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+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Obviously very strong with Nasus. MS + Healing is all Nasus needs to carry
Obviously very strong with Nasus. MS + Healing is all Nasus needs to carry
Champion Build Guide
1. Introduction |
2. Nasus Pros and Cons |
3. How to carry with Nasus |
League of Graphs
+ Very good scaling + Possible to solo carry game + Usually unkillable if enemy ADC dies + Good splitpushing + Can get ahead in lane easily if you play well + Will require more than one person to kill you in sidelane Nasus is a very easy champion with 1v9 potential. With Conqueror you can be unkillable in late game teamfights, and with Phase Rush you can stomp enemy laner with inevitable poke and be so ahead that enemy team cannot catch up in gold and exp. Nasus is easy to get into, and if you master him and his playstyle then you will be able to climb the ranks. |
- Weak early game unless you max Spirit Fire which sacrifices early stacking - Some champions destroy you early - Kited easily if not in range for Wither - Bad if you get behind - Countered by LDR and BORK - Not very useful without summoner spells Nasus has some downsides. Lanes bullies like Rengar and Darius can stop you from farming early game which will lead to you being useless until you can farm. Champs like Twitch and Kog'Maw can kite you infinitely if you are not in range for Wither. |
Silver Nasus Winrate
Later into the game you will almost always beat your lane opponent, and enemy team will need more than 1 person to kill you if you are ahead. If that happens, your team can get Dragon or Baron.
Why Lethality and Jungle Nasus?
Lethality Nasus can be very strong in teamfights. If you Siphoning Strike an enemy carry, they will die. That will give you a reset for Duskblade of Draktharr, which will make you invisible and make your next auto-attack or Siphoning Strike deal more damage. This can lead to chain kills, as seen in these examples.
Example 1
Example 2
The reason why Nasus jungle works is because you get so many stacks from Siphoning Strike on monsters than you get from minions. You can't be bullied away from getting stacks on minions. The only downsides to Nasus jungle is that your clear isn't the best, and you can get invaded early. Your clear will get much better once you have Sheen and Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
These are your core items on Nasus. You will build these items every game. Divine Sunderer is a better choice than Trinity Force because it heals more because of it's passive. It also gives more HP which will make you tankier. Trinity Force gives attack speed, which is NOT a stat you want on this champion. Gargoyle Stoneplate is very strong on Nasus because Fury of the Sands will increase your maximum HP for 15 seconds. The shield on Gargoyle Stoneplate scales on your HP, so using Fury of the Sands before you use the active will give a much bigger shield. Sterak's Gage is also very strong on Nasus. When you get low, you will get a shield, with it being bigger the more people you have recently hit. Spirit Fire has a big radius and lasts for a good amount of time, so you will almost always get a bigger lifeline shield. |
Laning phase is different if you have Phase Rush. Since you will be maxing Spirit Fire, you will not be stacking as much. The point of this playstyle is to get as much gold as possible rather than stacks. If you see enemy jungler botside, you can spam Spirit Fire on the enemy because they won't be able to dodge it. When your wave crashes onto enemy turret, you can recall to buy items or continue using Spirit Fire on them to zone them from getting minions and potentially dive them if they don' respect your Spirit Fire damage. You won't be stacking as much as Conqueror playstyle until you have items. With Spirit Fire max you can oneshot enemy caster minions to push the wave very quickly. Don't use your Spirit Fire when it isn't necessary, because has a high mana cost. If you are using it correctly, you shouldn't have mana problems because of Manaflow Band, Biscuit Delivery, and Corrupting Potion. In teamfights, it is even easier to get to enemy backline. Do not go in if you don't have Phase Rush up. If you are going into enemy backline, you want to start off with Fury of the Sands for extra HP and resistances, Wither your target, Spirit Fire, then Siphoning Strike. After that you can stick onto them and keep on using Siphoning Strike on them until they are dead and you can switch targets.
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