Support Matchups |
Alistar is one of the easier engage matchups to deal with.
You have a short window to poke him and have control of lane level 1, but at level 2 onwards you have to respect him as the all-in combo can end badly for you. Especially if you have been pushing up during the level 1 poke, as he can Flash Pulverize and Headbutt you into their tower range.
Past level 6 Alistar may look to dive you, but if you have Chronoshift it is straightforward to counter as long as you are positioned away from your bot lane partner so you aren't both getting CC'd. |
Ashe is a weird matchup.
There's no real pressure in lane in my opinion, just some quite long cooldown poke from Volley.
Past level 6 can be a pain if you are caught out in a bad position and get hit by a long-range Enchanted Crystal Arrow, as the stun can last up to a maximum of 3.5 seconds, however if you see it beforehand it should be very easy to dodge with Time Warp.
Don't think Mercury's Treads are needed here, just get Mikael's Blessing and have an ally tank Enchanted Crystal Arrow. |
Bard is an interestingly unique matchup.
As usual Bard will just go look for roams all the time, which is both good and bad for us, can stay in lane and scale up for free, but he will build leads for his team, so look to punish the solo enemy bot laner or try to match roams with Time Warp.
It is very hard to generalise and rate this matchup, as Bard is one of strangest and unique skill champions, especially with Tempered Fate, so depending on the player piloting him can make him look very op, or on the other hand very useless. |
Blitzcrank is one of the scariest matchups.
Everyone knows the terror of being hooked by Rocket Grab. One of the strongest abilities in the game that can win a game even when behind.
Early game in lane is somewhat fine as long as you position behind minions vs Rocket Grab. But past level 6 if you ever get hooked at all you are most likely dead, or at least won't be able to save any allies due to Static Field silence and Power Fist knock up. |
Brand is relatively easier to deal with than people think.
Key tip to know is to dodge his Pillar of Flame and Sear with Time Warp and you are avoiding his main damage and stun that could lead into a full combo for even more damage.
Sure you will get hit by Conflagration and Blaze guaranteed poke but Second Wind makes that a walk in the park. For Pyroclasm you just have to position away from your allies so it has little effect. |
Braum is one of the easiest matchups in the game for sure.
You only have to watch out if Braum is paired with Lucian, as then it can become a lot more of a deadly kill lane if you ever get tagged by Winter's Bite.
The interaction between Unbreakable and Time Bomb is very favoured for Zilean as even though Braum blocks the Time Bomb stun, it will snap lock on to him and the AOE stun will still go through Unbreakable and hit enemies behind him. |
Janna has become a lot easier to play vs.
Before her mini rework the Zephyr spam poke in lane was very annoying, but now that isn't a major issue anymore.
You have to watch out for Howling Gale with Glacial Augment as if you get hit that is a big window the enemy bot have to trade you hard.
Very punishable with Time Warp into Time Bomb stuns when Howling Gale is on cooldown. |
Karma is an annoying enchanter-poke mage hybrid.
She has very strong pressure throughout the lane due to Inner Flame poke by itself, then adding in Mantra becomes very annoying.
One of the few champions that can contest or even win the wave priority vs Zilean.
Her roams are very similar to Zilean as well due to Inspire, however because it provides a shield it is much stronger in early fights compared to Time Warp. |
Leona is a scary engager.
If a Leona ever gets on top of you it won't be very fun with her CC chain combo in whichever order she chooses.
I would recommend rushing Mercury's Treads to make it easier for you if you are the one getting engaged on.
Early on you have to avoid being hit by Zenith Blade which goes through minions, or a simple Flash Shield of Daybreak. So I would recommend keeping bot lane bushes warded and position safely back. |
Lulu is always a very common meta enchanter pick.
It's a good thing she is very easy to deal with and punish as Zilean.
She is very immobile and when Whimsy is on cooldown she can't do much at all if you Time Warp into Time Bomb stun her, very easy summoner spell force, into repeat and kill.
You have to focus her down first instead of letting her sit behind her ADC while she buffs them. |
Lux is a somewhat annoying poke/burst mage.
In lane she will spam poke with Lucent Singularity which can be hard to dodge due to its big AOE.
