Q. While you are in Mega form, it will be your best stage, since Yasuo will find it difficult to approach you because of your great CC, but remember that Gnar spends more time in Mini form than Mega, so in the beginning of the game, more or less at levels 3 it will be very difficult to farm if Yasuo plays well.
This Matchup is very nice, because Gwen only has one dash to get closer to you, but Gnar has the E and has the range to keep her away and bother her with the Q or Basic Attacks. While you are in MegaGnar, you can wait for Gwen to approach you so that you can then do the combo of: R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack and finally the Q (although if you have time you can hit with a Basic Attack after the Q ), and then Jump with the E to exit the fight to return to the MiniGnar and hit from afar.
Amumu and Gnar make a good combo, because when Gnar is in Mega form, he can stun everyone with great ease thanks to Amumu has a lot of CC in area, and the same for the reverse, Gnar can start with his CC and then you enter yours .
Gnar's R matches perfectly with Yone's R combo, as Gnar stuns them with the wall and Yone just has to roll the R in a straight line to hit all the desired targets.
Gnar and Kindred synergize well, because it lets kindred build Damage instead of a build or runes to chase, as Gnar has a good ability to get close to enemies and stun them at the same time as tank. But the most important part is that Gnar can take the enemies out of the Kindred's R and thus make a spectacular team fight.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench's problem with Gnar is that it doesn't match what gnar can do. Tham Kench's abilities have no synergy with what Gnar can do. I just don't recommend using these two champions together.
Fiora and Gnar can't work much together, because Gnar's R hits enemies on the wall, making it difficult for Fiora to hit passive weak spots and R's next to where the wall is. There is also a reason why they are not the worst together, since Gnar with the W of
Mega form can stun enemies, making them unable to move and fiora hitting weak spots.
This is a rare case, because in the lane phase they serve a lot together with Gnar's CC so that Kha'Zix can hit hard with the passive bonus, but in team fights, it is very difficult for Kha'Zix to do anything. , as Gnar will try to stun as many enemies as possible, rendering Kha'Zix's passive useless.
Amumu and Gnar make a good combo, because when Gnar is in Mega form, he can stun everyone with great ease thanks to Amumu has a lot of CC in area, and the same for the reverse, Gnar can start with his CC and then you enter yours .
Gnar's R matches perfectly with Yone's R combo, as Gnar stuns them with the wall and Yone just has to roll the R in a straight line to hit all the desired targets.
Gnar and Kindred synergize well, because it lets kindred build Damage instead of a build or runes to chase, as Gnar has a good ability to get close to enemies and stun them at the same time as tank. But the most important part is that Gnar can take the enemies out of the Kindred's R and thus make a spectacular team fight.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench's problem with Gnar is that it doesn't match what gnar can do. Tham Kench's abilities have no synergy with what Gnar can do. I just don't recommend using these two champions together.
Fiora and Gnar can't work much together, because Gnar's R hits enemies on the wall, making it difficult for Fiora to hit passive weak spots and R's next to where the wall is. There is also a reason why they are not the worst together, since Gnar with the W of
Mega form can stun enemies, making them unable to move and fiora hitting weak spots.
This is a rare case, because in the lane phase they serve a lot together with Gnar's CC so that Kha'Zix can hit hard with the passive bonus, but in team fights, it is very difficult for Kha'Zix to do anything. , as Gnar will try to stun as many enemies as possible, rendering Kha'Zix's passive useless.
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