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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Miss Fortune
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Q max, Lane Bully
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
Hey there, I’m Chaeha. I’m a season 9 challenger and current grandmaster adc main and for the current preseason meta, it’s important that I picked up Miss Fortune in my champ pool and it’ll be important for you to. She is currently one of my favorite ADC’s to play in the preseason because of her lane bully playstyle and snowballing from a winning laning phase. If you have any questions or simply want to talk, I’m most active on my discord so come join the community https://discord.gg/Y6DsS65QbW You can also check me out on https://www.twitch.tv/chaeha_lol where I will try and stream informative ADC gameplay and hopefully grow my stream to something worthwhile. |
Why Miss Fortune?
Miss Fortune has always had a lane bully playstyle and this doesn't change with the current meta in season 11. She scales by winning lane, then snowballing harder with items like Galeforce and The Collector into very quick wins in the current meta.
Miss Fortune is one of the easiest champions to play and also provides lots of impact in teamfights with her huge area of effect damage. In low elos, most people don’t respect Miss Fortune ultimate leading to crazy pentakill highlight 1v9 moments.
Miss Fortune is also very interesting with her Galeforce crit build that does more consistent damage and allows her to have both offensive and defensive mobility inside her kit. Her ultimate can also apply critical hits meaning the passive on Infinity Edge won’t be wasted on her abilities.
Miss Fortune is one of the easiest champions to play and also provides lots of impact in teamfights with her huge area of effect damage. In low elos, most people don’t respect Miss Fortune ultimate leading to crazy pentakill highlight 1v9 moments.
Miss Fortune is also very interesting with her Galeforce crit build that does more consistent damage and allows her to have both offensive and defensive mobility inside her kit. Her ultimate can also apply critical hits meaning the passive on Infinity Edge won’t be wasted on her abilities.
Miss Fortune has quite a counterintuitive passive as to maximize damage, it forces you to target multiple enemies to constantly be applying love tap. However it’s important to note that you can utilize your Double Up to quickly apply love tap to another enemy and reapply love tap on the enemy you’re focusing.
It’s important to note that you can use love tap damage on the turrets which means to maximize both pushing power and turret taking power you switch autos between the turret and minions for the tier 3, 2, and 1 turrets. Although this is some situational information, it may win you some games, for the nexus turrets however, you can constantly apply love tap on both nexus turrets by alternating auto attacks to basically double your damage per second.
It’s necessary to keep an enemy minion at all times in execution range in order to have the threat of a critically striked Double Up. Miss Fortune’s Double Up is a great pressuring tool to get enemies not hiding behind the minion wave. It’s important to stand in a line with Miss Fortune, the enemy minion ready to die, and the enemy support or enemy ADC. Also after we completely stack Manamune to Muramana, Double Up can also apply stacks of Muramana leading to larger damage spikes.
Miss Fortune’s Strut ability is an insane passive movement speed buff which allows her to not have to buy tier 2 boots for much longer than other ADC’s allowing her to hit her 2 item power spike much sooner than the enemy ADC. The attack speed steroid also allows Miss Fortune to simply itemize into flat attack damage and armor penetration and not have to itemize into attack speed.
It’s important to always keep the increased movement speed passive up on strut as it allows you to easily dodge skillshots in lane like Thresh’s Death Sentence, Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab, and Morgana’s Dark Binding. To always keep strut off cooldown, it’s important to auto attack different targets and apply Love Tap to reduce the cooldown, as the active of strut maximizes the movement speed.
Miss Fortune’s Make it Rain is a great ability in lane to easily stack your Tear of the Goddess and to apply good poke damage with the use of Arcane Comet and Scorch to get the enemy duo to either take the full damage duration or to back off from the enemy minions. It’s also important to note that you can gain vision of bushes and fog of war with Make it Rain, so before entering choke point areas, it’s imperative to put down a Make It Rain if you don’t see anyone on the map for a while.
Miss Fortune’s Bullet Time is great to combo with champions with hard crowd control like Leona and her Solar Flare. It’s important to notice the position and how early you cast Bullet Time, so it doesn’t get interrupted early and you can’t maximize your damage per second in this way. The range of Bullet Time is extremely large so it’s important to be in sync with your support and team and play off their crowd control as you can follow up on engage extremely easily.
Runes and Summoner Spells
After the gutting of Manamune and the Arcane Comet miss fortune build, she still has strong build that bullies lane and then scales incredibly well into front to back team fights with her crit build.
