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Warwick Build Guide by Danileng2208

Jungle [11.22] Warwick JG [Easy LP] [Read Notes ;)]

Jungle [11.22] Warwick JG [Easy LP] [Read Notes ;)]

Updated on November 10, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Danileng2208 Build Guide By Danileng2208 2,206 Views 0 Comments
2,206 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Danileng2208 Warwick Build Guide By Danileng2208 Updated on November 10, 2021
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4 5
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
Warwick JG Standard
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

[11.22] Warwick JG [Easy LP] [Read Notes ;)]

By Danileng2208
About Me
Hi, it's Danileng2208, the creator of this guide. I'm new to MOBAfire so... sorry if this guide is not the most "striking" like others (mainly because it's my first time on BBcode). Anyways, English it's not my first language (so sorry for bad grammar). I really appreciate you chose my guideand I hope I can bring to you more of them... so let's start!
Pros & Cons
Pros ;)
1.- Warwick is an "easy" champ to learn so that's good for beginners, and the mains play it "perfectly"
2.- Warwick can do an easy 1v2 (most of the times in early game, because of his pasive Eternal Hunger and Q Jaws of the Beast)
3.- Has decent movility (mostly his W Blood Hunt and the runes)
4.- Has CC in AOE "E" Primal Howl and a suppression with R Infinite Duress
5.- Does the JG objectives fast due to W Blood Hunt pasive
6.- INSANE HEALING (pasive Eternal Hunger, Q Jaws of the Beast and R Infinite Duress the R applies the pasive)
7.- Good JG clear with Tiamat and better with Titanic Hydra

Cons ;(
1.- Horrible multi-camp JG clear before Tiamat
2.- If the enemy aren't in low health or you don't have your W (Active) Blood Hunt you shouldn't get to them
3.- Doesn't scale well
4.- The R Infinite Duress can be block by your enemies
Runes Explanation
These runes are common in most matchups and plays styles the PtA is easier to proc because of the impact effects from Q Jaws of the Beast and R Infinite Duress

The Conqueror runes are perfect for the playstyle of duelist off tank that spikes when he is in low health (take it mostly vs tanks) The healing with the Conqueror at 12 stacks + the Q Jaws of the Beast and the Goredrinker ARE INSANE, but you need to have the 12 stacks

Just do it if the team needs a tank or just if you like it, if you play these I recommend you to Max habilities "number 3" in the superior part of the guide there's when you Max the E Primal Howl

WOW A FLYING Warwick, AND THE BEST OF THE PATCH! The Predator runes is the one that "secures" that a gank may be successful by gasting a summoner or a kill on the enemy team. The boots I recommend with Predator are the Ionian Boots of Lucidity The Predator Is BROKEN in this parch 11.22, especially with Ingenius Hunter

AP Warwick! Just delete anyone with 1 Q Jaws of the Beast Look for AP items in Damage AP and Just... have fun, These Warwick playstyle is different because you don't have to much sustain like the AD one
Ability Secuence
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

In JG you may Max W Blood Hunt, buy why? You Max W Blood Hunt because you mainly gank when the oponent health is lower to 50% (the mark of Warwick W Blood Hunt Pasive, Max it gaves you Movement Speed boost to go to enemy and kill them, also max W gave you attack speed to the "marks" enemies

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

As I say it before Max W Blood Hunt is the best Ability Secuense... right? Yes, but that works for me, you can Max Q Jaws of the Beast and still be usefull, but only depends on YOUR playstyle, if you are playing with this Q Jaws of the Beast Max I recommend you to build Divine Sunderer

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

And this is the one I recommend to you if you play this Warwick playstyle with the runes off tank that are in the upper part of this guide
JG Pathing
Now, in the JG pathing you mainly have 2 options:

1.- Start on RED or BLUE then do Gromp, Wolfs and then invade or do a fast gank and then finish with the scuttle crab. For this I recommend to you ward the enemy JG in early and then change it to Oracle lens

