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If he has Hail of blades, he has arguably the support strongest level 1 , and he gets even more oppressive with his other abilities. Pyke usually roams alot too. You can try to abuse the time he's gone to get a kill on the nemy adc.
Really dangerous when he hooks you. He's tanky and don't underestimate his damage. His hook hitbox is also gigantic.
Also a hook champion, and one of the strongest level 1 of all supports. He can (literally) chain cc you and his Flay can guarentee a hook on you or your adc.
Very tanky and has easy to hit cc. If she comes too close ,try to dodge her R or E and stun her.
Tanky engage support. Watch out when he gets level 3. He can easily all-in and kill you if you're not careful enough. Before that thogh, he can easily be poked.
Outranges you and will outpoke you while also having tons of healing. She is vulnerable to cc though.
A lot of long cc. If you can dodge her Q, she isn't much of a problem. Her Blackshield is annoying, but managable.
He's extremely annoying to deal with beacuse he jumps around all the time. Aside from that, he is easy to kill if you land your abilities and dodge his w.
Deals a lot of damage and can speed up himself or a teammate by a significant amount. Or slow you by that amount. Watch out for his r so you don't waste your abilities.
Can one-shot you if you're not careful enough. Her damage matches yours.
Karma's mantra q deals a lot of damage. Her cc can be deadly.
Also a really annoying hook support. His passive can get him out of sticky situation. You can poke him a lot tho and if you stay behind minions he can't do anything. His hook also has a long cd.
Same champion. Let's just hope you're better. This will only happen in blindpick.
If you dodge his e, which is not that hard to do, you're fine. Without his e, he's not dangerous at all and can only peel.
Lulu's q is easy to dodge. Her polymorph can be deadly.
Bard will likely roam a lot. Try bully the nemy adc as hard as you can and denying him gold and xp.
Doesn't deal that much damage. Should be an easy match-up. Her cc is not that dangerous. Her R knockback can be a gamechanger though.
Some true damage when you hit your Sear on a burning target or just slow.
Vision is important and it can really turn around some teamfights. Some AP on top of that is always great.
More movementspeed makes it easier to roam to get vision and myabe a kill mid or with your jungler. You also get to lane faster. If you're only building damage items, you can also go for Ravenous Hunter.
You get 20% of your mana on a takedown, allowing you to stay in fights longer and you regain some mana when you deal damage to an enemy champion. This effect gets prolonged with your dot.
More damage to low health enemies. Not much else to say about it.
This is a really niche build choice and the reason i wrote this guide. It synergizes well with Ardent Censer, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Imperial Mandate and Staff of Flowing Water. When you slow or stun an enemy champion, your allies can attack them to get on-hit buffs, healing and getting some damage on the target.
Some extra protection against all-ins. Second Wind is good against poke lanes, although you should be the one poking.
Up to 250 extra max mana when you poke your enemies regulary. Once fully stacked, you'll get additional 1% missingmana every couple of seconds.
Gives you some ability haste and and restore 12% of your missing cooldowns on takedowns.
Increases your late-game scaling with extra AP (scales exponentially).
Makes you a bit faster and you can save 300 gold, which you can use fo your usual build. Alternatively, you could go Perfect Timing and then build Zhonya's Hourglass.
Lane sustain and more max mana.
Gives summoner spell and item haste. The item cd is rather useless, but the summonere spell cd is great, because it reduces your Flash cooldown by about 50 seconds.
Liandry's is your core damage item in all build. Your passive keeps reseting the timer and you can kill tanks better.
Movement speed and magic penetration.
Morellonomicon provides a decent healing debuff, which is basically necessary with all the healing in the game right now.
Provides your team with on-hit damage and AS, only if you take Font of Life or Moonstone Renewer, whilst also giving you AP.
Makes you able to slow enemies and procing .
Rabadon's increases your AP by a huge amount. But that's also the item's downside. It only offers damage, nothing else. No utility, no mana and no resistances.
Banshee's Veil is great against AP champs who have to hit an important ability like Lux or Malzahar.
Zhonya's helps you survive assassins and other physical damage.
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