On your first back it's important that we try and build Noonquiver if we have 1300g or more however if we're hovering around the 900g mark we can opt for Pickaxe as it builds to both Galeforce and Kraken Slayer. For higher elo players, I do recommend mainly going Galeforce most games as it allows you to make many more proactive plays however against teams with multiple frontliners, it's important that we can opt for Kraken Slayer.
Then we want to start working on our second item which will be The Collector as it synergizes well with the execute on Galeforce. As we build our second item, we want to then buy our tier 1 Boots because it's not necessary to rush movement speed on miss fortune due to her W or Strut and the passive movement speed it gives.
If the enemy team comp is comprised of tanks however we can switch The Collector with Lord Dominik's Regards as it scales much better into beefy team comps.
For our boots, when possible we want to go Berserker's Greaves because of how gold efficient they are in providing us with attack speed but if enemy team has atleast 3 sources of AD or 3 sources of AP damage then we can opt for Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads respectively.
As our 3rd main item, we want to go Infinity Edge as we will now hit 60% critical chance and get the increased critical damage. It's important to note that Infinity Edge also synergizes with the empowered damage on Double Up and also Bullet Time can critically hit.
We have to be open to shift our last 2 main item depending on the team composition.
When ahead, I believe that Bloodthirster as the 4th item purchase is ideal because of the shield, the passive movement speed on Strut won't disappear even when being hit by minions. However, if they're quite tanky we can once again opt for Lord Dominik's Regards.
As our last item, once again it's important to be flexible with the build as we can build anything as long as we notice the win condition. If you have to survive burst then, Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius might be the best last slot items. If we need the anti heal then we can also go Mortal Reminder but it simply depends on team compositions.
Early Game
It’s necessary to understand how the laning phase will pan out during the draft phase of the game to incorporate a game plan into our early levels. It’s important that we not only look at the ADC matchup but also the support matchup as the support matchup is what dictates the lane state.
Our level 1 gameplan on Miss Fortune is not impacted by what our support picks.
We look to constantly poke with Double Up and Love Tap auto attacks whenever the enemy adc or support is looking to go for minions. It's important that we try and proc Press the Attack in these quick trades to maximize the amount of damage we do.
After getting level 1 priority in the lane with our constant poke, we look to push the wave in for a faster level 2 than the enemy duo. It’s important to note that the first 9 minions: 3 melee, 3 casters, and 3 melee lets the duo reach level 2. Another way to get level 2 is 10 minions: 3 melee, 3 casters, 2 melee, and 2 casters. It’s necessary to posture up against the enemy duo and exert kill pressure after getting this level 2 advantage over the enemy duo. If done correctly, this should get the enemy duo to either fall back, waste summoner spells, or get a kill or double kill.
We want to constantly look for opportunities to execute a minion with Double Up and get the crit damage on Double Up on the enemy duo. We want to slowly whittle down the enemy duo with our Make it Rain and Double Up.
Our next spike is at level 6 which is where the support matchup begins to matter. If we have a tanky engage support like Leona or Nautilus, we look to reach level 6 before the enemy duo and follow up on their ultimates with our own Bullet Time. This is because the amount of kill pressure that a level 6 Miss Fortune and a level 6 tanky engage support is unmatched if the enemy laner doesn’t have a Morgana or Cleanse to instant cleanse out of the hard crowd control. However, if done correctly, if the enemy doesn’t use summoners, then they should die 90-100% of the time.
When playing with an enchanter support after hitting our level 6 powerspike, we should still constantly look to poke the enemy duo with our empowered Double Up. If our enchanter support has any form of crowd control like Lulu and her Whimsy or Nami and her Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave, then we have to remember to follow up immediately with our Bullet Time, however if not we should look to poke them down to a point where a Make it Rain and max range Bullet Time combo at around 300 hp would be enough to kill them if they don’t respect our damage.
TLDR: Constantly poke with double up and press the attack. Get level 2 powerspike and posture up and engage on them before they hit level 2. Either burn their summoners or they should die or miss cs. Constantly whittle them down with double up and make it rain in lane. With engage support, look for ultimates follw up on level 6 engage. With enchanter support, look for constant poke and if they have CC follow up on it with ultimate or poke to low enough you can execute with ult.
Our level 1 gameplan on Miss Fortune is not impacted by what our support picks.
We look to constantly poke with Double Up and Love Tap auto attacks whenever the enemy adc or support is looking to go for minions. It's important that we try and proc Press the Attack in these quick trades to maximize the amount of damage we do.
