You read this guide, so obviously you're the better Ryze! Go show them! Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when they are on cooldown.
Very vulnerable for ganks, just like you. You need to buy MR or she will kill you later when she lands an ult. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Outdamages you, but you can easily setup a gank for your jungler since he is very immobile. This way you can shut him down over and over again. Ryze is also has way better waveclear and roaming abilities, so take advantage of that. Remember that his ultimate counts as a third stack too. Tip you'll probably never use, but: His passive is actually dodgeable with your Realm Warp (ultimate). Search it up on YouTube. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Dr. Mundo
You both want to scale so honestly just sit back and relax. Try to prioritize dodging his Q's. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Not that hard of a matchup. You won't kill him easily though if he plays well. Also he shouldn't be able to get close to you because you have Phaserush combined with a ranged advantage. If he does you're most likely dead. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
He outpushes and outdamages you early. He has a shorter range than you so he should not be able to get close easily. You're probably not gonna kill him though. Be careful for his level 1 and 2, and expect big damage from him if he hits a combo with Electrocute. He's strong early and good at skirmishing, but has mana issues. You outrange him early and you have better sidelane and teamfights than him. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Not too much of a threat, but be careful of his taunt, because its an excellent tool to set up a gank. Galio is very good at setting up ganks. It's a melee champion and you can dodge all of his abilities. Later in the game he is not able to match your sidelaning potential. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Since hes melee you can keep poking him in lane. You can try zoning and punishing him for taking CS in the first two levels, but you must be careful of his all in after level 3. After level 6 you have to be even more careful. Some Magic Resist or Exhaust from Spellbook will help you a lot. There is a neat trick with your ultimate that allows you to teleport out of his fish, resulting in his ultimate not doing any damage! Press R just before his fish reaches you. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
He is super tanky, but he shouldn't be able to get close to you. You're better at sidelaning later. Dodge the middle of his W to not get hit by true damage. Flash if needed late-game. Also stay out of his E range when his white bar is close to full because that's when he deals the most damage. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
If you get too close she will just polymorph you, poke and run away; she's also really meta right now. Don't underestimate her early damage, especially with ignite. Try to poke her via the minions if you can't get close. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You definitely have the upper hand in this matchup early, since you can poke him through the wave. He has a hard time getting into casting range because you outrange him. Stay out his empowered Q range (when his bar is about to turn red or is red). When he has his ult he can flash on you with his empowered Q and ignite so just recall or get a health plant in the jungle if you're in kill-range. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
It's honestly a battle of who spaces better in this match-up, but if he get's close you're going to burn flash or die. He can dash while using his main ability Q. When he hits his chain, sometimes you have to walk sidewards. His third Q does the most damage, so make sure to flash it (careful of his chain drag from W, that makes it very easy for him to hit his third Q). Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You have better waveclear and hes melee so you can keep poke him before level 6. Thing is, he has really good sustain so it's a question whether you can kill him. Bait his E if your jungler want to gank and he shouldn't survive the gank with your root. His W also gives him some damage-reduction so try to using your combo on him early-game when he doesn't have it. Don't get hit by his bodyslam or he will chunk you for a big amount of your health. After level 6 he has high killthreat. Use your superior wave-clear to roam, you'll also outscale him. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Don't stay close to him, because he does a lot of damage with E. He outranges you so keep dodging his Q. He does less damage to you if his Q hits multiple targets (so you could possibly stay close to your minions in some situations). He has great waveclear, but you have a better push sidelane and a better zone-control. Ryze can DODGE Karthus R with his team if he times his ultimate right. Press R around quarter of his bar (y'know when you get ignited a little icon appears at the bottom of your screen above your healthbar). You'll have to get used to the timing, possibly with a friend in a custom game. He's just all-around very useful and that's why he is only a 2-3 on the Threat scale. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Not the absolute worst matchup for Ryze to be honest. I'd say it actually favors you. Play your waves correctly and you can always try to bait her smokescreen and E in the early game. Your Flux (E) will still hit her if she uses shroud inside a minionwave and when there is no minionwave there is no reason for you to be anywhere close to her, other than potentially poking with max range Q. Her E (shuriken) does a lot of freaking damage, so you have to dodge it. After lv 6 try to dodge her as much as possible since she will one-shot you with her ult. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You can poke him early, but this matchup is way less Ryze favored than it was in the past since your W was nerfed from a root to a slow. Use your root, overloads and Phase Rush wisely in this match-up and don't overextend. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Honestly, super annoying to play against. But atleast your E spreads if you use it on his turrets. Asking for a gank against this guy is a bit tricky, since in lower elos he will most likely get a doublekill instead. Farm up, outscale and outperform him in the teamfights and the sidelane. It's important to dodge his stun ability. