Its pretty easy if you dont make any mistake, try to dodge every Q and catch him every time when he miss all Q or when he dont use any Q. Buy fast antiheal if you want to win every 1v1 against him.
Before she Hit 6 try to kill her as fast as possible, she little counters you cause of her mobility and jumps on R. She can 1 shot you with full combo, so be carefull and build resist to survive little longer while she is trying to kill you. On lane dont use Q to start trade cause she can easily dodge it by using E. Just Drag her and do fast aa+W if it fails go back and poke her with aa and Q.
Skill matchup, Watch out for walls and try to beat her at lvl 1, when she miss her stun, drag her and use standard combo on Darius to beat her, fight her to the end always! When she hits you with stun try to poke her by using Q, aa and W. Dont use E before she dont use R.
Skill matchup, you have to play agressive against him, if you will freeze lane, he will poke you with Q and beat you by eating you. So pay attation and dont stop attacking him. I prefer to slow push him 24/7 and you will probably win lane.
Dr. Mundo
After rework Mundo is mega strong, so to counter him I reccomend to hold E for Mudno when he is going in or you going in with aa and W. dont waste too early E to remove his passive. He will in 100% play passive against you after this. for second item Build Thornmail.
When she is trying to poke you drag her fast and trade with her to the end, but be carefull when she hits 6. She can 1v1 you by healing and hitting weak points. When she is R you stay close to wall, like almost hugging wall. After lane phase take down her with your teammates, you cant solo her, she have too big heal from attacking you.
Begineer GP is weak, but you dont have chance against good GP, he can easily beat you *** by poking you with Q and slowing you with barrels. But at early game and before his 6 you have chance to kill him
Skill matchup, Try to pull him and start trade with fast aa W, after this aa him and wait for his Q, to heal from him with your own Q. Watch out for his stacking and his R, his R is just stupid.
Try to stay away from him in small form and fight him when he is big, try to do basic combo on him and after combo drag him to yourself and finish him with R.
Skilled matchup, Try to dodge her with stacked Q and drag her to you, Watch out for her W she can dodge your heal and takedown you. This is really mixed matchup against her. But try to risk to kill her.
This is terrible matchup for you, he can easily beat you at 1v1, just wait for jungler and try to catch him if he plays agressivly against you. Just wait for his mistake and build strong mr against this ****er.
She is good against you but not too much, before she goes back. she deal 0 dmg to you. Destroy always her passive and dodge her every E and you will be able to kill her. When she hits 6, be carefull at trading, she can easily 1 shot you with R and 2 tentacles. When she catch you try to attack her when you are in move, this is only way when you can beat her.
Irelia after few patches for Warriors is more broken than earlier so you have to freeze lane after 3 lvl and try to avoid fight under your tower. Or snipe her while she is trying to stack under her tower to kill her (while dashing to minions).
Slow push him and dont get poke too much from aa W. Always when he is jumping or active E use E then immidietly Q for 1st stack. After mini rework Jax is really good vs Darius.
This is horrible matchup for Darius, Kennen is very annoying and almost impossible like Heimendinger to get close to him without stridebreaker, so be carefull when he reach stacked aa and dont get poked too much from him. So I prefer to wait for jg to help you and engage him before jungler arrive to slow him and he will not escape. But if you want to engage really fast you have to waste ghost and flash to kill him but dont use flash too early wait for his passive.
Really hard matchup for Darius, try to engage Kled after his W or do fastest combo as you can by using Q after him E or before when she catches you to Q, never waste R when he have Scarl becasue this is worst decision that you can make. Better if you will wait for jungler to takedown him together.
Lee Sin
He is really easy to take down, dont give him a rest and attack him over and over, dodge every Q and dont be scared. He if he hits you with Q stay away from his minions and when he is diving into you just catch him in air and do standard combo.
You will not catch him, he have annoying dash and you have chance to catch him only after ,,making Hearthbound axe" or ,,Stridebreaker" for movement speed or just slowing him.
Dont poke too much from Malphite and his Q, when he is so courage to fight in close range with you just aa him, W and Q and after this drag him and when he is trying to escape from you, dont dive him under turret never, he can R you and ****ed you up.
This matchup is pretty easy if you will not throw Q too early, you will win every 1v1.
Hard matchup, but winable. If he miss Q you can easily win 1v1 even if he send you to Brasil, dont freeze lane, just slow push and you probably win against him.
Just freeze lane and everything will be fine. On 6 lvl try to be full health cause avarange Nasus have at this moment 40-60 and with R he can outplay you by 1-2 sec cd on Q.