I believe as long as you dodge her Light Binding with Time Warp then you will be fine, especially after 6 as being hit by a full combo usually results in an instant 100-0 until you have bought some HP items.
However even then you can just trade Chronoshift to survive her one shot, but that trade doesn't favour us as Final Spark has a ridiculously low cooldown. |
Maokai is quite a forgotten champion you don't see much.
I think he is quite underrated due to the strength of his kit as a whole and the build diversity he has. He can go either full engage tank mode, or Sapling Toss damage mode. Both are somewhat annoying to deal with.
You can abuse his Sapling Toss by baiting them to walk into the wave and explode, pushing the wave into you for safer farming. Bit ironic as Time Bomb can be used this way too.
At objectives you can use Time Bomb to see if there are any Sapling Tosses in there, then use Time Warp speed to bait them out to clear the area. |
Nami is quite an annoying lane bully early on.
Her Ebb and Flow makes her very strong early in lane, you can't trade vs her that easily, have to stay out of range and hit Time Bombs but she can sustain it somewhat.
If paired with Lucian it instantly becomes a kill lane due to their synergy of insane burst damage.
Dodge Tidal Wave and Aqua Prison with Time Warp and you aren't in any threat of dying.
She is one the squishiest enchanters in the game, very easy to run down and kill with Time Warp slow into Time Bomb stuns. |
Nautilus is a very common engager you will see.
He is very strong early on with solid base damage in his kit. If you get hit by Dredge Line you will usually die, but you can position safely behind minions.
After 6 if you ever get hit by his full combo you are fine if Chronoshift is up as you can trade ults and usually get out if your team is around.
If he ever tries to engage with Depth Charge first you can Time Warp speed whoever he targetted and they run far out of his range before Depth Charge finally knocks them up! |
Pyke is an exciting yin and yang matchup in my opinion.
He is very strong early game and wants to snowball, while Zilean is very weak early game and wants to scale.
Very skill dependent matchup, he can destroy you early if you are ever hooked, or get Phantom Undertow Flashed on.
His roams are incredibly strong, very difficult to match them. I would suggest focusing on hitting 6 before him to deny his snowballs.
After 6 you hard counter him though, by stopping Death from Below resetting with Chronoshift denies a huge amount of Pyke's power and he can't do much. |
Rakan is a cheeky hybrid of engage and enchanter.
I find Rakan very easy to deal with, he has some long cooldowns of Grand Entrance being 18 seconds and Battle Dance being 20 seconds.
Early on there isn't much pressure of dying unless paired with a Samira.
After 6 his engage becomes a lot stronger with The Quickness, but if you cast Time Warp slow on him he will suffer greatly, especially if he has already used his Battle Dance and Grand Entrance to engage.
Make sure to position away from allies so you are not caught in AOE CC chain if the enemy team has a good wombo combo follow up. |
Renata Glasc is quite a simple matchup.
She wants to play vs melee champions who hard engage into her, which Zilean isn't.
You can Time Warp and Shurelya's Battlesong yourself and allies out of her slow moving Hostile Takeover. Even if you get hit your attacks do very little damage so it's fine.
Hard counter her Bailout as you can just Time Warp to slow down the "revived" enemy or speed up your allies to get away from them. As well as letting them kill an ally with Chronoshift wont count for Bailout's full revive. |
Senna is a very annoying poke matchup.
One of the few matchups I would say Relic Shield is better to take. This being due to Senna's long range one-sided trades with Piercing Darkness giving her free Absolution stacks.
If you just play back and try not to interact with her it will be much better for you scaling wise, otherwise the Absolution stacks will become crazy to deal with later on.
Her Curse of the Black Mist can be annoying when you want to Time Warp slow her as you lose vision, as well as she gains movement speed so landing Time Bomb for vision is harder. |
Sona is the squishiest enchanter in the game.
She is extremely squishy and easy to blow up if you ever get Time Warp into Time Bomb combo off.
However, she packs a surprising amount of damage for an enchanter, which can be some serious poke as well as burst damage with her Hymn of Valor, especially the Power Chord version.
Watch out for Crescendo into Power Chord Hymn of Valor burst damage.
If you don't punish her hard early to mid game you will struggle as she is one of the few champions that can outscale Zilean. |
Soraka is the strongest healing enchanter.