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Do your best to dodge his axes (Q). Shouldn't be able to get close to you easily since you run Phase Rush (which deny his slows) and you have your Overload passive. When he's low he gets a lot of healing and his W gives him a shield so don't get baited. Always keep spacing correctly even when it looks like a free kill. You also outscale him. He's a bit annoying with his ultimate up, so make sure you play safe then. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Very strong late game. Early on his E does a lot of damage so be sure to stay out of range of that. This guy has an escape, but you should be able to shut this guy down with your jungler since hes basically an ADC in the midlane. The good thing is that he has no CC and your waveclear is better than his. Every third ultimate of his does more damage so dodge that. Be very careful of using your ultimate aggressively (aka, to go in) when he has his passive package, because you'll lose the game. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Ryze struggles against champions who can hard-force an engage. She also gains a shield everytime she uses W. However, you have an advantage early on and can try to get her low before she hits level 3. She's also very vulnerable to ganks, since she's immobile; don't let her escape by jumping on your minions or jungler (if he ganks from behind, although that's not in your hands). She often won't engage if you can dodge her Q, since she only has one E stack/dash if she misses her Q. Just don't let her get in range of you. After 6 be careful. Later on, be VERY careful of her flashing into your team and using her ultimate / zhonya combo. You have better waveclear and roaming potential, so use it well. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Karma is a good blindpick since she's often useful even if she's a bit behind. She can poke you a lot and is super tanky. However, you have superior waveclear so after some items you'll be able to keep her pushed in and roam. This makes her choose between minions or rotating to match your roams. Careful for her tether (W), it's an amazing gank setup. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
He can deny your root by cleansing it (his W). His poke is annoying early and he has a global ult to apply pressure on the map. If he gets in range of you he deals a lot of freaking damage. Don't stand close to bushes or facecheck them, because you'll get a barrel into your face and take a lot of damage or die. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Pre-6 he isn't that much of a threat since you can root him before he has the chance to jump on you. Or you can just dodge his W. After level 6 he will oneshot you if you aren't careful. Unfortunately, he can apply way more pressure than you and thrives in messy environments which is huge in SOLOQ. That's why it's important to get vision down so your team can see his roams (especially botside of the map where your botlaners are). Be VERY careful of facechecking bushes, and be VERY careful of trying to follow his roams, because he will wait for you in the bush and shut you down. Just push and roam to the other side of the map to get a kill if that's the case (gank / towerdive enemy laner). Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Don't get hit by his projectiles when he shoots them out of vision. Pretty rough match-up early if he can get on you, but atleast you outrange him a bit. He's immobile so easy to gank if he overextends. Given you don't die you will outscale him, since he falls of really hard if he can't get ahead. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Move away from where her daggers land and try to burst her down in teamfights. If she's good, she'll wait for your team to use their abilities. Then she gets resets and annihilates the rest of your team. Bouncing the wave and keeping the wave at your side of the lane is the best way to play out this lane. Just use your superior waveclearing ability to prevent fighting her and roam. Don't underestimate her early damage, but she shouldn't be able to stick on you too easily if you use Phaserush and your Overloads well. Your W does NOT cancel her ultimate. Get vision down (ESPECIALLY botside of the map) so your team sees her on the map, denying her ability to roam. Careful of following her roams (she can wait in a bush and try to kill you). Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Twisted Fate
Has good waveclear and very good map pressure. His stun is on a way lower cooldown, so be very careful of the enemy jungler camping you. Sadly, rooting him won't stop his ultimate but will stop Teleport if he has it. When his ultimate is up, you HAVE to warn your team. You can possibly get Spellbook in this matchup to match this champions utility. Cleanse helps against his stun and you can teamfight better and roam faster with Ghost/Exhaust, etc. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Annoying champion to play against since he has a lot of range and will poke you continuously, but you can escape with Phase Rush atleast. Try to keep the wave at your side of the lane and do NOT stay close to hug walls after level 6. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Really annoying champion, with shields and movement speed. If you can survive you'll outscale him. Potentially gankable since it's still technically a marksman in midlane. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Aurelion Sol
Relatively easy to gank Aurelion Sol. It's hard to get close to him, probably just a battle of waveclearing and roaming which he does better. Try to dodge his Q and don't get poked too much by his stars. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Ahri is a very good champion. This is a skill matchup depending on if you can dodge or bait her skillshots. She has the upper hand early since her pushing ability is higher and her rune setup is often electrocute/glacial augment. You probably will fight for lanepriority and roam potential in this lane. After level 6 she has the upper hand, since she actually gets an useful ultimate, so be careful. Her ultimate gets another dash if she kills someone. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