Poke him but dont fight to the end, he can easily beat you with his W and unstoppable R, just wait for jungler.
Skill matchup, just be carefull when he is trying to poke you and run immediately from his rock. Better if you will slow push him.
Very difficult matchup, this guy will try to poke you down by spear and stun you while you are use Q to heal yourself or just poke him. Just try to outplay him and force him to use W.
She dont have chance against you, free lp matchup.
Unwinable matchup, just wait for jungle or first mobility item.
Dont use Q before he dont use 2 dashes to you, Renekton is very strong, but you can outplay him by waiting or fast combo him and aa.
Try to freeze lane when Rengar dont have 4 stacks and you have free win against him, stay away from bushes!
Begining against Riven is simple and easy, just slow push her and try to catch her, but when she hit 6 try to risk by using E and start to beat her as fast as possible before she active R. If you lose first fight just wait for jungler to gank her.
Rumble is pretty good at you but not that good if you win at 1v1 you can solo him every time, try not to engage too early and wait for opportunity near your minions. Dont fight against him when he have R. So fast tips: Always be behind your minions to avoid poke or start trade with Q behind your minions and you always win.
Its almost impossible to beat Sett at 1v1 as Darius, if you want to win at lvl 3 just flash out from his W and you win. Try to poke him, and slow push will not help you against him, he can even beat you at farm. Just wait for jungler. At lvl if he starts with E, you can easily beat him, trust me.
Shaco is pretty easy to beat, good shaco will bait you great but if you hit him 1 time you can saw him where he is going cause of bleeding. Small advice, never chase Shaco to the end when he is baiting you.
Very easy matchup, like against Nasus or Mundo. Try to drag him while he is using R.
Dont chase him too much on lane, freeze 24/7 and everything will be fine.
You can cancel Sion`s Q by draging him so if its good Sion just drag him immediately and beat his ***, dont stop freezing your lane. Dont fight too much when you have low hp. He always can revive after death.
Try to not poke too much from his Q and try to dodge his E. Slow push him. If you have champion in your team like Sejuani, Zac or something with hard cc tell him to not gank, your R on him is useless so you can kill him if you will pay attention.
Tahm Kench
It can be easy if you will dodge all his ranged attacks, and start fight with your Q, cause in the end of fight you can use 2nd time Q after few second. Slow push him and always try to catch him after if you only make 1st kill.
He is really annoying laner, dont fight against him before you dont buy anything with mobility item. He can bait you to mushrooms and blind you, always when you catch him, use only aa and Q before he waste Q or you can go into him when he waste Q but if he active W dont chase him, never.
Easy matchup, you can beat him by freezing lane and bully him from stacking fury. If he active R just run away from him and poke only with Q if he slows you, just drag him and use aa W. If you will play perfectly you beat him at 1v1 always.
Urgot counters you, but You can win against him by not poked too much or dodging his E. If he miss E dont stop attacking him. When he slows you down by Q drag him and aa him to death.
He is pretty easy to beat, try to start fight by using Q and freeze lane, of course he can aa you, but remember, he is ap. He have advantage only in lvls 1-5 after lvls are easy. If you catch him wait for his W and dont try to do typical combo aa W aa Q becasue he can easily dodge you Q by his period.
I reccomend if you will slow push him, try to dodge every his E, probably when you are trying to Q him he will jump on you to dodge it, engage him every time when miss E.
Free win
Impossible to win matchup, you have chance against him only when he is before 6 lvl and sheen. Dont even try to go into him without jungler.
He is weak without R, so try to always freeze lane and dont engage without jungle help. He is easy target without his minions from grave.
He is perfect to work with Darius, hard cc is always good with you.
Another high cc champ who is perfect for Darius, but sometimes she can too much push someone and you miss Q.
They have always problems to choose which champ is more dangerous in mid game phase in season 11, so Yone with Yasuo is always good idea with Darius
They have always problems to choose which champ is more dangerous in mid game phase in season 11, so Yone with Yasuo is always good idea with Darius
High dmg support are not good with Darius.
He is perfect to work with Darius, hard cc is always good with you.
Another high cc champ who is perfect for Darius, but sometimes she can too much push someone and you miss Q.
They have always problems to choose which champ is more dangerous in mid game phase in season 11, so Yone with Yasuo is always good idea with Darius
They have always problems to choose which champ is more dangerous in mid game phase in season 11, so Yone with Yasuo is always good idea with Darius
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