After getting level 1 priority in the lane with our constant poke, we look to push the wave in for a faster level 2 than the enemy duo. It’s important to note that the first 9 minions: 3 melee, 3 casters, and 3 melee lets the duo reach level 2. Another way to get level 2 is 10 minions: 3 melee, 3 casters, 2 melee, and 2 casters. It’s necessary to posture up against the enemy duo and exert kill pressure after getting this level 2 advantage over the enemy duo. If done correctly, this should get the enemy duo to either fall back, waste summoner spells, or get a kill or double kill.
We want to constantly look for opportunities to execute a minion with Double Up and get the crit damage on Double Up on the enemy duo. We want to slowly whittle down the enemy duo with our Make it Rain and Double Up.
Our next spike is at level 6 which is where the support matchup begins to matter. If we have a tanky engage support like Leona or Nautilus, we look to reach level 6 before the enemy duo and follow up on their ultimates with our own Bullet Time. This is because the amount of kill pressure that a level 6 Miss Fortune and a level 6 tanky engage support is unmatched if the enemy laner doesn’t have a Morgana or Cleanse to instant cleanse out of the hard crowd control. However, if done correctly, if the enemy doesn’t use summoners, then they should die 90-100% of the time.
When playing with an enchanter support after hitting our level 6 powerspike, we should still constantly look to poke the enemy duo with our empowered Double Up. If our enchanter support has any form of crowd control like Lulu and her Whimsy or Nami and her Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave, then we have to remember to follow up immediately with our Bullet Time, however if not we should look to poke them down to a point where a Make it Rain and max range Bullet Time combo at around 300 hp would be enough to kill them if they don’t respect our damage.
TLDR: Constantly poke with double up and press the attack. Get level 2 powerspike and posture up and engage on them before they hit level 2. Either burn their summoners or they should die or miss cs. Constantly whittle them down with double up and make it rain in lane. With engage support, look for ultimates follw up on level 6 engage. With enchanter support, look for constant poke and if they have CC follow up on it with ultimate or poke to low enough you can execute with ult.
Mid Game
If Miss Fortune and her duo take down the first turret before the enemy duo, then the next priority should be dragon or the solo lane turret depending on which enemy solo laner has less waveclear (the ability to quickly clear a minion wave without putting oneself in danger) if the dragon is down.
If the enemy duo takes the first turret however, Miss Fortune should send the support player to roam and make plays around the map and look to set up a freeze in the bot lane under the tier 2 inner turret if there are no objectives that the team is looking to fight for on the map. To set up a freeze, always make sure that there are 4-5 more enemy minions than allied minions, and make sure to simply last hit the minions and don’t let it exceed or go below 4-5 more enemy minions.
You can look to keep farming until you hit your Galeforce spike. And then at this point you're basically an assassin that can 1v1 most of the time any solo ADCs besides maybe draven and lucian. It’s important to note when you should start rotating for objectives, for dragon typically you want to reset when there’s 45 seconds to a minute left on the respawn because you will be there on time to get some vision around the dragon and then take dragon accordingly. This way you and your team will be able to try and catch the enemy rotating late for objectives and taking fights that you numerically should win.
TLDR: If MF gets first turret, rotate for other objectives: Drag first, other outer turret (lanes with less waveclear). If enemy duo gets first turret, tell support to roam and freeze minions under tier 2 turret. Rotate for objs 45 seconds before they spawn.
If the enemy duo takes the first turret however, Miss Fortune should send the support player to roam and make plays around the map and look to set up a freeze in the bot lane under the tier 2 inner turret if there are no objectives that the team is looking to fight for on the map. To set up a freeze, always make sure that there are 4-5 more enemy minions than allied minions, and make sure to simply last hit the minions and don’t let it exceed or go below 4-5 more enemy minions.
You can look to keep farming until you hit your Galeforce spike. And then at this point you're basically an assassin that can 1v1 most of the time any solo ADCs besides maybe draven and lucian. It’s important to note when you should start rotating for objectives, for dragon typically you want to reset when there’s 45 seconds to a minute left on the respawn because you will be there on time to get some vision around the dragon and then take dragon accordingly. This way you and your team will be able to try and catch the enemy rotating late for objectives and taking fights that you numerically should win.
TLDR: If MF gets first turret, rotate for other objectives: Drag first, other outer turret (lanes with less waveclear). If enemy duo gets first turret, tell support to roam and freeze minions under tier 2 turret. Rotate for objs 45 seconds before they spawn.