It's relatively easy to gank Azir. He outranges you and outdamages you in the earlygame and is also very strong in late-game. He has a dash that gives him a shield and you don't have any form of shielding anymore. Be careful of standing too close to his tower or team after he is level 6, because he can dash to you and use his ultimate to shove you under his tower or into his team. He can furthermore use this ability to shove enemies away and escape. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Does a lot of damage (including True Damage with her second Q), can come close to you really fast, has a fat shield (her passive) and you can't escape her ultimate. Don't get hit by the outer edge of her W. You both have good gank setups. You cannot ultimate out of her cage. This is a pretty even match-up in my opinion. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Doesn't die easily, but if you make one missplay say bye-bye to your healthbar. It's crucial to dodge his knockup and stay out his ultimate range if it's off cooldown. You can try to fight him in the early game and you can set up ganks easily for your jungler so ping them. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
If he goes Phase Rush you need to be VERY careful of overextending. If you ever get in his E range then he will run you down with Flash and Ghost. Proper spacing, freezing and staying out of his range at all times is your main focus in this lane, because he's a lane-bully. If he ever gets 5 stacks on his passive, wait for them to run out before fighting him again. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Has a pretty strong level 2. If he isn't aggressive just keep poking him since he's still melee. Ekko will shield himself, poke you for half your health and escape almost unscathed. He also has decent waveclear and rushes protobelt. Be careful of him using his stun (W) out of vision, because if he hits it he either kills you or you get a lot of damage. If you root him (e.g. when he's low) he cannot use his ultimate so you counter him pretty well in teamfights since he will probably get oneshot by your team if he doesn't have Zhonya's. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Honestly, the only thing you can do in this matchup is freeze. Push waves later in the sidelane and then go and group with your team, because you wont be able to pressure her the entire game long. She has better laning and better sidelaning. It might be possible to gank her, but even that needs to be played well or she gets a double kill. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Hard to catch and very strong in a lot of phases of the game. She can engage hard on you if you ever misposition, so be careful, since you will never out-damage her when she has 5 stacks. Most Irelia's try to get a kill early and play very aggressive. Try to freeze and poke her. Then let your jungler gank her for a kill, but be careful of her turning on you both. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
If you ever try to get close to her she will just root and chunk you instead. She can spellshield your cc, use Q and ult you if you ever get too close to keep you in place. Ryze has a hard time chasing champions with a lot of self-peel unless you're incredible at dodging and using your Phase Rush / Overloads. Morgana players build Zhonya so pay attention to that. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Sylas takes short/burst trades. Try to keep your distance so he can't use his W to heal on you. Try to stay out of the center of where his Q hits, because it deals more damage. Fortunately we have a team that can help us out while we keep him stunned, since he's still melee. Always dodge his second E, because that is a lot of his damage. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Very strong champion. She has more range than you and is really good in 1v1's vs squishy, immobile targets like you. Do your best to dodge her abilities and buy Zhonya's or some MR later so she doesn't oneshot you with her ultimate. She's pretty immobile so if you can bait and dodge her E (stun), your jungler can gank very easily. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Has more damage, waveclear early and a lot of cc. You might want to take spellbook in this matchup or you might be screwed if her jungler decides to gank later. You're better in sidelane. Be careful for flanks later in the game. Remember that she's immobile without her E. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Annoying to play against. He does a lot of damage if he can get his resets on you and he has a free spellshield. Cleanse also doesn't remove his ultimate supression, so that makes you an easy target. The good part is though, that you can kill his voidlings and potentially pop his shield with E+Q. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Out of position and you're death if you don't have Phase Rush to outrun him. You can try to poke him before he has his tiamat, but after that he can just shove waves insanely fast with his passive and then roam with his ultimate. If he runs nimbus cloak it's harder to escape him. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You won't be able to get close to him if he plays well and when he knocks you up you're gonna have to burn a flash or you're dead (after 6). Sometimes it's better to flash his ult sideways. However, that's all he is; annoying with a lot of damage. You have better wave-clear, gank setup and sidelaning. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Viktor has the advantage in lane since he can keep poking you and gain a shield, which you don't have anymore. Try to dodge his laser (E). You can try to ask for a gank since he's pretty immobile. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
She will poke you a lot since you are a short ranged champion and she has a lot of range. Her damage is also insane after Lost Chapter and she scales quite well. You can't ever get close to her if she plays properly so just try to farm and outroam her after level 6, since your waveclear is slightly better than hers. Careful when grouping later, don't get caught by a good ultimate out of vision. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You will need near perfect spacing/tethering skills as Ryze. Keep the wave at your side of the lane and don't take extended trades. His windwall will block both your Q and E, but not your W. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
It's possible to go spellbook against this guy, so you can take Exhaust later. Build Zhonya's or Frozen Heart later. His shurikens deal reduced damage if it hits something else between a target (e.g. minions). He is not that big of a threat till level 3 so be sure to abuse those early levels. Try to dodge shurikens and beware of his W+Q combo. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when they are on cooldown.
