Mythic Items
Immortal Shieldbow: Shieldbow is an item that is loved by many and while it shouldn't be Akshan's first choice, don't be afraid to build it! It's great build path not only offers you the ability to grab early sustain with vamp scepter, but you also get a decently size shield that can protect you from burst. Your DPS will only suffer slightly in exchange for your newfound survivability.
Galeforce: This item offers Akshan some great mobility for dodging key skill shots or simply finding a better position during a fight. Plus, not only do you get a free Lucian dash, but Galeforce's active provides a nice chunk of damage for you to execute your enemy before they even know what hit them! While your DPS won't be as high, your burst should skyrocket if you use Galeforce offensively.
Kraken Slayer: Kraken Slayer has to be one of my favorite items on Akshan. Not only does it synergize extremely well due to your E and double-hit passive, but the attack speed scaling later on makes it a powerful kiting tool.
2nd Items
Guinsoo's Rageblade:
Guinsoo's Rageblade is a key item when you're going on-hit Akshan. Not only does it offer a nice powerspike, but you deal consistently more DPS due to your crit being converted to on-hit. You can build rageknife and choose to not finish rageblade till later if you'd like!
The Collector:
The Collector is a staple item for a lot of crit carries at the moment. It's ability to spike your build at a 2nd item and provide some lethality is really underestimated. While it's not an amazing item, it's the most optimal one we have at the moment for many carries.
Lord Dominik's Regards:
Lord Dominik's Regards functions as an AMAZING 2nd item vs teams that have even just a few tanks/bruisers. It deals similar damage to collector with the trade off of additional tank shred. This is your tool to win mid game vs tanky teams (most games don't get to 3-4 items so building it late is useless)! With it's amazing buffs (and even though it's getting SMALL NERFS), it's a really good item 2nd on a ton of ADCs at the moment. Don't make the mistake of stalling this out!
Wit's End: Wit's is a great item for your on-hit build. It gives you magic resist, movement speed, great components, magic damage, etc. I mean, what else could you possibly want for it's great price point! If you're looking to go the on-hit build, Wit's can easily become a staple item in your build when you're looking to deal high DPS while also surviving an entire Syndra combo.
3rd Items
Infinity Edge: IE provides a lot of damage to your kit if you're looking to quickly cut enemies down with the crit build. This item is really good in a majority of games if you're looking to wipe teams as fast as possible. Aka, if team fights aren't stalling for super long, this is the item for you! This tends to be paired with
Coup de Grace or
Cut Down and your choice of
Relentless Hunter or
Ravenous Hunter. Don't forget that your E CAN crit and will deal a ton of damage!
Bloodthirster: While I don't think Bloodthirster is an amazing item, it definitely has it's time and place. If the enemy has no real burst or CC to kill you, BT will allow you to heavily sustain yourself through fights, especially if they don't bother to build anti-heal. I personally don't recommend it but it's a viable option.
Blade of the Ruined King: Bork is one of my favorite items when I'm playing on-hit Akshan. Not only does the movement speed help you a ton, but it'll also empower your damage by quite a bit. Plus, you get some lifesteal in your kit which, if you're going on-hit, you won't really have elsewhere!
Mortal Reminder: Similar to BT, Mortal Reminder has a pretty specific time and place. It's pretty unlikely that you'll ever finish the entire item BUT, it's important to pick up an Executioners early on if your team needs anti-heal. Trust me. Grevious wounds early vs healing champions can be a massive game changer.
Mercurial Scimitar: I mean.... We all know what it does. Be sure to pick this up if the enemy has hard CC that can stop you in your tracks. Things like Skarner ult or Malzahar ult are nightmares to deal with, without this especially because you're short ranged!
Guardian Angel: GA is a great item if you feel like you only need a small bit of defense and want some additional damage. I personally enjoy buying the stopwatch before a big fight so that I can use it if needed. It's also good if your team has good peel + extended fights!
Berserker's Greaves: These tend to be my go-to unless I really need defense, which also tends to happen often. Keep in mind, that attack speed gives you Movement speed with passive. Plus, they're a nice spike!
Mercury's Treads: This is your MR and CC solution, it's not too great for laning phase unless you're vs mages, but it'll help a good bit if the enemy has AP mid and jg that can kill/CC-chain you!
Plated Steelcaps: Again, here's your armor option. This is really good vs auto attack reliant champs! Champions like Lucian, Rengar, Caitlyn, and even Vayne are dominated by this item until later on. It's a really good choice for some defensive stats early on!
Mobility Boots: Now, Mobility boots are my personally favorite when I'm playing with a snowbally mid laner AND can have easy lane priority bot lane. This playstyle can be incredibly difficult to manage as it takes a lot of game knowledge to roam properly without setting yourself behind, especially as an AD carry. That being said, these are powerful in the right situations. I wouldn't recommend them to a lot of people but I wanted to make note of them due to their potential to snowball your mid and JG under the correct circumstances!
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