Late Game
How do we play these fights late game and how do we close out these games?
Miss Fortune is a prime example of a teamfighting front to back ADC however it’s important to know how and when to use your ultimate, Bullet Time. Most of the time Miss Fortune can’t initiate teamfights by herself however she’s pretty good at catching lone enemies by herself with Galeforce in my opinion. The combo auto attack, Double Up, auto attack, Make it Rain, Galeforce, into either more auto attacks or ultimate probably can 1 shot any squishy that is alone if you see an opportunity.
It’s important how to optimally use Bullet Time in teamfights which is to either wait for your team’s hard crowd control so the enemy cannot stop it or we use Bullet Time in the ladder parts of the fight when the enemy’s disrupting abilities are on cooldown. This is important as we can maximize our area of effect damage per second and have a large impact on the fight.
However, the more consistent way to impact the game and create winning situations is to first secure the vision around a set area typically over objectives as the enemies are inclined to face check into bushes where objectives will be. After we get a pick and creating a winning 5v4 situation we can either do the objective and completely finish, bait it out by starting the objective and pinging our teammates to engage a fight and then we can follow up immediately with our bullet time.
The gameplan with Miss Fortune late game is super simple as her kit is also super simple, but it’s important to remember how to play effectively and play with impact in these team fights. When these objectives are down, it’s important that we keep farming minions so we can get more item spikes and eventually become strong enough to just 5v5.
We should look to rinse and repeat the objectives method and the farming method until eventually your team is strong enough and has enough stats to the point where you can constantly look for teamfights and 5v5 out of a pure stat advantage. At this point you can pressure any objective you want after gaining vision control of the area and then look to follow up with your ultimate.
At this point it’s easiest to gain baron and either finish it or turn on the enemy and then we should siege towers with the team and look for favorable fights and then siege towers and end the game after a successful resulted fight.
TLDR: Look to catch lone enemies with combo: Auto, Q, E, Auto, Galeforce, Auto or Ult. Create deathbushes by putting control ward in bush and sitting in it with team in areas enemy team likely to walk through. Kill them without wasting ult and rotate to objs, finish if you can or turn on enemy 5v4 if you have to. Use ult later in fights so it doesn't get cancelled. Farm minions while objs are down and rinse and repeat and win.
Miss Fortune is a prime example of a teamfighting front to back ADC however it’s important to know how and when to use your ultimate, Bullet Time. Most of the time Miss Fortune can’t initiate teamfights by herself however she’s pretty good at catching lone enemies by herself with Galeforce in my opinion. The combo auto attack, Double Up, auto attack, Make it Rain, Galeforce, into either more auto attacks or ultimate probably can 1 shot any squishy that is alone if you see an opportunity.
It’s important how to optimally use Bullet Time in teamfights which is to either wait for your team’s hard crowd control so the enemy cannot stop it or we use Bullet Time in the ladder parts of the fight when the enemy’s disrupting abilities are on cooldown. This is important as we can maximize our area of effect damage per second and have a large impact on the fight.
However, the more consistent way to impact the game and create winning situations is to first secure the vision around a set area typically over objectives as the enemies are inclined to face check into bushes where objectives will be. After we get a pick and creating a winning 5v4 situation we can either do the objective and completely finish, bait it out by starting the objective and pinging our teammates to engage a fight and then we can follow up immediately with our bullet time.
The gameplan with Miss Fortune late game is super simple as her kit is also super simple, but it’s important to remember how to play effectively and play with impact in these team fights. When these objectives are down, it’s important that we keep farming minions so we can get more item spikes and eventually become strong enough to just 5v5.
We should look to rinse and repeat the objectives method and the farming method until eventually your team is strong enough and has enough stats to the point where you can constantly look for teamfights and 5v5 out of a pure stat advantage. At this point you can pressure any objective you want after gaining vision control of the area and then look to follow up with your ultimate.
At this point it’s easiest to gain baron and either finish it or turn on the enemy and then we should siege towers with the team and look for favorable fights and then siege towers and end the game after a successful resulted fight.
TLDR: Look to catch lone enemies with combo: Auto, Q, E, Auto, Galeforce, Auto or Ult. Create deathbushes by putting control ward in bush and sitting in it with team in areas enemy team likely to walk through. Kill them without wasting ult and rotate to objs, finish if you can or turn on enemy 5v4 if you have to. Use ult later in fights so it doesn't get cancelled. Farm minions while objs are down and rinse and repeat and win.
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