Don't underestimate her damage early. Your waveclear is superior later in the game so you can use that to your advantage. You can ultimate before you fall asleep to get out of her range. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when they are on cooldown.
Slows, slows, slows. Counters you quite damn hard since you're insanely immobile and she outranges you with her abilities. Her W and R will keep you in place or slow you, even if you dodge her ultimate it will slow you. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
A champion without dashes who I can zone with an AOE slow, outdamage for most of the game and block with my wall? Haha easy go next lol. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
You can poke him hard early laning-phase since he is immobile. If he runs electrocute be careful of his all in damage with ignite. Your wave-clearing is superior so use that to your advantage to dodge him after level 6 and try to pressure the jungle and other lanes with your team. Later in the game you can try to keep him in place whenever he tries to go for your team, that'll allow your team to potentially cc or kill him. After level 6 you won't be able to do anything to him anymore in a 1v1.
This fella counters champions who don't have dashing abilities and build no attack speed quite hard. If he cages you, you're screwed. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.
Can peel for you, but shes not that amazing since she gives AD.
Can peel for you.
Can peel for you.
Gives movementspeed and a revive, but is only for the revive since Ryze doesn't really need movementspeed.
Can peel for you.
Can peel for you better than most other supports.
Great early game potential with Ryze. You can easily get lane priority to help him with his invades a bit later in the laning phase.
Great peel with his W, but be careful you don't stack too much AP as a team.
Pretty epic zoning ability with his E (cage) if he uses it well.
Can hold people in place for you.
Can hold people in place for you.
Great early game potential with Ryze, and can also peel for you later.
Udyr is very strong in the early game, you can play around him with Ryze and he will deal crazy damage.
Strong early game jungler. Root into fear is also strong!
Can peel for you and cc a bunch of guys.
He slows, you root. He's one of the strongest early game junglers and Ryze thrives with junglers like this.
Lee Sin
Great early game potential with Ryze.
Root into knockup will definitely atleast burn a flash. However, she's AP and you're not gonna have fun if the enemy rushes Verdant Barrier.
Strong early potential. Root into cocoon. However, she's AP and you're not gonna have fun if the enemy rushes Verdant Barrier.
Can hold people in place for you and give an amazing spellshield since you're not that mobile.
Great early game potential with Ryze. You root someone and he knocks them up or vice versa.
Jarvan IV
Your E+W into his flag and drag for a free kill. He can also cage multiple enemies for your E+Q.
Your root into his stun and his insane damage numbers often nets you a Flash or kill.
She gives Adapative force, can help you escape and can also help you chase.
Can peel for you, but shes not that amazing since she gives AD.
Can peel for you.
Can peel for you.
Gives movementspeed and a revive, but is only for the revive since Ryze doesn't really need movementspeed.
Can peel for you.
Can peel for you better than most other supports.
Great early game potential with Ryze. You can easily get lane priority to help him with his invades a bit later in the laning phase.
Great peel with his W, but be careful you don't stack too much AP as a team.
Pretty epic zoning ability with his E (cage) if he uses it well.
Can hold people in place for you.
Can hold people in place for you.
Great early game potential with Ryze, and can also peel for you later.
Udyr is very strong in the early game, you can play around him with Ryze and he will deal crazy damage.
Strong early game jungler. Root into fear is also strong!
Can peel for you and cc a bunch of guys.
He slows, you root. He's one of the strongest early game junglers and Ryze thrives with junglers like this.
Lee Sin
Great early game potential with Ryze.