However her heals are extremely weaker if she doesn't hit Starcall so make sure to dodge it with Time Warp and she will be extremely weaker, as Starcall is both her key poke and sustain ability.
You have to watch out for Equinox's silence which can block you from casting Chronoshift in fights.
Would recommend getting Chemtech Putrifier second item here, make sure you have Summon Aery to proc it easier. |
Tahm Kench is a relatively one-sided matchup.
His rework did improve his threat level but it's still quite low as he is a defensive champion.
The only real threat is watching out for Abyssal Dive as there is a chance of being hit into getting Devoured and pulled away from your team.
As long as you have vision in bushes Abyssal Dive is a lot weaker, and you can bully him hard as that is his only engage and escape tool which can be cancelled by Time Bomb stuns. |
Taric is an extremely free matchup.
He wants to be a counterpick vs hard engage and preferably melee champions, which Zilean isn't.
Very easy to punish him, perma slow with Time Warp and kite him, can never get in range for Dazzle unless he does the last second flash combo, but even then you are fine.
In team fights when Cosmic Radiance is used you can either run away or chase them with Time Warp and Shurelya's Battlesong until it has ended. |
Thresh is an extremely skill-dependent champion.
If the Thresh player is great then he becomes a lot harder to deal with.
He is very flexible with how he can play, pure peel defensive Dark Passage gameplay, or more aggressive Flay into Death Sentence.
Watch out for the usual level 2 Flash Flay Death Sentence combo. Other than that sit behind minions vs Death Sentence and you are fine.
His roams are pretty strong with a lot of playmaking abilities. You can try to match them or stay in lane for 6 and hard outscale. |
Vel'Koz is a very annoying poke mage.
A good Vel'Koz player who understands his geometry skillshots are extremely painful to play vs. His Plasma Fission is a big mind game to dodge due to the awkward angles he can aim it.
As long as you dodge Tectonic Disruption with Time Warp you will be fine as that is the key ability for him to hit full combo.
Definitely take Second Wind or you will suffer slowly from the constant poke that will be tough to dodge when all are thrown at once. Relic Shield for sure too as you won't be in range to proc it.
He is immobile so if you can ever reach him it is easy to run down with Time Warp into Time Bomb stuns, however reaching a long range poke mage is hard... |
Xerath is a very similar to Vel'Koz, but even more annoying!
He has 4 skill shot abilities for you to dodge, so put on your fancy feet moves with Time Warp if you wish to have fun.
Hard to avoid his Eye of Destruction as it has a decent AOE and slows which can set up his other abilities.
Definitely take Second Wind or you will suffer slowly from the constant poke that will be tough to dodge when all are thrown at once. Relic Shield for sure too as you won't be in range to proc it.
He is immobile so if you can ever reach him it is easy to run down with Time Warp into Time Bomb stuns, however reaching a long range poke mage is hard... |
Yuumi is one of the freest scaling lanes in the game.
However Yuumi is also one of the strongest scaling champions in the game, even more so when compared to Zilean due to how she works.
So because she outscales us, we have to look for roams as Yuumi can't match our speed moving around the map, unless they are sitting on their jungler, but even then they will be farming camps. |
Zac is one of the rarest but also hardest matchups I have ever played.
A very underrated niche Support pick that destroys immobile champions such as Zilean, the points made here can apply for Jungle Zac as well.
He has crazy long range engage that is very hard to cancel with Time Bomb stuns due to how fast he travels.
The CC chain of Elastic Slingshot into Stretching Strikes and Let's Bounce! is pretty bonkers, makes it very hard to cast Chronoshift if you get caught in this chain, especially due to these abilities counting as knock ups/knock backs so tenacity doesn't help. |
Zyra is a pretty unique poke mage matchup.
She has standard skill shots being Deadly Spines and Grasping Roots to dodge with Time Warp, but they can also spawn plants if cast near seeds from Garden of Thorns and Rampant Growth.
Her plants can be annoying with the automatic poke they provide if you walk in range, as well as providing Zyra some solid zoning control at objectives, even more so when you add in Stranglethorns AOE knock up and buffing plants.
However, the plants can all be dealt with by sitting out of their range or using Time Bombs to stun and kill them. | |
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