2.- The second one is the "risky" option depending on the matchup, this JG pathing starts on the opposite side of the enemy JG (ward his JG) and invade him (if you're fighting the buff take your E Primal Howl if he is not there take your W Blood Hunt)
How to Gank
Well, Warwick is a champ that ganks easily, but here are some tips to gank better: you have good ganks pre-6 and INCREDIBLE ganks at Lv6 due to his R Infinite Duress that IT'S A SUPPRESSION so if your team has CC the target you choose should die:

1.- When you gank ALWAYS try to surround them and with your E Primal Howl to "guide" the enemy with your fear to your ally

2.- This is "weird" because in 1.- I said that always try to surroud the enemy but there are some cases that this could be worse (ex: Katarina, Yasuo, Reneckton, ETC) so think how to gank them or if their waste their "defensive ability" (ex: Syndra E Scatter the Weak)

3.- Use the combo 3.- on the "Combos, Tricks & Tips" ... you don't want to go there, ok here it is: The "Best" combo to win a 1v1 as Warwick is mainly to hit your R Infinite Duress. To do it in 99.9% of the times is to: "Q Jaws of the Beast (HOLD IT) while you active your E Primal Howl, Recast it, and when the enemy it's FEAR is when you chain CC him with your R Infinite Duress

4.- Cancel animations to proc faster the PtA or the Conqueror (the cancel animations you can do it with your Q Jaws of the Beast and your R Infinite Duress (ONLY TO FINISH) or if you do chain CC with your teammate. YOUR E Primal Howl DOESNT RESET Auto Attack because it has a 0.5seg for you to wait to re-cast it (NOT LIKE MASTER YI W Meditate)

5.- If you cannot gank/dive, ok so invade the enemy JG if you have pressure on the lines or try to do a JG objective
Combos, Tricks & Tips
WHAT? Warwick has combos! but the enemy Warwick always kills me just by Auto Attack and I can't move because has too much CC... yeah... Warwick has many tricks and the ones I consider relevant are down here ;) (No order in particular):

1.- When you are farming, Smite earlier the JG camp. This is to have sinergy with your W Blood Hunt the faster drecreases the JG camp life, the faster you clear it

2.- I think I said it a lot of times but NO NOT DO RAPTORS AND GOLEMS WITHOUT Tiamat OR Ironspike Whip

3.- The "Best" combo to win a 1v1 as Warwick is mainly to hit your R Infinite Duress. To do it in 99.9% of the times is to: "Q Jaws of the Beast (HOLD IT) while you active your E Primal Howl, Recast it, and when the enemy it's FEAR is when you chain CC him with your R Infinite Duress

4.- You can do CC in AOE with your E Primal Howl fear, this is how you do it: cast your E Primal Howl and while you have the fear hit "the one on the middle or your target" and When you hit it with your R Infinite Duress the fear will be apply instantly (GOOD TRICK IN SKIRMISH)

5.- Watch out! With too much Movement Speed it's more dificult to hit your R Infinite Duress but you gain more ranged... So you decide to have a "balance" or Not ;)

6.- In Skirmish Your E Primal Howl you better think, because with his fear, YOU can guide your enemies to your team, how? Active your E Primal Howl Then Q Jaws of the Beast (HOLD IT) and position at the back of them, then recast your E Primal Howl and BOOM the fear will make them move to you team... if them are there ._.

7.- Your Q Jaws of the Beast (HOLD) follows all things (FLASH & TELEPORT INCUDING), but honestly to have the opportunity to do it's really rare and in a specific case... so if you do it comment it the "discussion" part

8.- Use your W Blood Hunt when you want to know if there's aa enemy near or hiden
Well, my first thanks is TO YOU, THAKNS FOR READING MY GUIDE!!! Y will try to updated when I consider important (Normaly 2-3 parch notes)

Here are some guides that help me to code this one:

Making a Guide CLICK IT ;)

BBcode Guide CLICK IT ;)

So, any comments about this guide, how to improve it, what you like and didn't, let me know in the "discussion" part. THANKS!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Danileng2208
Danileng2208 Warwick Guide
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[11.22] Warwick JG [Easy LP] [Read Notes ;)]

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