Root into knockup will definitely atleast burn a flash. However, she's AP and you're not gonna have fun if the enemy rushes Verdant Barrier.
Strong early potential. Root into cocoon. However, she's AP and you're not gonna have fun if the enemy rushes Verdant Barrier.
Can hold people in place for you and give an amazing spellshield since you're not that mobile.
Great early game potential with Ryze. You root someone and he knocks them up or vice versa.
Jarvan IV
Your E+W into his flag and drag for a free kill. He can also cage multiple enemies for your E+Q.
Your root into his stun and his insane damage numbers often nets you a Flash or kill.
She gives Adapative force, can help you escape and can also help you chase.
I'm a player that has always been interested in a bunch of roles and champions, allowing me to possess quite a lot of general game-knowledge. So why don't I use my knowledge to help other people out that are interested in the same champions that I enjoy to play? Before I make any of these guides, I like to do my own little research about the champion to correct any wrong views I might have, thus raising the quality of these guides. I hope that you enjoy reading my guide and that it'll answer any questions you had.
Ryze is one of my favourite champions and he's really strong when piloted correctly. Do NOT get deceived by his low winrate, because he is REALLY HARD to master and will get punished when played incorrectly; especially now that he doesn't have any sustain abilities anymore. Ryze can get through a lot of the mid and toplane matchups safely, even when it's a hard matchup.
I've spent a lot of time on this guide and I'd love it if you'd like to follow me on Twitch. Come and join my Discord community server if you have any more questions or would like to chill, join giveaways and be updated for more guides and tips!
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Guide Topics
+ Pros and cons; and when to pick Ryze. + Ability sequence, rune setups, summoner spells. + In-depth itemization. Read the notes on the builds too. + All kinds of combos, tricks and animation cancels. + How to play Ryze in the laning phase and after it. + Matchups for Ryze; they're at the top of this page.
+ Amazing waveclear after getting mana items. + Ryze has killing pressure when splitpushing. + Safe first pick because of his waveclearing ability. + Insane teamfighting, gank setups and zoning capability. + Very mechanically intense and great playmaking ability. + You are able to invade and farm enemy jungle camps quickly, denying the enemy resources while getting yourself ahead. + Amazing to learn the fundamentals of midlane with, since making a missplay on this champion is often unforgiving. + Thrives in organized environments, so definitely an amazing pick for your 5v5 team if you need an AP control mage.
- Ryze has a very short range and is thus easily targetable. - Very mana-hungry so you need to manage your mana extremely well. - It will hurt your jungler if you spend a lot of mana before the scuttle crab spawns. - His only form of self-peel is some movement speed and his Rune Prison ability which you can only use once. - His ultimate Realm Warp is useful, yet way less useless in SOLOQ. Coordination will often lack for it to be properly used. - Even though he can be picked blind because of his waveclear, he still has a lot of bad matchups. However, that doesn't mean you can't survive the lane, because in most matchups; you can.
Ryze is a versatile champion and can be picked into and against a lot of teamcompositions. As Ryze you really excel when you can play around your jungler, since you have great gank/kill setup with Rune Prison. You also have great waveclear because of low cooldowns on Spell Flux + Overload, this allows you to get lane priority and help your jungler first. Ryze thrives best when his team can peel for him and play around him (his root with Rune Prison and his damage). Ryze needs time to scale, but he excels in skirmishes and teamfights where he has the time to deal damage and catch people off with his Rune Prison. With his excellent waveclear he can splitpush very well and regroup with his team very quickly when needed, whether that is by walking after pushing a wave or by using his ultimate Realm Warp or Teleport.
Although Ryze has a lot of damage, he has an awful sustain problem this season because they removed the shielding he had. If you don't manage your waves correctly early in the game, you will definitely be zoned from your creeps or even killed since your escaping tools are below mediocre. Ryze relies, even more so than other champions, HEAVILY on good positioning and doesn't thrive when the enemy has a lot of cc, especially cc that is hard to dodge or just plain point-and-click. Every spell you cast locks you in place for a small time-frame, unlike for example Syndra or Orianna who can move while casting. Ryze's Spell Flux does spread, but tanky champions, like Maokai, are still a nuisance to him since he won't be able to access the backline properly. Champions with hard-engage are a nightmare for Ryze, since he doesn't have any movement abilities. Don't pick Ryze when your team is already heavy on magic damage since the whole point of Ryze is dealing magic damage in high amounts.
Let's first talk about maxing out your abilities. Ryze will almost always level his abilities in the same order, except when he has a tough time getting close at level 1. If thats the case, you go Spell Flux first instead and the flux spread will allow you to start stacking Manaflow Band.
In most games, you will level up your abilities in the following order:
Ability Sequence
I highly suggest you to read the abilities yourself so you know exactly what they do. To explain it in a few words; your Spell Flux and Rune Prison will reset Overload. The whole purpose of Ryze is playing around these resets. If an enemy has Spell Flux applied and you use Rune Prison he will be rooted, if he does not have Spell Flux on him, then he will be slowed by Rune Prison instead. Also if an enemy has Spell Flux applied your Overload will deal a lot of extra damage, both on minions and champions. Your ultimate abiliy Realm Warp has a passive that will give you extra damage whenever you level it up (40%/70%/100%, depending on skill level). When you use Rune Prison and Spell Flux it will give one stack on your Overload passive. If you didn't use Overload before you reached 2 stacks, it will give (28-44%, depending on skill level) movement speed the next time you use it; this passive ability does not have any cooldowns. Very useful for catching people off-guard since most people think you rely on Phase Rush to get close.
Ryze is pretty straightforward as far as his runes and summoner spells go. Most of the time you want to run the basic page with Phase Rush at the top of this page. Sometimes you can make slight changes to your runes.
versus as main rune:
Going Conqueror on Ryze isn't as good as Phase Rush but can still be used if you play against a teamcomp which doesn't have a lot of damage or cc; it's also useful when you can't really escape anyway and have to take the fight. When your team has a lot of crowd control to peel you, it is also an option, yet more of a high-risk/high-reward choice. Taking the rune called Presence of Mind over Triumph is better since it will give you more damage later in the game; your passive that gives you AP scales of how much maximum mana you have. The third row and fourth row in the Precision tree can be flexed depending on your preference and enemy teamcomp.
In the this rune tree you should take Manaflow Band since your passive scales with the amount of mana you have. Transcendence gives you resets and ability haste. You can choose between for Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm. They both scale pretty well, it's just that the second option scales much harder the longer the games take, which makes it great in low elo. Waterwalking is a great option if you want to take part in early river fights and if you want to roam a lot. Taking Scorch is a possibility for some extra early damage in some matchups, but the other runes are much more useful in my opinion since Ryze plays to scale anyway.
In the this rune tree you can take early game runes like Bone Plating and Second Wind to make it easier to survive in lane. Or you can decide to apply pressure in the laning phase a bit more with Demolish, for example if the enemy has a champion that you absolutely stomp or even better, when the enemy has a champion that roams a lot (since you can push waves incredibly fast with Ryze). If you want to go Resolve in a lane where you can scale for free you can take Conditioning combined with Overgrowth for a bit more late game survivability.
As you can see, rune choices on Ryze can be pretty straightforward since the main goal is scaling. However, as you probably have noticed, you can still decide on runes that make you better at for example roaming or early fighting.
Summoner Spell choices:
This is by far the strongest summoner spell on Ryze. It allows him to get his early items (e.g. Dark Seal with Refillable Potion) without missing too many minions. Sometimes you don't need to use it and then you can use it to counter a gank in another lane. It will also allow him the opportunity to split even better without worrying about not being able to attend a potential fight or objective play. When you choose another spell, remember that you won't have this amazing one anymore.
Required in a few champion matchups that can lock you down for their jungler, for example Lissandra. I highly recommend not greeding on this since it will be awful to get zoned or pressured permanently, especially in lane but also after laning phase.
Very useful if you're versing against teamcomps who have a lot of skillshots. Champions like Cassiopeia are gonna struggle if they can't hit their crucial abilities on you. It's definitely an option you could consider, especially since now the movement speed ramp up got removed!
Taking this spell is possible for early pressure in lanes and river fights you are confident in. Ignite is often combined with Electrocute.
This spell will allow you to stay alive in harder assassin matchups, for example Zed. Taking Exhaust is also very strong if you ever have to duel later in the game.
Barrier and Heal
Both can be taken for more survivability. Remember that Ignite doesn't reduce the amount of shielding by Barrier, however it does lower the amount of healing by Heal. Not as strong as the other options.
Since I've been asked to go more in-depth about the items; I'll be explaining why you go a particular item.
Rod of Ages
Standard item which works really well with scaling champions like Ryze. After 10 stacks it evolves and gives you a free level-up. This item has amazing stats.
Luden's Tempest
Amazing first item vs squishies, since it gives AP, AH, Mana and Magic Pen. The passive gives you extra damage and it also gives movement speed. All other legendaries also get magic penetration which amplifies your damage against champions that want to build mainly damage!
I like to build Everfrost, since you can root someone for a total of 3 seconds if you combo your spells right. Everfrost works exceptionally well versus targets without dashes and is the most picked tankier and more setup-oriented alternative to Luden's Tempest.
Liandry's Anguish
When the enemy has a lot of champions that stack Health this item can be useful; since it ignores their magic resistance up to 15% and it deals maximum % health damage. Other than that it also gives you 80 AP, 600 Mana and 20 AH. The passive also gives you ability haste on your Legendary items, which works well with a battle-mage like Ryze.
Seraph's Embrace
Completed version of AA. Gives a lot of AP when finished, much needed mana (which also translates into a lot of AP) and the ability to build tear early. You want to get this item very early, since it synergizes so well with Ryze's kit.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Amazing item for extra survivability and it also works to deny some ultimate abilties like Zed's Death Mark. Remember that using Zhonya's Hourglass active 'Stasis' while using ultimate does NOT work anymore on Ryze.
Morellonomicon Frozen Heart is a great choice against champions that deal AD damage and rely on melee auto-attacks since this item gives you a lot of armor and lowers the attack speed of enemies that are close to you. This item also gives a great amount of mana, making it a useful combination with Riftmaker.
Banshee's Veil Verdant Barrier is a really useful surviving tool in AP matchups. The passive of Banshee's Veil is useful against champions who like to use their CC or ability as an engaging tool. It gives you a lot of AP, 45 MR and 10 AH.
Mejai's Soulstealer
Very strong on AP champions, however this one is a bit more risky. Should only be build if you think you'll be able to stack it and stay alive. Also gives you 10% movement speed. This item is the cheapest Legendary item; it will give you the extra stats from your Mythic item of choice.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Incredibly strong item on AP scaling champions, the passive gives you a total of 40% bonus AP. Since it's so expensive and scales off AP we buy it after a few core items.
Item that's useful when the enemy has champions with a lot of healing. Applies more Grievous Wounds healing reduction when the enemy is below 50% health and Liandry's Torment re-applies it for a total of 4 extra seconds.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Synergizes okay with Ryze's kit since it gives a AP, a lot of extra health and a slow that allows you to hit your spells once applied. Still, because there are better items to build right now, this item has become obsolete.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Great for if you're snowballing and also works well with any active items like Everfrost that you might have. These are the boots I build the most right now.
Sorcerer's Shoes
Great item for some early to mid game damage since it gives 18 magic penetration quite early.
Other Boots
Defensive ARMOR/MR boots can be taken in harder lanes if you don't plan to build Zhonya's Hourglass, for example vs Zed. They can also be build if the enemy is very heavy on one AD/AP. Mercury's Treads are primarily amazing against CC since it gives the tenacity stat. For the other boots: I don't recommend the other boots since they dont work that well with Ryze's kit.
Ryze has a lot of combo's and most of them are improvisation; that's what makes the champion Ryze hard. "What combo is the best to use in this situation?" is what you need to ask yourself multiple times per game. Here are a few combo's that are basic on Ryze:
Q, W or E - Poking enemies or stacking Manaflow Band, but be careful with your mana. EQ - Spread and damage. Good for waveclearing and poking the enemy. EW - Rooting an enemy with Rune Prison. Good for setting up a quick play when your damage isn't important. EEQ - Using the Overload movement speed passive to get close to enemies and catch them off-guard. Wait for your Spell Flux cooldown before casting Overload so you can continue the combo after. QWEQ - Simple trading combo, the slow is often enough for you to hit your second Overload. QEWQ - Basic combo when you want to escape quickly, this will proc the Overload movement speed passive. You can leave out the first Overload when needed. EQWQ - When you don't have your Q you can use this combo. If you have enough distance between you and the target the enemy will get rooted, this is especially helpful when you have a ranged advantage.
Remember that you can wait with using your abilities in order for your Spell Flux to come off cooldown, so you can use the rest of your combo faster. So apply Spell Flux to an enemy and then wait till its almost off cooldown again. These two combo's are also useful:
QWQEQ - If you want to do the most damage you can ASAP. W is often enough of a slow for you to be able to connect your Q's. QEQWQEQ (+ Everfrost -> EQ) - Ryze's "most advanced" full damage combo. At close to max range casting, Rune Prison will connect before Overload, rooting the target in place; allowing you to get all your damage off. After this combo immediately use Everfrost to lock him in place, allowing you to get an extra E+Q off.
Recalling while Realm Warp teleports will deny Realm Warp from teleporting you. When you use Realm Warp you want to walk out of it and walk/flash back in if there are enemies chasing you. If Ryze's character model is not facing the inner circle and you're on the outer edge of Realm Warp it will sometimes not take you with it. Using Zhonya's Hourglass will cancel the teleportation. Realm Warp can go over walls if you are closer to the other side of the wall with your character. You can ultimate before some abilities hit to deny the damage, for example: Karthus' Requiem, Zoe's Sleepy Trouble Bubble, Fizz' Chum the Waters. You can also use it to go back to lane to miss less creeps or join a skirmish or teamfight later in the game. Most types of crowd control (except for example slows) will cancel your ultimate so be careful when you use it! Don't use your Realm Warp to get close to champions with AOE abilities like Orianna, Malphite and Fiddlesticks, you will just bring in your team to die and potentially lose the game. Ryze is able to bring minions with him when he uses Realm Warp; this might be useful if you want to push a turret fast or deny someone a push. Zac blobs can be taken with you too. Also another tip: using Rune Prison on enemies will cancel their Teleport summoner spell. That's about it for the combo's and notes!
Ryze isn't necessarily the strongest early game; he can't trade carelessly. This doesn't mean that you can't trade or win lane though! Trading with Ryze is good in the early game especially vs matchups that are in your favour. Generally what you want to do is farm and stack your tear and the rune Manaflow Band every time is comes off cooldown. Remember that extra mana, even from runes like Manaflow Band, give you AP. If you play against melee matchups, you might be able to keep building slow pushes early-game, while poking the enemy, so it bounces back every time it hits he enemy tower. Ryze is a champion that excels in lane priority and denying the enemy resources (like taking enemy raptors), however you can also keep the wave on your side of the lane for your own safety and to potentially set up a gank with Rune Prison for your jungler. Definitely use pings or chat to communicate with your jungler when playing Ryze.
As a midlaner you always want to think of your lane as a part of the jungle, that you're actually 2v2 instead of 1v1. Before the game starts think about who is a threat to you (even supports and toplaners can roam and be annoying) and whether you can win skirmishes with your jungler vs their midlaner and jungler. Depending on if you have a decently strong jungler (like Lee Sin, Elise, Graves or Jarvan IV) you will be able to join scuttle fights, given that you didn't spend too much mana in lane. If your jungler is a strong invader, you can try to keep slow pushing your waves and join him; since if you crash a wave the enemy laner has to decide between missing minions or helping out. You always want to hug the side of the lane where you placed your Stealth Ward or hover the side where your jungler is. You want to put a Control Ward in the bush at the side you want to roam the most to this game (e.g. you want to roam bot; place a Control Ward in the bot-side bush, you can ward the "pixel" bush too (the ones in the middle of the river), however the "pixel" bush most often gets warded by someone else on your team). Later in the game you want to keep pushing waves and farm up by taking jungle camps and roam to exert pressure on the map; preferably roaming together with your jungler.
When the first turret goes down you want to go to a sidelane so you don't share creeps with your teammates. I won't go too in-depth about the art of splitpushing; but basically it functions as a tool to exert pressure on the enemy. Splitpushing will force the enemy to choose between taking the wave that's about to die or hit their turret or staying with their team to guard them. If you are REALLY strong then they might even have to send two people to contest you. While splitpushing you want to keep looking at the map. If there is someone coming to you or multiple enemies are missing on the map you want to be a bit more careful and most likely back off till they reappear on the map. Having a deep Stealth Ward will help you exert more pressure with splitpushing since you'll know when enemies are rotating.
If you can't pressure the turret, you want to push the wave to their tower and hover your team while being out of vision or take the enemy jungle camps depending on the state of the game. When the wave starts pushing back you can start walking back to the sidelane to push it again. Depending on whether you have the summoner spell Teleport up or not, you need to choose a sidelane that's further or closer to the next objective that will appear on the map; in that order. Keep doing, this, farm up and try to group with your team when possible and take Baron Nashor when the enemy gets caught to end the game!
I hope you liked my guide. I hope I have the motivation to make more extensive guides for other champions too so I can help you guys out. Please leave a thumbs-up if you liked the guide and I'd love it if you could follow me on Twitch: Lodart!
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